An apparatus to measure pulmonary blood flow and cardiac output (Q) comprising: a) a breathing circuit which, at exhalation, keeps exhaled gas separate from inhaled gas and at inhalation, when VE is greater than first gas set (FGS) flow, results in a subject inhaling FGS first and then a second gas set (SGS), for the balance of inhalation; b) a gas sensor for monitoring gas concentrations at the patient-circuit interface; c) a gas flow control means for controlling the rate of FGS flow into the breathing circuit; d) machine intelligence consisting of a computer or logic circuit capable of controlling the gas flow control means which receives the output of the gas sensor means and outputs pulmonary blood flow.
This invention discloses a method that calculates non-invasively, via the lung, the total cardiac output, pulmonary blood flow, shunt flow, anatomical and alveolar deadspace, true mixed venous O2 saturation, true mixed venous PCO2, and PaCO2. Furthermore the method can be performed in ventilated subjects, subjects breathing spontaneously, even in the presence of variations in their tidal volume and breathing frequency. Subjects need not perform any respiratory manoeuvre such as hyperventilation or breath holding to perform the test.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION1. Importance of Cardiac Output
A physician's ability to determine a patient's cardiac output ({dot over (Q)}, the volume of blood pumped by the heart each minute) is important in the assessment of critically ill patients. There are various devices and methods that provide a direct or indirect measure of {dot over (Q)} (see table 1). The most Common method used in clinical practice is thermo-dilution, established by Ganz et al (1). Commercially manufactured catheters (referred to as Swan-Ganz catheters, named after the inventors) contain multiple lumina, an embedded thermister, and a balloon at the tip. The method requires the insertion of the catheter through the skin to access a large central vein such as the internal jugular, subclavian, cephalic or femoral. When the balloon at the end of the catheter is inflated, the catheter tip is carried along with the flow of blood to the right ventricle of the heart and then into the pulmonary artery. The part of the catheter that remains outside the body has connections that can be attached to electrical sensors that determine the pressure and temperature in the pulmonary artery where the tip of the catheter is positioned. Calculation of {dot over (Q)} requires the injection of a fixed volume of cool liquid of known temperature into a lumen of the catheter that has its opening part way along its length (usually in a part of the catheter in the right atrium). The thermister at the tip of the catheter will register changes in temperature as the cool liquid, carried by the blood, passes. The extent of dilution of the cold bolus of liquid by warm blood will determine the temporal profile of the temperature change at the tip of the catheter. This is referred to as the thermodilution method of measuring cardiac output (TD{dot over (Q)}).
The popularity of TD{dot over (Q)} stems from ease of use once the catheter is in place. However, the placing and maintenance of the catheter entails considerable risk and expense. Insertion of the Swan-Ganz catheter is associated with complications that are frequently fatal such as puncture of the carotid or subclavian artery with associated internal haemorrhage or stroke, tension pneumothorax, rupture of the right ventricle, malignant arrhythmias (including fatal ventricular fibrillation), and rupture of the pulmonary artery. As a foreign body violating the skin barrier, a pulmonary artery catheter is a constant threat as a source of blood-born infection that is the greatest risk to heart valves, artificial joints, and other implants. Such infections are medical disasters leading to severe morbidity and death. Furthermore, the use of pulmonary artery catheters to measure TD{dot over (Q)} is very expensive as it requires admission to an intensive care facility where there is continuous presence of critical care nursing and medical staff. Despite these risks, it is still not the ideal method to measure {dot over (Q)} as it tends to overestimate {dot over (Q)} by as much as 10% compared to the Fick method (see below) and, for greatest accuracy, requires repeated measurements as its precision is poor. The variability of repeated single measurements is about 22% and can be reduced to 10% by repeated averages of 3 measurements (2). A single thermodilution measurement is considered to be plus or minus 33% the true value. (3)
Because of the expense and risks of keeping the catheters in place, they are removed as soon as practical, often within 24-48 hours of major heart surgery. Often they are removed while the information they provide can still be clinically useful and well before the patient is no longer at significant risk for relapse. If the patient's health deteriorates, a decision must be made about re-inserting the catheter.
An automated non-invasive method of {dot over (Q)} monitoring would be very useful in the following clinical scenarios:
a) Selected low risk patients now routinely undergoing pulmonary artery catheterization for intra- and postoperative monitoring.
- b) Patients whose {dot over (Q)} would be clinically important to know but in whom the risks and costs of insertion of a pulmonary catheter cannot be justified; this includes ward patients, outpatients or patients in the emergency department or doctor's office.
- c) Patients who are too sick to warrant the added risk of pulmonary artery catheter insertion
- d) High and moderate cardiac risk patients undergoing minor and moderate non-cardiac surgical procedures
- e) Severely ill patients with non-cardiac disease.
- f) Relatively healthy patients undergoing major stressful surgery.
- g) Situations in which {dot over (Q)} is clinically indicated but there is no access to the expertise and critical care facilities required for the use of the pulmonary artery catheters.
- h) Means of monitoring response to cardiovascular therapy such as for hypertension and heart failure.
- i) As a non-invasive diagnostic test of cardio-pulmonary status.
- j) As a means of assessing cardiovascular fitness.
Despite these many applications, non-invasive methods of {dot over (Q)} measurements have not obtained widespread clinical acceptance. The most commonly researched methods include ECG bio-impedance (Imhoff, 2000 (4)), and pulsed-wave Doppler esophageal sonography. These methods have good repeatability (5-12) and good limits of agreement with either thermodilution or Fick-based methods but only in some populations of subjects. Each method fails in certain patients groups with such pathologies as very high or low {dot over (Q)} states as occur in surgical patients, septic shock, exercise or cardiogenic shock.
2. Background Physiology and Definition of Terms
Venous blood returns to the right side of the heart from the muscles and organs with reduced oxygen (O2) and increased carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. Blood from various parts of the body is mixed in the right side of the heart and pumped to the lungs via the pulmonary artery. The blood in the pulmonary artery is known as the mixed venous blood. In the lungs the blood vessels break up into a network of small vessels that surround tiny lung sacs known as alveoli. This network of vessels surrounding the alveoli provides a large surface area for the exchange of gases by diffusion along their partial pressure gradients. After a breath of air is inhaled into the lungs, it dilutes the CO2 left in the alveoli at the end of the previous expiration, thereby establishing a pressure gradient between the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2) in the mixed venous blood (P
The volume of gas breathed per minute, or minute ventilation ({dot over (V)}E), is measured at the airway opening (nose and/mouth) and is expressed in L/min. The volume of breathed gas distributed to the alveoli (and thus contributing to gas exchange) is termed the alveolar ventilation ({dot over (V)}A) and is also expressed in L/min. The part of {dot over (V)}E that does not contribute to gas exchange is termed dead space ventilation. This is divided into the anatomical dead space that consists of the trachea and other gas-conducting tubes leading from the nose and mouth to the alveoli, and the alveolar dead space that is collectively the alveoli that are ventilated but not perfused with blood.
The {dot over (V)}E during normal breathing provides the {dot over (V)}A that is required to eliminate the CO2 brought to the lungs. {dot over (V)}E is controlled by a feedback system to keep PaCO2 at a set level of approximately 40 mmHg. Under steady state conditions, the rate at which CO2 is exhaled from the lungs ({dot over (V)}CO2) is equal to the rate that it is brought to the lungs, which in turn is equal to the metabolic CO2 production. We define steady state as the condition in which the flux of CO2 at the lungs is equal to the CO2 production and the ({dot over (V)} CO2, P
3. The Fick Equation
The approach for respiratory-based methods for measuring {dot over (Q)} non-invasively is described by the Fick equation, a mass balance of any substance across the lungs. The Fick method was originally described for O2 as a method for determining pulmonary blood flow. The Fick relation states that the O2 uptake by the lung is equal to the difference between the pulmonary artery and systemic arterial O2 contents times the {dot over (Q)}. The blood contents originally had to be obtained invasively from blood samples. The same relation holds with respect to CO2. The advantage of using CO2 as the tracer is that mixed venous and arterial blood contents of CO2 may be determined non-invasively. The Fick mass balance equation for CO2 is:
where {dot over (Q)} is the cardiac output, {dot over (V)}CO2 is the rate of elimination of CO2 at the lungs, C
However, C
However, even in this scenario, the PCO2 is not that which exists in the pulmonary artery. Blood in the pulmonary artery has a relatively low PO2. Because of the Haldane effect, the low PO2 allows the CO2 to be carried by the hemoglobin at a relatively low PCO2. When the mixed venous blood is exposed to gas in the alveoli, O2 diffuses into the blood, binds to the hemoglobin and increases the PCO2 needed for a given CO2 content on the hemoglobin (the complimentary aspect of the Haldane effect). All methods based on full or partial equilibration of alveolar gas with P
4. Rebreathing-Equilibration Method
One method of measuring P
4.1.1 Advantages of the Equilibration Method
The capnograph reading is of gas equilibrated with P
4.1.2 Limitations of the Equilibration Method
- The CO2 concentration in the bag depends on bag size, the patient's lung volume, and the P
v CO2-oxy—the last being the unknown value. Therefore, the concentration of CO2 in the bag must be individualized to the patient and thus found by trial and error. The method is therefore difficult to automate fully. - In practice, since the characteristic of a suitable endpoint (the plateau of PCO2) is subjective, identification of a suitable plateau is difficult to automate.
