By Particle Light Scattering Patents (Class 356/337)
  • Publication number: 20140204364
    Abstract: A method of preparation of a 2-D array of particles comprising: mixing the particles and a first liquid, the first liquid having the properties of being soluble in water and reducing surface tension of a water surface; adding the mixture to the water surface; and transferring the 2-D array onto a solid surface. A composition comprising: a 2-D array of particles; and a polymer substantially enveloping the 2-D array of particles.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 19, 2012
    Publication date: July 24, 2014
    Inventors: Sanford A. Asher, Alexander Tilchonov, Luling Wang, Jian-Tao Zhang
  • Patent number: 8780338
    Abstract: Disclosed herein is an optical measuring device including: a light applying section configured to apply exciting light to a sample flowing in a channel; and a scattered light detecting section configured to detect scattered light generated from the sample irradiated with the exciting light on the downstream side of the sample in the traveling direction of the exciting light; the scattered light detecting section including a scattered light separating mask for separating the scattered light into a low numerical aperture component having a numerical aperture not greater than a specific value and a high numerical aperture component having a numerical aperture greater than the specific value; a first detector for detecting the low numerical aperture component; and a second detector for detecting the high numerical aperture component.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 8, 2011
    Date of Patent: July 15, 2014
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventors: Shunpei Suzuki, Shingo Imanishi, Gakuji Hashimoto, Suguru Dowaki
  • Patent number: 8773661
    Abstract: A sheathless flow cytometry system is disclosed wherein a fluid containing particles of interest is illuminated in the sensing region with a light source. Light resulting from the interaction of the particles with the illumination is received by a lens, and focused toward a field stop having an aperture comprising relatively large end portions and a relatively small center portion. Light deflectors are disposed over the relatively large end portions of the aperture. The system is arranged such that light from particles in focus in the sensing region is focused on the relatively small center portion of the aperture. Peripheral detectors receive light from the light deflectors, and a center light detector receives light passing through the center portion. The detector signals may be used to identify which of the detector signals correspond to particles in focus as they passed through the sensing region.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 24, 2013
    Date of Patent: July 8, 2014
    Assignee: University of Washington
    Inventor: Jarred E. Swalwell
  • Publication number: 20140185036
    Abstract: A calibration apparatus includes an insertion portion into which a measurement probe is inserted and a reference reflection plate that is arranged at a position away from a distal end of the measurement probe by a predetermined distance in a state in which the measurement probe has been inserted in the insertion portion and that has uniform reflectivity of light in a range of a wavelength to be measured in an irradiation plane of an illumination light, wherein a material forming the reference reflection plate has a scattering mean free path that is greater than a spatial coherence length at the predetermined distance.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 10, 2014
    Publication date: July 3, 2014
    Inventor: Ryosuke ITO
  • Patent number: 8760649
    Abstract: A novel technique for model-based metrology. A geometry of structure to be measured on a surface of a substrate is received. A tessellation of the geometry of the structure is produced. The tessellation is used to determine a vertical discretization and a horizontal discretization so as to generate a discrete model for the geometry, and scatterometry computations are performed using the discrete model. Other embodiments, aspects and features are also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 5, 2008
    Date of Patent: June 24, 2014
    Assignee: KLA-Tencor Corporation
    Inventors: Andrei Veldman, John J. Hench
  • Patent number: 8760651
    Abstract: A smoke detector (1) includes: a light emitting section (6); a light receiving section (7); a smoke detecting section (12), the smoke detector (1) being configured to detect smoke or the like in a manner that the light receiving section (7) receives, via a light transmissive member (11), scattered light generated when light emitted from the light emitting section (6) is scattered in the smoke detecting section (12) due to particles of the smoke or the like; and a test light source (22) provided for detecting light receiving sensitivity of the light receiving section. The smoke detector (1) is further configured to detect a reduction in the light receiving sensitivity of the light receiving section (7) through detection of an increase in received light intensity of test light, which is emitted from the test light source (22) and is received by the light receiving section (7).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 11, 2012
    Date of Patent: June 24, 2014
    Assignee: Nohmi Bosai Ltd.
