Abstract: The programmable CMOS-based nonlinear function synthesizer is a circuit that assumes that the required nonlinear function can be approximated by the summation of hyperbolic tangent (tan h) functions with different arguments. Each term of the tan h function expansion is realized using a current-controlled current-conveyor (CCCCII), or an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA)) with a different bias current. The output weighted currents of these CCCCIIs or OTAs are algebraically added to produce the output current. The present circuit can be easily integrated, extended to include higher order terms of the tan h-function expansion and programmed to generate arbitrary hard nonlinear functions. By controlling the bias current and without changing the aspect ratios of the transistors, various tan h functions with different arguments from the same topology can be obtained.
September 17, 2014
Date of Patent:
December 30, 2014
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Muhammad Taher Abuelma'atti, Saad Radhi Alabbas
Abstract: A workload scheduler detects a long-running job when its duration exceeds a threshold value calculated by applying a multiplication factor to an estimated duration of the job. An operator inputs two extreme values of the multiplication factor, which consist of an upper level for the short-duration jobs and a lower level for the long-duration jobs. An algorithm then calculates the appropriate multiplication factor for any particular job, giving much more weight to the upper level when the estimated duration is small, but which gradually swings the levels to give more importance to the lower level when the estimated duration is long.
March 21, 2002
Date of Patent:
March 31, 2009
International Business Machines Corporation