- The manoeuvre of rebreathing from a bag is difficult to perform in mechanically ventilated patients and is therefore not suitable for such patients.
- Inhaling 10-13% CO2 is very uncomfortable and most people cannot tolerate it. It is particularly uncomfortable to someone who is short of breath or exercising.
- The method requires an external source of CO2. This makes testing equipment bulky and awkward.
- The method requires that the subject hyperventilate in order to mix thoroughly the gas in the bag and the lungs before recirculation of blood takes place. This requirement limits the test to those subjects who can perform this manoeuvre and who can provide this degree of cooperation. This excludes patients who have severe lung disease, those who are too young, too confused or too ill to cooperate.
- The test loads a considerable volume of CO2 into the subject's lungs and at the same time prevents CO2 from leaving the blood for the duration of the test. This has negative consequences for the subject:
- Following the test, the subject must hyperventilate to eliminate the applied CO2 load as well as the volume of metabolically-produced CO2 not eliminated during the test. This may pose a considerable burden for some subjects with lung disease or exercising subjects who are already expending considerable effort to cope with their existing metabolic CO2 load.
- A period of hyperventilation following the test is required to eliminate the CO2. This may be difficult for some subjects to perform and, consequently, they may experience respiratory distress for some time until their PCO2 is decreased.
- Repeated tests must be delayed until the extra CO2 is eliminated and the baseline state re-established.
- The test itself may distress the subject and alter the {dot over (Q)}.
- The CO2 concentration in the bag depends on bag size, the patient's lung volume, and the P
5. Rebreathing-Exponential Method
In this technique, a small amount of CO2 is placed in a bag and the subject asked to rebreathe from the bag. The PETCO2s of successive breaths will rise exponentially towards P
5.1 Advantages of the Exponential Method
- 5.1.1 There is no requirement for respiratory manoeuvres by the patient.
- 5.1.2 A smaller CO2 load is placed on the subject in order to perform the test.
5.2 Limitations of the Exponential Method
- 5.2.1 This is an indirect test in which the P
v CO2-oxy is not measured directly but calculated from data generated by a test. - 5.2.2 As the metabolic production of CO2 is small compared to the size of the lung and bag, the rise of PCO2 occurs over a prolonged period. This severely limits the number of useful data points for accurate extrapolation from an exponential curve, before recirculation.
- 5.2.3 The most important limitation of this and other methods that use partial equilibration during rebreathing to extrapolate to an asymptote using a single exponential is that the assumptions underlying the method are incorrect. In fact, the method produces two different mathematical profiles: the one describing the washout of CO2 from the lung into the bag is a decreasing exponential whereas the second describing the build-up of CO2 released from the blood into the lung-bag mixture is an increasing exponential (13). Only after the gases in the lung-bag system have become well mixed do the two exponentials resolve to a single exponential. By then, very few breaths (if any) that can provide suitable data for extrapolation from a single exponential can be taken before recirculation.
- 5.2.4 A continually rising level of CO2 makes this test unpleasant in conscious patients, especially in those exercising or very ill.
- 5.2.5 The manoeuvre of rebreathing from a bag is difficult to perform in mechanically ventilated patients and is therefore not suitable for such patients.
- 5.2.6 The method requires an external source of CO2. This makes testing equipment bulky and awkward.
- 5.2.7 The test loads a volume of CO2 into the subject's lungs and at the same time prevents CO2 from leaving the blood for the duration of the test. Although the extent of the CO2 load on the subject is less than with the equilibration method, the negative consequences for the subject, outlined in the section on the equilibration method discussed above, must be considered.
- 5.2.8 Priming the rebreathing bag with some CO2 improves the predictive qualities of the asymptote since every data point lies closer to the asymptote, but the increased CO2 concentrations increase the discomfort and the limitations approach those outlined above for the equilibration method.
- 5.2.1 This is an indirect test in which the P
6.0 Calculating {dot over (Q)} without First Calculating P
Gedeon in 1980 described a method of calculating {dot over (Q)} in ventilated patients via a differential Fick method that circumvents the need to calculate P
6.1 Theoretical Basis of Gedeon/Orr Method:
The method applies to a subject being ventilated under control conditions in which CO2 elimination and PETCO2 are measured. A test manoeuvre consisting of a transient alteration in the CO2 elimination for a time less than a recirculation time is effected and the resulting “equilibrium” PETCO2 is noted. It is assumed that the {dot over (Q)} and P
where {dot over (V)}CO2′ is the CO2 flux at the lungs during the test and CaCO2′ is the corresponding ‘new’ arterial content of CO2. These two equations can be combined to yield the differential form of Fick's equation:
where Δ denotes a “difference in”. Since the PaCO2 and P
where S is the slope of the CO2 dissociation curve. Like the conventional non-invasive CO2-based Fick method, the differential Fick method relies on predicting PaCO2 through measurements of PETCO2. However, instead of requiring a calculation of P
6.2 Advantages of Gedeon/Orr Method
- 6.2.1 The main advantage is that P
v CO2 does not need to be calculated. - 6.2.2 If the deadspace method is used to alter the {dot over (V)}CO2, then no change in breathing pattern is required.
- 6.2.3 The method can, theoretically, be fully automated. (In its present commercial form, the size of the interposed deadspace must still be altered manually).
- 6.2.1 The main advantage is that P
6.3 Limitations of Gedeon/Orr Method
There are a number of limitations in applying Orr's method to spontaneously ventilating subjects.
- 6.3.1 In spontaneously breathing subjects, there is considerable breath-to-breath variation in breath size and breathing frequency resulting in a variation in PETCO2. This poses problems with respect to:
- Identification of PETCO2 and PETCO2′. Long periods of baseline measurements are needed in order to average the end tidal values and identify the PETCO2 to be used as the baseline PETCO2 in the differential Fick equation. The test phase cannot last for more than about 30 seconds (due to recirculation), typically 5 breaths. This leaves little time to determine an accurate average PETCO2′. During prolonged baseline periods of observation, the condition of the patient may change.
- Calculation of {dot over (V)}CO2. The variations in PETCO2 are related to variations in CO2 elimination but the relationship is not consistently reflected by the PETCO2. For example, assuming a subject breathing at rest with an average resting breath size, an interposed smaller breath may result in a lower PETCO2 (due to a smaller contribution of alveolar gas to the end tidal sample) but the CO2 elimination from that breath will be diminished. Conversely, a larger breath may result in the same PETCO2 as the resting breath but a greater volume of CO2 is eliminated. The commercial automated Gedeon method (NICO2, Novametrics Medical Systems, Wallingford, Conn., U.S.A.) measures the CO2 eliminated breath-by-breath and therefore must continuously average the values to measure {dot over (V)}CO2. The NICO2 method of calculating {dot over (V)}CO2 by real-time integration of continuous measurements of flow (with a pneumotachymeter) and CO2 concentration (with a capnograph) is fraught with potential for errors: a small error in the integration of these two signals with different time delays and time constants results in a much larger error in the calculation of {dot over (V)}CO2. In addition, the greater the variability of the breath size and CO2 concentrations, the longer the measurement time required for an accurate estimate of {dot over (V)}CO2.