    Inventors: Kenichi Kato, Takashi Ito
  • Patent number: 8755044
    Abstract: The illumination power density of a multi-spot inspection system is adjusted in response to detecting a large particle in the inspection path of an array of primary illumination spots. At least one low power, secondary illumination spot is located in the inspection path of an array of relatively high power primary illumination spots. Light scattered from the secondary illumination spot is collected and imaged onto one or more detectors without overheating the particle and damaging the wafer. Various embodiments and methods are presented to distinguish light scattered from secondary illumination spots. In response to determining the presence of a large particle in the inspection path of a primary illumination spot, a command is transmitted to an illumination power density attenuator to reduce the illumination power density of the primary illumination spot to a safe level before the primary illumination spot reaches the large particle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 2012
    Date of Patent: June 17, 2014
    Assignee: KLA-Tencor Corporation
    Inventors: Juergen Reich, Charles Amsden, Jiayao Zhang, Christian Wolters
  • Patent number: 8743352
    Abstract: A method for directly illuminating a Coulter aperture so light scattering can be incorporated into the classical Coulter aperture and 3-diff blood analyzer to realize full functional hematology analyzer by providing a flow chamber which is separated into two portions by a plate having a Coulter aperture; and using a light source to directly coaxial illuminate the Coulter aperture wherein the illuminating beam propagates in the same direction as the axis of the Coulter aperture and the cell's moving direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 20, 2010
    Date of Patent: June 3, 2014
    Inventor: Weiyan Gong
  • Patent number: 8743359
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a non-invasive method for surveilling mixing and separation of a suspension in an analytical system using solid phase particles for separation of an analyte by measuring particle distribution with a camera attached to a pipetting device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 10, 2011
    Date of Patent: June 3, 2014
    Assignee: Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Geza Burghardt, Pirow Engelbrecht, Andreas Gisler, Nicholas Hastings, Rolf Schneebeli, David Roger Tegerdine
  • Publication number: 20140146316
    Abstract: An optical system includes a radiation source, a radiation-illuminating device, and a radiation-collecting device. The radiation source is configured to generate radiation. The radiation-illuminating device is optically coupled to the radiation source and configured to direct and focus the radiation obliquely with respect to an optical axis thereof onto a sample. The radiation-collecting device is configured to collect back-scattered radiation scattered from the sample and spatially separated from noise radiation. Associated apparatus and method are also described.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 28, 2012
    Publication date: May 29, 2014
    Inventor: Xiaolei Shi
  • Patent number: 8736837
    Abstract: The present disclosure relates to the field characterization of particles in a sample solution. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a flow cell and a method for characterizing particles by means of collected non-Gaussian temporal signals. The present flow cell and method rely on an excitation fiber with a channel. The excitation fiber has a core for transporting an excitation light generated by a light source, and defines a channel through a portion of its core. The channel of the excitation fiber directs a flow of the sample solution. The excitation fiber, the channel and collection fibers characteristics are selected, proportioned and positioned to generate collected light with a non-Gaussian temporal intensity profile.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 2013
    Date of Patent: May 27, 2014
    Assignee: Handyem Inc.
    Inventors: Dany Nolet, Alain Chandonnet, Michel Fortin
  • Patent number: 8730472
    Abstract: The invention is a technique for predicting future haze formation in dewaxed, petroleum-derived, lubricant base stocks and, by extension, products made from such base stocks. In general, the technique measures the changes in light scattering caused by the formation and disappearance of wax crystals in a dilute test sample of neat base stock, over the course of a temperature profile. The data obtained is then compared to a previously formulated historical correlation of measurements taken using light scattering data to haze potential. The technique focuses on haze disappearance temperature as a reference point, as opposed to total wax formation. The technique also uses a solvent to accelerate the formation of wax crystals in the test sample. The technique provides a robust early warning system that allows refineries to rapidly and accurately determine the long term haze potential of a base stock production prior to release. The technique can be performed in real time, typically in less than an hour.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 2011
    Date of Patent: May 20, 2014
    Assignee: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
    Inventors: Atul Gurunath Kanvinde, Charles Lambert Baker, John T Rizzo, Janet Lee Lane, Roland Bernard Saeger
  • Publication number: 20140131259
