Architectural Stock Material Patents (Class D25/102)
- Simulative (Class D25/104)
- Three or more pattern repeats about axis on side (14) (Class D25/106)
- Hollow type (Class D25/108)
- Symmetrical on two axes on one side (15) (Class D25/109)
- Unidirectional repeat pattern (Class D25/110)
- Random arrangement of pattern elements within repeat unit (16) (Class D25/111)
- With cross arm or cantilevered support (Class D25/127)
- Three or more repats, or uniform configuration, about axis (Class D25/128)
- Simulative (Class D25/130)
- With notch or tang for receiving attachment (e.g., fencing wire, etc.) (Class D25/131)
- Openwork type or with opening (Class D25/132)
- Element or attachment (Class D25/133)
- Roofing, or wall shingle (Class D25/139)
- Relief carving or medallion type (22) (Class D25/145)
- Simulative, or natural material pattern (Class D25/149)
- Perforated or openwork (24) (Class D25/152)
- Symmetrical pattern or pattern unit (25) (Class D25/157)
- Textured (e.g., pitted, cratered, drilled, etc) (Class D25/163)