- 6.3.2 Calculation of {dot over (V)}CO2′. Stable transient changes in {dot over (V)}CO2 cannot be achieved in conscious spontaneously ventilating patients:
- Interposing a deadspace and raising their PCO2 will stimulate spontaneously breathing conscious subjects to increase their {dot over (V)}E and {dot over (V)}CO2 until the PETCO2 is restored.
- Any change in breath size or frequency during a period of breathing, (a normal occurrence in spontaneously breathing people) changes the {dot over (V)}CO2 during that period. During inspiration, the deadspace gas is inhaled first followed by fresh gas. A decrease in a breath size or frequency diminishes the volume of fresh gas inhaled (and thus the {dot over (V)}CO2 for that breath). An increase in breath size or frequency will result in an increased volume of fresh gas delivered to the alveoli.
- Each breath is an independent event and there is no inherent method to compensate in a subsequent breath for changes in {dot over (V)}CO2 in the preceding breath. For the method to be implemented, therefore, measures must be taken to ensure that breath size and frequency stay absolutely constant during the test. The NICO2 method has no such built-in aspects. The method can therefore be used only in patients who have precisely uniform breathing pattern such as those that are paralysed and mechanically ventilated.
- 6.3.3 Identification of PETCO2—PaCO2 gradient. The Gedeon and Orr methods assume, or require the establishment of, a constant gradient between the PETCO2 and the PaCO2. The variation in PETCO2 is due to variations of distribution of fresh gas to various parts of the lung and any one breath does not reflect the overall state of CO2 exchange. On the other hand, such variations are not reflected in the PaCO2 which does reflect the overall exchange of CO2 and remains relatively constant. Therefore, variations in PETCO2 also confound the quantification of the PETCO2—PaCO2 gradient under control conditions. Although Orr provides a number of equations to correct for these limitations, these equations are empirical and do not necessarily apply to a particular patient. For example, they are applied whether or not there is irregular breathing.
- 6.3.1 In spontaneously breathing subjects, there is considerable breath-to-breath variation in breath size and breathing frequency resulting in a variation in PETCO2. This poses problems with respect to:
The PETCO2—PaCO2 gradient during the test phase when rebreathing occurs is unknown. In the presence of large alveolar deadspace (as commonly occurs in many ill patients) the PETCO2—PaCO2 gradient will change during the rebreathing phase. Orr provides some equations to correct for this but since the volume of the alveolar deadspace is unknown, the applicability of the formula to any particular patient is unknown. This further diminishes the accuracy of calculating PaCO2′.
The manoeuvres required to determine each of the terms required to calculate {dot over (Q)} ({dot over (V)}CO2, {dot over (V)}CO2′, PETCO2, PETCO2′ and PaCO2′) by the Orr/Gedeon/NICO2 method is awkward to implement and prone to errors in measurement in the presence of any variation in breath amplitude or breathing frequency as occurs in spontaneously breathing humans or animals.
- 6.3.4 The parameter calculated by the differential Fick method as practiced by Gedeon/Orr/Respironics is pulmonary blood flow ({dot over (Q)}p). Pulmonary blood flow may be less than the total cardiac output ({dot over (Q)}t) when, for example, some of the {dot over (Q)} is shunted from the right side of the circulation (superior vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery) into the left side of the circulation without passing through the lungs. This is referred to as “shunt” ({dot over (Q)}s). About 5% of venous blood bypasses the lungs (termed shunted blood) in healthy adults. Much larger shunts occur in many medical conditions such as congenital heart disease, surgical repair of some congenital heart diseases, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, asthma, pulmonary atelectasis, adult respiratory distress syndrome, obesity, pregnancy, liver disease and others. The differential Fick method does not include shunted blood in the calculation of {dot over (Q)} and other empiric corrections must be made to account for it.
7.0 Kim-Rahn Farhi Method
7.1 Theory:
A unique maneuver was proposed by Rim, Rahn and Farhi, (J. Appl. Physiol. 21:1388-44. 1966.) as a way to calculate the oxygenated mixed venous PCO2 (P
Since both O2 and CO2 are contained in the same physical volume, the changes in concentrations of each gas over a short period will reflect the rates of flux of that gas over the same period. Therefore, over a short period, the ratio of PCO2 to PO2 will reflect the respiratory quotient, RQ (defined as the rate of CO2 diffusion from the blood into the alveoli divided by the rate of O2 absorption into the blood from the alveoli). The RQ will initially be highest at the beginning of the breath when the rate of CO2 diffusion into the alveoli is maximal, and will approach 0 when the alveolar PCO2 equals P
7.2 Test Method
The method suggested for performing this test would require a subject to take a maximum breath of 100% O2 and exhale very slowly and maximally. Over the course of this exhalation, expired gas is sampled and analyzed continuously for both PO2 and PCO2. PO2 is graphed vs. PCO2 and the RQ is calculated from the instantaneous slope of tangents to the curves at various PCO2 values as follows:
These RQ values are then plotted against their respective PCO2 data points resulting in a linear relation as illustrated in
7.3 Advantages of the Method
- 7.3.1 This is the only known non-invasive method by which true P
v CO2 can be calculated. - 7.3.2 The method provides an estimate of PaCO2 not based on assuming a gradient between PETCO2 and PaCO2.
- 7.3.3 Data generated by the method can be used to calculate the O2 saturation of mixed venous blood.
- 7.3.1 This is the only known non-invasive method by which true P
7.4 Limitations of the Kim-Rahn-Farhi Breath-Hold Method
The main limitation of this method is that it requires the subject to have a large lung capacity, hold his breath, and exhale over a prolonged duration. Patients with conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome, chronic obstructive lung disease, asthma, obesity, trauma, abdominal and chest surgery, mental obtundation, confusion, pregnancy and many others have marked limitations in their ability to take a large breath. Patients are required to cooperate with their duration of breath holding and rate of exhalation. Many patients who are ill, exercising subjects, children and others are unable to perform this satisfactorily. This method is very awkward to automate or perform on ventilated patients.
8.0 Fisher Method
8.1 Theory
In a steady state, if a subject breathes in a PCO2 equal P
8.2 Test Method:
The subject breathes via a non-rebreathing valve. The inspiratory limb is provided with either fresh gas or test gas with any PCO2. To perform a test, the inspired gas is switched from control gas to test gas for about one recirculation time. The PICO2 of the test gas, the PETCO2 just before the test (when PICO2 was 0), and the PETCO2 of the last breath before recirculation are used to calculate the P
8.3 Advantages of the Prior Disclosed Previous Fisher Method:
- 8.3.1 Any low inspired concentration of CO2 such as 1% is adequate to generate a data point; therefore the subject need not get a large CO2 load.
- 8.3.2 This Fisher method extrapolates to the P
v CO2-oxy from a linear function and is therefore easier to calculate and more accurate than with the partial rebreathing test in which data points are fit to an exponential curve for extrapolation to an asymptote. - 8.3.3 The PICO2 can be any value, so accurate mixtures of gases are not required.
- 8.3.4 Assuming arterial PCO2 values (PaCO2) can be obtained from arterial blood sample, for example, the method measures total {dot over (Q)}, not just pulmonary blood flow.
- 8.3.5 The subject need not carry out any respiratory manoeuvre such as breath holding or hyperventilation.
- 8.3.6 The method does not entail any rebreathing. Therefore, O2 levels remain stable throughout the test and supplemental O2 is not needed.
8.4 Limitations of the Fisher Method
- 8.4.1 Uniform breath size cannot be guaranteed in spontaneously breathing subjects. A change of breath size or breathing frequency during the latter parts of the test phase will affect the PETCO2 and thus the calculation of P
v CO2-oxy. Furthermore, as the subjects are inhaling gas that contains CO2, they may be stimulated to take larger or more frequent breaths. - 8.4.2 The test requires an external source of CO2. This must be supplied via a tank of CO2 and a gas blender or via a tank of pre-mixed gas. If more than one test gas is required, then arrangements to blend additional gases must be made or more than one additional gas tank is required. This is inconvenient, costly, and adds complexity to the test method and additional bulk and weight to the test apparatus.
- 8.4.3 It is very complex to configure an automated system that works for both spontaneously breathing and mechanically ventilated patients.