    Abstract: Systems and methods for determining liquid phase turbidity of multiphase wastewater. A turbidity sensor is provided with multiphase wastewater, such as by placement of the sensor in a reaction chamber, and generates a signal in response to a detected turbidity of the wastewater. The generated signal is sampled to produce a plurality of signal samples. The samples are compared to a threshold, and a turbidity of the wastewater is determined based on samples falling within the threshold. The threshold may be determined based on a statistical analysis of the plurality of samples, or may be set to a predetermined value. The wastewater may be provided by placing the turbidity sensor in a flocculation chamber, and a control signal generated based on the determined turbidity of the wastewater. This control signal may be used to adjust the amount of a chemical, such as a coagulant, introduced into the wastewater.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 8, 2013
    Publication date: May 15, 2014
    Applicant: Hercules Incorporated
    Inventor: Mikel E. Goldblatt
  • Patent number: 8724107
    Abstract: One embodiment provides an annular optical device (100), comprising: an annular meso-optic (1) including an annulus (11) centered about an axis of revolution (A); and a secondary optical structure (2) substantially coaxial within the annulus (11) of the annular meso-optic (1), wherein the secondary optical structure (2) and the annular meso-optic (1) are separated by a media (12) comprising a media refractive index that is lower than a secondary optical structure refractive index, with the secondary optical structure (2) being configured to hold a specimen to be radiated by impinging electromagnetic radiation directed into the secondary optical structure (2) substantially along the axis of revolution (A), wherein re-directed radiation from the specimen is allowed into the annular meso-optic (1) by the secondary optical structure (2) if an angle of incidence of the re-directed radiation exceeds the angle of Total Internal Reflectance. Other embodiments are descried and claimed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 12, 2013
    Date of Patent: May 13, 2014
    Assignee: Hach Company
    Inventor: Perry A. Palumbo
  • Patent number: 8715572
    Abstract: Systems and methods for the detection, analysis, and collection of rare cellular events, wherein rare cellular events are defined by events comprising less than 5% of a total number of cells in a sample. The systems and methods generally include: (1) a flow cell dimensioned so as to permit a flow of a sample through the flow cell at a flow rate greater than 300,000 cells per second; (2) a laser positioned to emit a laser beam directed to the flow cell; (3) one or more deflector components disposed between the laser and the flow cell, wherein the deflector component is configured to affect a position of the laser beam relative to the sample flow; (4) one or more fluorescence emission detectors; and (5) one or more processor configured to detect rare cellular events based on fluorescence emission from cell-binding surface markers introduced into the sample prior to the sample being flowed through the flow cell.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 16, 2012
    Date of Patent: May 6, 2014
    Assignee: Abbott Laboratories
    Inventors: Jiong Wu, Mahesh Junnarkar, Giacomo Vacca
  • Patent number: 8705036
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method and device for determining the static and/or dynamic scattering of light. In the method, a plurality of different zones within a sample vessel (6) is illuminated during various time periods, wherein light is scattered on the sample. The scattered light is detected by means of a plurality of detectors (11, 12, 13, 14), wherein during the implementation of the method each detector captures scattered light from a plurality of different zones, and during a time period each detector detects scattered light from one zone and generates a signal. Said signals are transmitted to an electronic evaluation unit and are processed by said unit, wherein in each case those signals which are generated by the same detector and result from the detection of scattered light from the same zone are processed together.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 16, 2010
    Date of Patent: April 22, 2014
    Assignee: ALV-Laser Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
    Inventor: Rainer Peters
  • Patent number: 8705031
    Abstract: A particle analyzing and/or sorting apparatus and the associated methods. One aspect of the described embodiments relates to an analyzer, or a sorter, having acquisition and sort electronics in the form of a field programmable gate array for processing detected signals. Another aspect relates to a droplet based approach of analyzing and sorting particles and may further include a dynamic element, such a dynamic drop delay. In still another broad aspect, an apparatus and method for dynamically varying other sorting parameters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 31, 2012
    Date of Patent: April 22, 2014
    Assignee: Cytonome/ST, LLC
    Inventors: Nemanya Sedoglavich, Stuart Buddy Ehrlich, Emanuel Tito Mendes Machado, Johnathan Charles Sharpe
  • Patent number: 8702942
    Abstract: In one general aspect, an electrophoretic measurement method is disclosed that includes providing a vessel that holds a dispersant, providing a first electrode immersed in the dispersant, and providing a second electrode immersed in the dispersant. A sample is placed at a location within the dispersant between the first and second electrodes with the sample being separated from the electrodes, an alternating electric field is applied across the electrodes, and the sample is illuminated with temporally coherent light. A frequency shift is detected in light from the step of illuminating that has interacted with the sample during the step of applying an alternating electric field, and a property of the sample is derived based on results of the step of detecting.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 2010
    Date of Patent: April 22, 2014
    Assignee: Malvern Instruments, Ltd.