- 8.4.4 There is no simple method to adapt currently available ventilators, anaesthetic machines or breathing circuits to provide a known and constant PICO2 for a fixed number of breaths.
- 8.4.5 The technique is difficult to adapt to anaesthetized patients breathing via a circle circuit in which both the test gas and the anaesthetic gases enter the circuit, especially in the presence of a CO2 absorber removing CO2 from the circuit.
- 8.4.1 Uniform breath size cannot be guaranteed in spontaneously breathing subjects. A change of breath size or breathing frequency during the latter parts of the test phase will affect the PETCO2 and thus the calculation of P
It is therefore a primary object of this invention to provide an improved method and apparatus for the purpose of non-invasively determining cardiac output (Q) which may be utilized in ventilated subjects, subjects who breath spontaneously or subjects who are under controlled ventilation such as those undergoing surgical procedures under general anesthesia.
It is yet a further object of this invention to provide an improved method and the apparatus related thereto for the purposes of non-invasively determining alveolar ventilation ({dot over (V)}A) and calculating minute CO2 production ({dot over (V)}CO2), oxygenated mixed venous PCO2 (P
It is yet another object of the invention to provide a method of non-invasively calculating the oxygen saturation of mixed venous blood (S
It is yet a further object of this invention to provide an improved method and the apparatus related thereto for the purposes of determining {dot over (Q)}, ({dot over (V)}A and calculating {dot over (V)}CO2, P
Further and other objects of the invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art when considering the following summary of the invention and the more detailed description of the preferred embodiments illustrated herein.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThis invention discloses a method and apparatus for calculating all of the {dot over (Q)} regardless of shunt, calculating the shunt, anatomical and alveolar deadspace, true mixed venous O2 saturation, true mixed venous PCO2, and PaCO2. Furthermore the method and apparatus can be used with ventilated subjects, subjects breathing spontaneously, even with marked variations in their tidal volume and breathing frequency, or subjects undergoing surgery under anaesthesia. Subjects need not perform any respiratory manoeuvre such as hyperventilation or breath holding.
According to one aspect of the invention there is provided an improved method and apparatus for the purposes of determining {dot over (Q)} and {dot over (V)} A and calculating {dot over (V)}CO2, P
The new method:
- 1. is insensitive to changes in minute ventilation ({dot over (V)}E), tidal volume and/or respiratory frequency so that the method can be carried out in spontaneously breathing subjects;
- 2. is simplified and less expensive to construct compared to other non-invasive automated methods of performing the differential Fick technique in that
- a. it does not necessarily require any mechanically activated valves to be actively engaged in the patient circuit
- b. does not require a pneumotachygraph to measure flows
- c. does not require manual adjustment of an interposed dead space (and thus can be totally automated);
- d. The device will be the same for all sizes of adults (one size fits all)
- 3. is compatible with a number of sequential gas delivery breathing (SGDB) circuits. A SGDB circuit provides for the sequential delivery of two gas sets to the lungs during inhalation. A gas set is composed of one or more gases and vapors. The first gas set (FGS) is provided from the beginning of inhalation and can terminate at some time during inhalation depending on the FGS flow and the {dot over (V)} E, at which time inhalation continues with the delivery of the second gas set (SGS). For the purposes of measuring {dot over (Q)} and the other physiologic parameters described herein, it is preferred that there is a distinct transition from FGS to SGS and there is no mixing of the gas sets. A small degree of mixing of FGS with SGS during the latter part of inhalation will reduce accuracy of the measured and calculated results. Mathematical corrections can be made to minimize effect of the mixing of FGS with SGS, but cannot completely negate the effects in all circumstances. Therefore, breathing circuits which separate the FGS from the SGS are preferred.
- 4. the generation and presentation of data will be substantially the same for controlled (mechanical) ventilation and rebreathing so that the algorithms to perform the tests and analyze the data can be substantially the same;
- 5. can institute an equilibrium steady state within one recirculation time so that the value for PETCO2 will be a true measured value rather than one requiring multiple corrections based on unsubstantiated assumptions;
- 6. will allow the measurement of a new steady state PETCO2 within one recirculation time and thus actualize the assumption underlying the Differential Fick approach that P
v CO2 is unchanged; - 7. Will minimize the effect of changes in tidal volume on the alveolar ventilation.
- 8. maintain the alveolar PO2 while making pulmonary blood flow measurements;
- 9. make all calculations without a requirement to measure breath-by-breath volumes of inspired and expired CO2 or any flows of tidal gases.
According to one aspect of the invention there is provided an improved apparatus and method of identifying the alveolar ventilation ({dot over (V)}A), substantially as illustrated and described herein, preferably the {dot over (V)}A so determined is utilized to calculate the {dot over (V)}CO2 as {dot over (V)}A×FETCO2, where FETCO2 is the fractional pressure of CO2 in end tidal gas.
In one embodiment of the improved apparatus and method:
- a) the Fisher approach is used to determine P
v CO2-oxy (or) - b) the Kim Rahn Farhi approach is used to determine
- i) P
v CO2-oxy - ii) true P
v CO2 - iii) PaCO2
- iv) true P
v CO2 plus the information from a pulse oximeter to determine mixed venous hemoglobin O2 saturation (or)
- i) P
- c) the differential CO2 Fick technique of Gedeon and Orr is utilized to determine any combination of
- i) P
v CO2-oxy - ii) Q
- iii) {dot over (V)}CO2
- iv) {dot over (V)}CO2′
- v) PETCO2—PaCO2 gradient determined using the PaCO2 as determined by the Kim Rahn Farhi method from data collected while reducing the VCO2 in order to perform the Differential Fick method. (or)
- i) P
- d) {dot over (Q)} is determined via the Kim Rahn Farhi method performed during partial rebreathing using a CO2 Fick method where the
- i) {dot over (V)}CO2 is calculated with or without the new method as disclosed
- ii) CaCO2 and C
v CO2 are determined from the PaCO2 and Pv CO2 respectively derived by the Kim Rahn Farhi method; (or)
- e) calculation of the respiratory quotient (RQ) is determined as PETCO2/(PIO2—PEO2); (or)
- f) PaCO2 is determined directly via analysis of arterial blood sample, arterialized venous sample, transcutaneous PCO2 electrode, or other methods known to those skilled in the art.
- wherein said apparatus or method may be utilized for very accurate non-invasive determination of {dot over (Q)} and the other indicated parameters.
- a) the Fisher approach is used to determine P
According to yet another aspect of the invention there is provided an improved method of apparatus for determining {dot over (V)}A, {dot over (V)}CO2 and calculating {dot over (Q)}, P
- i) induce a step change in {dot over (V)}CO2 by providing a step change in FGS flow to a SGDB circuit to create, with the control data at rest, two sets of data for said determination utilizing the differential Fick equations; (or)
- ii) change the partial pressure of CO2 in FGS of a SGDB circuit to create, with the control data at rest, two sets of data for said determination utilizing the Fisher or the differential Fick equations; (or)
- iii) change FGS flow or change the partial pressure of CO2 in FGS in a SGDB circuit to simulate complete or partial breath holding and utilizing the Kim-Rahn-Farhi technique, wherein the PETCO2 of each breath is equivalent to a sequential alveolar sample;
thereby providing more relevant data to calculate desired parameters.
In yet another embodiment of the invention a ventilation circuit and method is provided for using sequential delivery of gas sets in order to identify the minute volume of gas entering the anatomical dead space and the minute volume entering the alveoli and thereby available for gas exchange ({dot over (V)}A). Subsequently, setting FGS flow to substantially equal to or less than {dot over (V)}A substantially controls {dot over (V)}A. A step reduction in {dot over (V)}A can then be induced by a step reduction in FGS flow, and resultant effects on end tidal gases such as CO2 can be used in the to calculate {dot over (Q)} and other parameters as previously set out herein in the Background, disclosures and figures.
In yet another embodiment there is provided a method and apparatus of determining {dot over (Q)} and the other parameters disclosed by utilizing any SGDB circuit for example, the circuits described and illustrated herein by reducing the FGS flow to said circuit or increasing the PCO2 of FGS to said circuit, independent of the breathing rate thereby allowing for calculations to be made via Differential Fick equations, and/or Fisher method, and/or the Kim-Rahn-Farhi method.
Preferably the method or apparatus previously described wherein the CO2 content as calculated from P
In one embodiment the method or apparatus disclosed may be utilized wherein the arterial O2 hemoglobin saturation, as determined by a non-invasive pulse oximeter, which makes the measurement by shining infrared light through a finger, is utilized with the O2 saturation value in the pulmonary artery as calculated by the Kim Rahn Farhi method, to calculate the fraction of shunted blood (assuming fully oxygenated blood in the end pulmonary capillary) thereof.
Preferably said method or apparatus is utilized to determine the fraction of shunted blood {dot over (Q)}s, which in conjunction with determination of total cardiac output {dot over (Q)}T (utilizing PaCO2 as determined by the Kim Rahn Farhi method, or available from analysis or arterial blood or determined by transcutaneous PCO2 determination or otherwise known to those skilled in the art, as a term in the Fick equation) and pulmonary blood flow {dot over (Q)}p (utilizing PETCO2 in the Fick equation) may be used to determine {dot over (Q)}s the pulmonary output via the relationship.
{dot over (Q)}s={dot over (Q)}t−{dot over (Q)}p
Preferably the method or apparatus disclosed wherein the O2 saturation of haemoglobin in mixed venous blood (SaO2), as determined therewith, is utilized to reveal a condition in a patient such as septic shock, or heart failure.
Detailed Description of the Apparatus
Referring now to Figure ??, an apparatus is shown with the following components:
- 1) a breathing circuit (202), said breathing circuit preferably has the characteristic that, on exhalation, exhaled gas is kept separate from inhaled gas and on inhalation, when {dot over (V)}E is greater than the flow of a first gas set (FGS) into the circuit, the subject inhales FGS gas first and then inhales a second gas set (SGS) gas, preferably said SGS containing CO2 and where SGS may be mostly previously exhaled gas. Any SGDB circuit can be used to greater or lesser benefit, according to its characteristics. We provide below detailed descriptions of several alternate configurations and outline their particular advantages and drawbacks with respect to measuring {dot over (Q)} and related parameters outlined above.
- 2) a gas sample line (204.1) leading to a gas analyzer (204) that monitors the concentration of gases, for example CO2, O2, at the patient-circuit interface and outputs preferably an electric signal corresponding to the concentrations (204.2) (for example if the gases of interest are O2 and CO2, the “#17500 O2 and CO2 analyzer set” (Vacumed, Ventura Calif., USA))
- 3) a precise gas flow controller (200), preferably one that can control the flow of one or more pressurized gases (such as oxygen, air, CO2) singly or in combination, and that can be set manually or via an automated system such as via machine intelligence (for example, the Voltek gas flow controller by Voltek Enterprises, Toronto, Canada);
- 4) a source of FGS (201), preferably containing O2 and/or air with or without CO2;
- 5) means (205) to identify phase of breathing, for example using electronic pressure sensors with tubing to sample pressures at the patient-circuit interface (205.1) or in other locations in the circuit and generating electrical signal corresponding to the sensed pressures. Such means will provide electrical signal (205.2). Phase of breathing can also be determined from analysis of gas sensor output by machine intelligence.
- 6) a computer or machine intelligence (207) which records, stores, analyzes signals from gas analyzer (204) and pressure transducer (if present), contains a predetermined set of instructions regarding the analysis of data such as calculation of {dot over (Q)} and physiologic parameters, determination of phase of respiration, display of information on a computer screen, and control of gas flow controller (200) including the timing, sequence and flow of gas.
- 7) wherein said device may be utilized for non-invasive measurement and determination of {dot over (Q)} and other parameters such as {dot over (V)}A, {dot over (V)}CO2, P
v CO2-oxy, true Pv CO2, PaCO2, pulmonary shunt, and anatomical dead space
Referring to
During exhalation, increased pressure in the circuit closes inspiratory valve (31) and bypass valve (35). Gas is directed into the exhalation limb (39), past one-way valve (33) into the expiratory gas reservoir bag (36). Excess gas is vented via port (41) in expiratory gas reservoir bag (36). FGS enters via port (30) and fills FGS reservoir (37). During inhalation, inhalation valve (31) opens and FGS from the FGS reservoir (37) and FGS port (30) enter the inspiratory limb (32) and are delivered to the patient. If FGSF is less than {dot over (V)}E, the FGS reservoir (37) empties before the end of the breath, and continued respiratory effort results in a further reduction in pressure in the circuit. When the opening pressure of the bypass valve (35) is reached, it opens and gas from the expiratory gas reservoir (36) passes into the expiratory limb (39) and makes up the balance of the breath with SGS.
Thus when FGSF is less than {dot over (V)}E, the subject inhales FGS, then SGS, and no contamination of FGS occurs.
While the circuits of
The circuit illustrated in
We present two additional circuits that are configured by adding FGS control valve (400) together with pressure sensing means (405) and port (406), and valve control means (403), to the Fisher circuit and the circuit illustrated in
Another embodiment of each of the circuits whereby the valves can be remote from the patient without loss of sequential delivery of FGS and SGS, such as those illustrated in
- 1. A single tube is connected to the patient interface making it easier to manage sick patients
- 2. The heat contained in the expiratory limb (51) warms the FGS entering through the inspiratory limb (59).
- 3. If the inner tube is of a material that allows moisture to pass through it but not gas, such as Nation, will promote moisture exchange as well, so that FGS will become slightly moisturized and more comfortable for the patient to breathe if the SGS is moist. It should be understood that co-axial tubing may be used with any of the SGDB circuits described herein.
Referring to
During exhalation, increased pressure in the circuit closes inspiratory valve (31) and bypass valve (35). Gas is directed into the exhalation limb (51), past one-way valve (33) into the expiratory gas reservoir bag (36). Excess gas is vented via port (41) in expiratory gas reservoir bag (36). FGS enters via port (30) and fills FGS reservoir (37). During inhalation, inhalation valve (31) opens and FGS from the FGS reservoir (37) and FGS port (30) enter the inspiratory limb (59) and are delivered to the patient. If FGSF is less than {dot over (V)}E, the FGS reservoir (37) empties before the end of the breath, and continued respiratory effort results in a further reduction in pressure in the circuit. When the opening pressure of the bypass valve (35) is reached, it opens and gas from the expiratory gas reservoir (36) passes into the expiratory limb (39) and makes up the balance of the breath with SGS. The emptying of FGS reservoir bag (37) is detected by pressure sensing means (405) such as an electronic pressure transducer, known to those skilled in the art, connected to pressure sensing port (406), and FGS control valve (400) such as a balloon valve known to those skilled in the art, is closed via valve control means (403) such as access to gas pressure controlled by an electronically toggled solenoid valve known to those skilled in the art. When the FGS control valve (400) is closed, any additional FGSF entering the circuit during the balance of inspiration is directed only to the FGS reservoir bag (20) and not to the patient, who is inhaling only SGS for the balance of inspiration. FGS control valve (400) may be re-opened any time from the beginning of expiration, as sensed by the reverse of pressure by the pressure sensing means (405), to just before the next inspiration, also sensed by pressure changes in the breathing circuit. Pop-off valve (425) prevents the FGS reservoir bag (20) from overfilling when FGS exceeds {dot over (V)}E.
Thus when FGSF is less than VE, the subject inhales FGS, then SGS, and no contamination of SGS with FGS occurs.
Use of Circuits for Ventilated Patients
Any of the SGDB circuits disclosed herein as well as the Fisher circuit can be used for a patient under controlled ventilation by enclosing the FGS reservoir (20) and exhaled gas reservoir (18) within a rigid container (21) with exit ports for the inspiratory limb of the circuit (24) and expiratory limb of the circuit (25) and port for attachment to a patient interface of a ventilator (22) as illustrated in
During the exhalation phase of the ventilator, the ventilator's expiratory valve is opened and contents of the container (21) are opened to atmospheric pressure, allowing the patient to exhale into the expiratory gas reservoir (18) and the FGS to flow into the FGS reservoir bag (20). Thus, the FGS and SGS are inhaled sequentially during inhalation with controlled ventilation without mixing of FGS with SGS at any time.