    Inventors: Jason Cecil William Corbett, Malcolm Connah, Kevin Mattison
  • Patent number: 8699088
    Abstract: A printer with integral scanner obtains a digital signature from an article as it is printed. The integral scanner has a coherent source which directs a light beam to illuminate the article and a detector arrangement to collect data points from light scattered from many different parts of the article to collect a large number of independent data points. The digital signature derived from the data points is stored in a database with an image of what was printed on the article. The authenticity of an article purported to be the originally printed article can be verified by scanning the purported genuine article to obtain its digital signature. The database is then searched, to establish whether there is a match. If a match is found, the image is displayed with the matched digital signature to allow a further visual check that the article is genuine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 7, 2012
    Date of Patent: April 15, 2014
    Assignee: Ingenia Holdings Limited
    Inventor: Russell Paul Cowburn
  • Patent number: 8692993
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a flow cytometer (10) for in vitro assaying of human or animal whole blood and to an investigation method using the flow cytometer. Enhanced detection properties are achieved by it relative to the prior art cytometers of the same kind. Here, automated beam positioning is also solved. To these ends, collection of light scattered by the cellular components of human or animal whole blood and its transmission to suitable optical sensing elements take place by a coupling member with a particular end construction, in particular through one or more optical fiber bundles. Preparation of a blood sample for the assay, that is, mixing up said human or animal whole blood with appropriate reagents is performed by a hydro-pneumatical unit (12) of a particular design. Moreover, the actual assaying takes place in a flow cell (22) of a particular construction, which assists to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the present flow cytometer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 2009
    Date of Patent: April 8, 2014
    Assignee: Diatron MI ZRT.
    Inventors: Bálint Tibor Mendele, Attila Zsolt Tremmel, Péter Tóth-Miklós, Péter Kovács, László Lehel Laczó, Miklós Zsolt Svarcz
  • Patent number: 8687190
    Abstract: A fine particle detector includes a light emitting system letting light from a light source pass through a phase difference element and focusing the light on a sample flow through which fine particles flow. When the direction of the sample flow is an X-axis direction, the light is emitted to the sample flow in a Z-direction, and a ZX-plane is orthogonal to a Y-direction, then the phase difference element has a plurality of regions divided in the Y-axis direction and causes a phase difference between wavefronts of the light passing through the plurality of regions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 2011
    Date of Patent: April 1, 2014
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventor: Suguru Dowaki
  • Patent number: 8681330
    Abstract: Components suitable for use in an evaporative light scattering detector and other devices are disclosed. Methods of making and using components suitable for use in an evaporative light scattering detector and other devices are also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 27, 2007
    Date of Patent: March 25, 2014
    Assignee: Alltech Associates, Inc.
    Inventors: Raaidah B. Saari-Nordhaus, Washington J. Mendoza, Michael F. Wicnienski, Alexandra M. Kuch, James M. Anderson
  • Patent number: 8681334
    Abstract: A method for quantifying the soil dispersion capacity of a cleaning product or component thereof where the method comprises the following steps: a) making a solution comprising the cleaning product or component thereof; b) adding the soil to the cleaning product or component thereof solution to form a mixture; and c) measuring the light blocked by the mixture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 25, 2014
    Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company
    Inventors: Paul Lapham, Eric San Jose Robles
  • Patent number: 8681331
    Abstract: A microscopy or micro-spectroscopy system is disclosed that includes a first light source, a second light source, a modulator, an optical assembly and a processor. The first light source is for providing a first illumination field at a first optical frequency ?1 and the second light source is for providing a second illumination field at a second optical frequency ?2. The modulator is for modulating a property of the second illumination field at a modulation frequency f of at least 100 kHz to provide a modulated second illumination field. The optical assembly includes focusing optics and an optical detector system. The focusing optics is for directing and focusing the first illumination field and the modulated second illumination field through an objective lens toward the common focal volume along an excitation path.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 2012
    Date of Patent: March 25, 2014
    Assignee: President and Fellows of Harvard College
    Inventors: Sunney Xiaoliang Xie, Christian W. Freudiger, Brian G. Saar
  • Patent number: 8681332
    Abstract: There is provided a method of measuring a diffusion characteristic value (for example, a diffusion constant) of a light-emitting particle using the scanning molecule counting method using the optical measurement with a confocal microscope or a multiphoton microscope. The inventive method of measuring a diffusion characteristic value of a light-emitting particle is characterized to measure light intensity from the light detection region with moving the position of the light detection region in the sample solution by changing an optical path of the optical system to generate light intensity data and to compute a diffusion characteristic value of the light-emitting particle based on a deviation time from a moving cycle time of the light detection region in an interval of generation times of two or more signals corresponding to a same light-emitting particle on the light intensity data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 2013
    Date of Patent: March 25, 2014
    Assignee: Olympus Corporation
    Inventors: Tetsuya Tanabe, Mitsushiro Yamaguchi
  • Publication number: 20140078493
    Abstract: A fluid jet may be delivered by an outlet to dislodge particles from an object, such as a person. An image sensor may track particles dislodged from the object. The image sensor may also be configured to analyze the dislodged particles in flight. The dislodged particles may also be captured for further analysis. The image sensor may provide feedback for adjusting an impact location of the fluid jet and/or for adjusting the positioning of a particle capture mechanism. A distraction mechanism may distract the object and/or mask the sound of the fluid jet to prevent the object from realizing the fluid jet has been delivered. Additional substances and/or tags may be delivered by the outlet to the object and/or particles.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 19, 2012
    Publication date: March 20, 2014
    Applicant: ELWHA LLC
    Inventors: Daniel W. Hillis, Roderick A. Hyde, Jordin T. Kare, Muriel Y. Ishikawa, Lowell L. Wood, JR.