The primary difference between the standard anesthetic circle circuit of the prior art (
Circuit for Calculation of Q and Related Physiologic Parameters while Modifying Second Gas Set
- 200 patient port
- 201 three-port connector
- 202 expiratory limb
- 203 expiratory valve
- 204 canister on bypass conduit that may be switched to be empty, contain CO2 absorbing crystals, zeolyte, charcoal or similar substance that filters anesthetic agents, or hopcalite for filtering carbon monoxide
- 205 bypass conduit.
- 206 one-way bypass valve with opening pressure slightly greater than that of the inspiratory valve (219)
- 207 SGS reservoir bag
- 208 port in rigid container for entrance of expiratory limb of circuit in an air-tight manner
- 209 exit port for expired gas from expired gas reservoir
- 210 a 2-way manual valve that can be turned so that the gas in the rigid box (216) is continuous with either the ventilator Y piece (211) or the manual ventilation assembly consisting of ventilating bag (212) and APL valve (213)
- 211 the ventilator Y piece
- 212 the ventilation bag
- 213 APL valve
- 214 ventilation port in rigid box (216)
- 215 FGS reservoir
- 216 rigid box
- 217 port in rigid container for entrance of inspiratory limb of circuit (220) in an air-tight manner
- 218 FGS inlet port
- 219 inspiratory valve
- 220 inspiratory limb
- 221 bypass limb proximal to canister (204)
- 400 active FGS Control valve
- 403 valve control means
- 407 bypass valve opening sensing means
Function of the Circuit as an Anesthetic Circuit:
For spontaneous ventilation, 3-way valve (210) is open between rigid container (216) and manual ventilation assembly consisting of ventilation bag (212) and APL valve (213). When the patient exhales, increased pressure in the circuit closes inspiratory valve (219) and bypass valve (206). Exhaled gas is directed into the exhalation limb (202), past one-way valve (203) into the expiratory reservoir bag (207). FGS enters via port (218) and fills the FGS reservoir (215). During inhalation, inhalation valve (219) opens and FGS from the FGS reservoir (215) and FGS port (218) enter the inspiratory limb (220) and are delivered to patient. If FGSF is less than VE, the FGS reservoir (215) empties before the end of the breath; continued respiratory effort results in a further reduction in pressure in the circuit. When the opening pressure of the bypass valve (206) is exceeded, it opens and gas from the expiratory gas reservoir (207) passes through the canister (204) into the rebreathing limb (221) and makes up the balance of the breath with SGS. The opening of bypass valve (206) is detected by valve opening sensing means (407) signals are sent to close FGS control valve (400) by activating valve control means (403). When the FGS control valve (400) is closed, any additional FGSF entering the circuit during the balance of inspiration is directed only to the FGS reservoir bag (215) and not to the patient. When valve (400) is closed patient receives only SGS for the balance of inspiration. FGS control valve (400) may be re-opened any time from the beginning of expiration to just before the next inspiration. Phase of ventilation is sensed by sensor (407).
For the purposes of functioning as an anesthetic delivery circuit, part of the FGS entering the circuit would be the anesthetic vapor, for example Desflurane, and the canister (204) would contain CO2 absorbent material. The SGS passes through the canister (204) but still contains expired O2 and anesthetic, which can both be safely rebreathed by the patient. In this respect, the circuit in
If the canister (204) is filled with hopcalite it can be used to remove carbon monoxide from the patient, since the SGS still contains expired O2 and CO2. If the canister (204) is filled with zeolite it can be used to remove volatile agents such as anesthetics from the patient.
Advantages of circuit over previous art:
- 1) It is comparable to the circle anesthesia circuit with respect to efficiency of delivery of anesthesia, and ability to conduct anesthesia with spontaneous ventilation as well as controlled ventilation.
- 2) It is often important to measure tidal volume and VE during anesthesia. With a circle circuit, a pneumotach with attached tubing and cables must be placed at the patient interface, increasing the dead-space, bulk and clutter at the head of the patient. With our circuit, the pneumotach (or a spirometer if the patient is breathing spontaneously) can be placed at port (214) and thus remote from the patient.
- 3) Sasano (Anesth Analg 2001; 93:1188-1191) taught a circuit that can be used to accelerate the elimination of anesthesia. However that circuit required additional devices such as an external source of gas (reserve gas), a demand regulator, self-inflating bag or other manual ventilating device, 3-way stopcock and additional tubing. Furthermore, Sasano did not disclose a method whereby mechanical ventilation can be used. In fact it appears that it cannot be used—patients must be ventilated by hand for that method. With the apparatus and method disclosed herein, there is no requirement for an additional external source of gas or demand regulator;
- 4) the patient can be ventilated with the ventilation bag (212) already on the circuit or the circuit ventilator, or any ventilator; no other tubing or devices are required.
- 5) Circle circuits cannot deliver FGS and then SGS sequentially. Such control is required to make physiological measurements such as cardiac output during anesthesia.
With the circuit of
It should be recognized to those skilled in the art that various embodiments of the invention disclosed in this patent application are possible without departing from the scope including, but not limited to:
- a) using multiple inspiratory and expiratory limbs in combination provided that:
- i) the inspiratory and expiratory limbs are kept separate except at a single point prior to reaching the patient where they are joined
- ii) each limb has the corresponding valves as in the arrangement above, and
- iii) the valves have the same relative pressures so as to keep the inspired gas delivery sequential as discussed above.
- b) using active valves, for example electronic, solenoid, or balloon valves, instead of passive valves, provided said valves are capable of occluding the limbs, and means is provided for triggering and controlling said active valves. The advantage of active valves is more precise control. The disadvantage is that they are more costly.
- c) replacing reservoir bags with extended tubes or other means for holding gases
- d) surrounding valves in exhalation limb and/or in the inspiratory limb of circuit with the exhaled gas reservoir causing them to be surrounded by warm exhaled air and prevent freezing and sticking of valves in cold environments.
- e) Changing the composition of FGS and SGS to change alveolar concentrations of gases other than CO2, for example O2. By analogy to CO2, with respect to O2: alveolar PO2 is determined by FGS flow and the PO2 of FGS. When PO2 of SGS is the same as the PO2 in the alveoli, inhaling SGS does not change flux of O2 in the alveoli. Therefore, those skilled in the art can arrange the partial pressure of component gases in FGS and SGS and the flows of FGS such that they can achieve any alveolar concentration of component gases independent of {dot over (V)}E, as long as {dot over (V)}E exceeds sufficiently flow of FGS.
- a) using multiple inspiratory and expiratory limbs in combination provided that:
As many changes can be made to the various embodiments of the invention without departing from the scope thereof; it is intended that all matter contained herein be interpreted as illustrative of the invention but not in a limiting sense.
To clarify the function of the automated cardiac output device, we will contrast it to a standard anaesthetic machine which has the same configuration of listed components.
1) The preferred SGDB circuits we describe differ from any anaesthetic circuit. The SGDB circuit first provides the FGS, then the SGS. This allows the circuit to compensate for changes in CO2 elimination on any particular breath. For example, during a small breath, the unused FGS remains in the FGS reservoir and is available to provide the exact additional VA for each gas in the set when a larger breath is taken or frequency of breathing increases subsequently. As a result, changes in VCO2 can be instituted independent of breathing pattern.
2) Anesthetic machines do not automatically alter the fresh gas flows. Fresh gas flows are manually controlled by the anesthesiologist.
3) Anesthetic machines do not calculate VA and cannot calculate VCO2, and Q.
4) Anesthetic machines cannot generate the data required to make the calculations for Q and its associated parameters because the circuit is inappropriate and the gas flows are not configured to be controlled by a computer.
5) The flowmeters on commonly used anesthetic machines are too imprecise and inaccurate to perform these tests and calculations. There is no need for such precision and accuracy of flow for routine clinical anesthetic care.
9.0 Method of generating data required to make calculations of {dot over (Q)} and related physiologic parameters (see
Cardiac Output can be measured in several ways according to the methods and apparatus disclosed herein. These include:
9.1 Set-Up Phase
9.1.1 Set Flow of FGS>{dot over (V)}E
9.1.2 Access default values
9.1.3 Check pressure sensor or PCO2 sensor during inhalation. If fresh gas reservoir collapsed or CO2 is detected during inhalation, increase FGS flow until the reservoir until reservoir does not collapse fully and no CO2 is detected during inhalation
9.1.4 Identify PETCO2 from the CO2 gas analyzer [00266]9.2 Find {dot over (V)}A via one of two methods:
9.2.1 Calculate {dot over (V)}A by inducing two reductions in FGS flow below {dot over (V)}A without first identifying {dot over (V)}A by following the following steps: Calculate a preliminary minimum {dot over (V)}A for the subject based on body weight, temperature, sex and other parameters known to those skilled in the art. Provide luxuriant FGS flow greater than the patient's resting {dot over (V)}E until steady state PETCO2. is reached Impose a VA by setting FGS Flow below assumed {dot over (V)}A, to {dot over (V)}Ax preferably just below the calculated preliminary {dot over (V)}A, for a time less than or equal to a recirculation time, and measure PETCO2x, the end tidal CO2 concentration during equilibrium if an equilibrium end tidal value is reached within a recirculation time, otherwise it is the equilibrium value of end tidal CO2 as extrapolated from the exponential rise in end tidal CO2 values within the recirculation time. Set FGS flow above VE until steady state PETCO2 is reached as identified by a less than a threshold change in PETCO2 over a designated time period. The actual thresholds and time periods are user defined according to the circumstances of the test and can be determined by those skilled in the art.
- Impose a {dot over (V)}A by setting FGS Flow below assumed {dot over (V)}A, to VAy where {dot over (V)}Ay is less than calculated preliminary minimum {dot over (V)}A and not equal to {dot over (V)}Ax, for a time approximately equal to a recirculation time, about 30s at rest. Measure PETCO2x, the end tidal CO2 concentration during equilibrium if an equilibrium end tidal value is reached within a recirculation time, otherwise it is the equilibrium value of end tidal CO2 as extrapolated from the exponential rise in end tidal CO2 values within the recirculation time.
- On a graph of PETCO2 vs FGS flow, plot the points (PETCO2y, {dot over (V)}Ay) and (PETCO2x, {dot over (V)}Ax). Extrapolate the line formed by connecting these two point to intersect a horizontal line at PETCO2=resting PETCO2. The FGS flow at the intersection point is determined to be {dot over (V)}A.
- 9.2.2 Progressive Reduction of FGS flow method of finding {dot over (V)}A:
- Use FGS that preferably has no CO2
- Wait for steady state as indicated by less than a threshold change in PETCO2 over a designated time period. The actual thresholds and time periods are user defined according to the circumstances of the test and can be determined by those skilled in the art.
- When in steady state, reduce FGS flow by a small fixed flow, for example 0.1 L/min, preferably at regular intervals of time or after each breath. Alternate flow reduction rates could be used, and the reduction need not be linear in time.
- When PETCO2 begins to rise above a threshold value which is approximately the mean steady state PETCO2, continue the reduction in the FGS flow for a time approximately equal to one recirculation time.
- After approximately one recirculation time, usually about 30 s, raise FGS flow above resting {dot over (V)}E. A relation of PETCO2 vs FGS flow is calculated and two lines of best fit are calculated, one for the set of steady state PETCO2 values, and one for the set of raised PETCO2 values above the mean of the steady state values. The FGS flow corresponding to the intersection of said lines corresponds to {dot over (V)}A.
FIG. 13 illustrates that progressive reduction of SGF (labelled “FGF” in the figure) results in a distinct inflection point when either PETCO2 or PETO2 is graphed as a function of SGF. We define the SGF corresponding to this inflection point as equal to {dot over (V)}A. - These two methods of finding {dot over (V)}A are physiologically equivalent and one may have some advantages over the other in particular clinical or research circumstances. The Progressive Reduction method should be contrasted with the method for calculating {dot over (V)}A taught by Preiss et al. (Canadian Patent Application 2346517). In that method, while fresh gas flow into a sequential gas delivery circuit was reduced stepwise, after each reduction, the subject was observed for several breaths looking for an exponential rise in PETCO2. The Preiss method requires continued breathing at each fresh gas flow looking for development of a new steady when fresh gas flow falls below {dot over (V)}A. This process is very time consuming and is unlikely to be tolerated by most patients. If, in the attempt to shorten the time for finding the fresh gas flow below {dot over (V)}A the fresh gas flow reduction are large, resolution of critical fresh gas flow is lost. If the steps are small, when the fresh gas flow is just barely less than {dot over (V)}A, it will be difficult to discern the small rise in PETCO2 from the normal variation in PETCO2. The progressive breath-by-breath reduction in FGS flow disclosed herein results in a rapid linear rise in PETCO2 and fall in PETO2, both of which can be used to identify the FGS flow corresponding to {dot over (V)}A as illustrated in
FIG. 13 .
9.3 Calculations with the Differential Fick Equation
There are two methods of calculating cardiac output with the Differential Fick equation. (It is understood that the general methods are disclosed without the details well known to those skilled in the art of the multiple standard corrections for temperature, moisture, barometric pressure and the like):
- 9.3.1 Find {dot over (V)}A by the Progressive Reduction of FGS flow method of finding {dot over (V)}A:
- Find {dot over (V)}A
- Set FGS Flow={dot over (V)}A and calculate {dot over (V)}CO2 using the equation {dot over (V)}CO2={dot over (V)}A×FETCO2.
- Impose a transient step change in {dot over (V)}A to {dot over (V)}A′ for a time approximately equal to a recirculation time, about 30s at rest, by changing FGS flow to a value below {dot over (V)}A. To fully automate the process, select a {dot over (V)}A′ that will be below the {dot over (V)}A. Calculate {dot over (V)}CO2′={dot over (V)}A′×FETCO2′. Where FETCO2′ is the fractional end tidal CO2 concentration during equilibrium if an equilibrium end tidal value is reached within a recirculation time, otherwise it is the equilibrium value of end tidal CO2 as extrapolated from the exponential rise in end tidal CO2 values within the recirculation time.
- Calculate {dot over (Q)} according to the differential Fick equation using {dot over (V)}CO2, {dot over (V)}CO2′, and CCO2 and CCO2′ where CCO2 and CCO2′ are the contents of CO2 of end capillary blood as calculated from PETCO2, and PETCO2′ using known relationships between PETCO2, and other characteristics related to the blood such as hemoglobin concentration, temperature oxygen partial pressure and other parameters that are accessible or can be used as default values by those skilled in the art.
- Calculate {dot over (Q)} according to the differential Fick equation using {dot over (V)}CO2 and PETCO2 data from steady state phase and step change phase and the PaCO2 from the Kim Rahn Farhi method. This allows the identification of the PETCO2—PaC02 gradient without an arterial blood sample.
- 9.3.2 Generate required data by inducing two reductions in FGS flow below {dot over (V)}A without first identifying {dot over (V)}A by following the following steps:
- Calculate a preliminary minimum {dot over (V)}A for the subject based on body weight, temperature, sex and other parameters known to those skilled in the art.
- Provide luxuriant FGS flow greater than the patient's resting {dot over (V)}E until steady state PETCO2 is reached
- Impose a {dot over (V)}A and hence a {dot over (V)}CO2 by setting FGS Flow below preliminary calculated {dot over (V)}A, to {dot over (V)}Ax preferably just below the preliminarily calculated {dot over (V)}A, for a time less than or equal to a recirculation time, and calculate {dot over (V)}CO2x using the equation {dot over (V)}CO2x={dot over (V)}Ax×FETCO2x where FETCO2 is the fractional end tidal CO2 concentration during equilibrium if an equilibrium end tidal value is reached within a recirculation time, otherwise it is the equilibrium value of end tidal CO2 as extrapolated from the exponential rise in end tidal CO2 values within the recirculation time.
- Set FGS flow above VE until steady state PETCO2 is reached as identified by a less than a threshold change in PETCO2 over a designated time period. The actual thresholds and time periods are user defined according to the circumstances of the test and can be determined by those skilled in the art.
- Impose a transient step change in {dot over (V)}A to {dot over (V)}Ay where {dot over (V)}Ay is less than calculated {dot over (V)}A and not equal to {dot over (V)}Ax, for a time approximately equal to a recirculation time, about 30 s at rest. Calculate {dot over (V)}CO2y={dot over (V)}Ay×FETCO2y. FETCO2y is the end tidal CO2 concentration during equilibrium if an equilibrium end tidal value is reached within a recirculation time, otherwise it is the equilibrium value of end tidal CO2 as extrapolated from the exponential rise in end tidal CO2 values within the recirculation time.
- Calculate {dot over (Q)} according to the differential Fick equation using {dot over (V)}CO2x, {dot over (V)}CO2y, and and CCO2x and CCO2y where CCO2x and CCO2y are the contents of CO2 of end capillary blood as calculated from PETCO2x, and PETCO2y using known relationships between PETCO2, and other characteristics related to the blood such as hemoglobin concentration, temperature oxygen partial pressure and other parameters that are accessible or can be used as default values by those skilled in the art.
- Calculate {dot over (Q)} according to the differential Fick equation using {dot over (V)}CO2 and PETCO2 data from steady state phase and step change phase and the PaCO2 from the Kim Rahn Farhi method to identify the PETCO2—PaCO2 gradient. This allows the identification of the PETCO2—PaCO2 gradient without an arterial blood sample.
- 9.3.1 Find {dot over (V)}A by the Progressive Reduction of FGS flow method of finding {dot over (V)}A:
Difference between this method and previous methods to perform the differential Fick:
- (a) With the new method, the decrease in {dot over (V)}CO2 is performed by reducing the FGF to a SGDB circuit as opposed to insertion of a deadspace at the patient-circuit interface. As a result, if the subject increases his breathing rate or breath size, there is no change in {dot over (V)}CO2 and the calculations via the differential Fick equation are not affected.
- (b) The VCO2 is known using the {dot over (V)}A (identified by one of the new or the previously disclosed method) and the PETCO2, two robust and highly reliable measures. This is unlike the need for a pneumotachymeter and the error-prone breath-by-breath analysis of {dot over (V)}CO2 required by previous art.
- (c) {dot over (V)}A is not identified with the previous differential Fick methods.
- (d) The PETCO2 to PaCO2 gradient is calculated from two independently derived values in the same subject. In the previous art, this gradient is calculated from empirical formulae derived from averaged values and do not necessarily apply to the subject.
Therefore our method provides more accurate values for {dot over (V)}CO2, {dot over (V)}, CO2′ and PaCO2 than the previous art.
9.4 Kim-Rahn-Farhi
- 9.4.1 A period of reduced FGS flow simulates complete or partial breath holding. The PETCO2 of each breath is equivalent to a sequential alveolar sample in the KRF prolonged exhalation method. The substitution of sequential PETCO2 values for sequential samples from a single exhalation is used to calculate true P
v CO2, Pv CO2-oxy, PaCO2 and hemoglobin O2 saturation in mixed venous blood Sv O2 using the Kim Rahn Farhi method. - 9.4.2 {dot over (Q)} can be calculated using the Fick approach where the P
v CO2-oxy and PaCO2 as calculated by the Kim Rahn Farhi method are used to calculate the respective CO2 contents using methods well known to those skilled in the art, and the {dot over (V)}CO2 is as calculated from {dot over (V)}A and FETCO2 as derived in the sequence of steps described above. - 9.4.3 Mixed venous O2 hemoglobin saturation are calculated as follows. {dot over (V)}O2 is calculated from {dot over (V)}O2={dot over (V)}A×(FIO2−FETO2) where FIO2 and FETO2 are the fractional concentration of inspired and end tidal O2 respectively. Using {dot over (V)}O2, {dot over (Q)} as calculated by Differential Fick or Kim Rahn Farhi or Fisher Method, end capillary O2 oxygen content (assuming end capillary blood is fully saturated with oxygen), Mixed venous O2 saturation can be calculated from the standard Fick equation.
- 9.4.4 Information regarding the arterial O2 hemoglobin saturation (SaO2) (as read from a non-invasive commonly available pulse oximeter that makes the measurement by shining an infrared light through a finger), and the S
v O2 can be used to calculate the fraction of shunted blood ({dot over (Q)}s) (assuming fully oxygenated blood in the end pulmonary capillary) by using the following equation
- 9.4.1 A period of reduced FGS flow simulates complete or partial breath holding. The PETCO2 of each breath is equivalent to a sequential alveolar sample in the KRF prolonged exhalation method. The substitution of sequential PETCO2 values for sequential samples from a single exhalation is used to calculate true P
Our method of performing the Kim Rahn Farhi is an improvement over the previous art in that
- (a) Test is performed simultaneously with a test for differential Fick in spontaneously breathing subject.
- (b) Data are pooled with the test as outlined above so calculation of CO2, is simultaneous to the other calculations. In the previous art, the {dot over (V)}CO2, calculation cannot be done during a breath hold or simulated breath hold by rebreathing.
- (c) {dot over (V)}CO2, measurement does not require a pneumotachymeter which is expensive, cumbersome and error-prone. In the previous art, {dot over (V)}CO2, required for the calculation of {dot over (Q)} required additional apparatus such as pneumatchymeter or gas collection and volume measuring apparatus.
9.5 Fisher E-I Test
- 9.5.1 Calculate {dot over (V)}A from the calibration phase, set FGS flow={dot over (V)}A.
- 9.5.2 With FGS Flow at {dot over (V)}A, the PCO2 in the FGS is changed to any value and held at that value for a time approximately equal to a recirculation time, about 30 s at rest.
- 9.5.3 P
v CO2-oxy is calculated using the PETCO2—PICO2 method described by Fisher.
Our method of the Fisher E-I test is an improvement over the previous art in that the effect of change in breath size on the equilibrium value of PETCO2 is minimized by the SGDB circuit such that a larger breath delivers physiologically neutral previously expired gas instead of additional test gas.
10.0 Method of Finding VE Using Progressive Reduction of FGS Flow:
10.1 Use FGS that preferably has no CO2
10.2 Wait for steady state as indicated by less than a threshold change in PETCO2 over a designated time period. The actual thresholds and time periods are user defined according to the circumstances of the test and can be determined by those skilled in the art.
10.3 When in steady state, reduce FGS flow by a small fixed flow, for example 0.1 L/min, preferably at regular intervals of time or after each breath. Alternate flow reduction rates could be used, and the reduction need not be linear in time.
10.4 Using a means for measuring pressure within the FGS reservoir in the breathing circuit, for example a pressure transducer, monitor when the FGS reservoir bag first collapses. {dot over (V)}E is the FGS flow rate when the reservoir bag first collapses.
11.0 Method for Measuring Anatomical Dead Space
11.1 Measure {dot over (V)}E and {dot over (V)}A using any of the methods disclosed above
11.2 Measure the respiratory rate, preferably using the apparatus for cardiac output disclosed herein.
11.3 Calculate Anatomical Dead Space {dot over (V)}DAN=({dot over (V)}E−{dot over (V)}A)/respiratory rate
As many changes can be made to the various embodiments of the invention without departing from the scope thereof; it is intended that all matter contained herein be interpreted as illustrative of the invention but not in a limiting sense.
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1-61. (canceled)
62. A method of identifying alveolar ventilation ({dot over (V)}A) in a subject, the method comprising:
- (1) using a breathing circuit configured to: i. on exhalation by the subject, keep exhaled gas substantially separate from inhaled gas, and ii. on inhalation by the subject, when minute ventilation ({dot over (V)}E) of the subject is less than a first gas set (FGS) flow, first provide FGS flow to the subject, and then provide a balance of the minute ventilation that is substantially a second gas set (SGS);
- (2) setting the FGS flow into the breathing circuit at a rate greater than the subject's minute ventilation ({dot over (V)}E);
- (3) measuring an end tidal CO2 concentration (PETCO2) in a steady state;
- (4) progressively lowering the FGS flow into the circuit, either breath by breath or continuously, until after a time equal to a recirculation time of CO2 within the subject after a rise in PETCO2 values above a threshold value is observed;
- (5) deriving {dot over (V)}A as the rate of FGS flow at a point of the intersection between two lines comprising: (a) an average PETCO2 in steady state; and (b) a line fit to the PETCO2 values after the rise in PETCO2 values begins until the recirculation time.
Type: Application
Filed: Oct 28, 2015
Publication Date: Jun 16, 2016
Inventors: Joseph Fisher (Thornhill), David Preiss (Thornhill), Takafumi Azami (Nagoya), Alex Vesely (Victoria), Eitan Prisman (Toronto), Ron Somogyi (Toronto), Steve Iscoe (Kingston)
Application Number: 14/925,725