  • Patent number: 8675198
    Abstract: An annular optical device (100) includes an annular meso-optic (1) including an annulus (11) centered about an axis of revolution (A) and a secondary optical structure (2) substantially coaxial within the annulus (11). The secondary optical structure (2) and the annular meso-optic (1) are separated by a media (12) including a media refractive index that is lower than the refractive index of the secondary optical structure. The secondary optical structure (2) holds a specimen to be radiated by impinging electromagnetic radiation. Scattered radiation from the secondary optical structure (2) and within the annulus (11) of the annular meso-optic (1) is allowed into the annular meso-optic (1) if an angle of incidence of the scattered radiation exceeds a predetermined incidence threshold. The annular meso-optic (1) re-directs the scattered radiation to comprise re-directed radiation that is substantially parallel to the axis of revolution (A).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 18, 2014
    Assignee: Hach Company
    Inventor: Perry A. Palumbo
  • Patent number: 8675196
    Abstract: An analyzer comprises: a sample stream forming section for forming a sample stream including particles; a light source; an optical fiber bundle formed by a plurality of optical fibers, into which light from the light source enters, and which emits light onto the sample stream; and an imaging device for imaging a particle in the irradiated sample stream.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 28, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 18, 2014
    Assignee: Sysmex Corporation
    Inventor: Masatsugu Ozasa
  • Patent number: 8675195
    Abstract: A device and process for determining sizes of particles of a particle stream. A first optical measuring system with a first dot matrix sensor and a lighting device, which transilluminates the measuring volume are provided. The first dot matrix sensor and the lighting device form a transmitted-light arrangement. The computing device determines projection areas of particles within the transilluminated measuring volume from the image data of the first dot matrix sensor. The optical measuring arrangement includes a second optical measuring system with a second dot matrix sensor for detecting the diffraction pattern of the particles. The computing device determines a size distribution of the particles in the measuring volume based on the projection areas and the diffraction pattern. The computing device forms the size distribution from particle sizes determined on the basis of the projection areas and from particle sizes determined on the basis of the diffraction pattern.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 18, 2014
    Assignee: Baumer Optronic GmbH
    Inventors: Joachim Ihlefeld, Amer Tarraf
  • Patent number: 8663575
    Abstract: There is described a sample holder and associated fluid container assembly for optical analysis of a fluid sample within a translucent container of the fluid container assembly. The sample holder includes clamping members rotatably mounted to a frame for rotation, about parallel axes spaced apart from each other, between a container accepting position in which the clamping members are spaced apart from the translucent container, and an analysis position in the clamping members abut the translucent container. The clamping members each define an optical waveguide slot extending therethrough that is substantially aligned with the translucent container when the clamping members are disposed in the analysis position, to thereby provide optical access to the translucent container for optical analysis of the fluid sample therein.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2014
    Assignee: Canadian Blood Services
    Inventors: Elisabeth Maurer, Georg Maurer, Keddie Brown, Gyasi Bourne, Kenneth MacCallum, Paul Charlebois
  • Patent number: 8654330
    Abstract: The present invention is a device for measuring the intensity of the light scattered by a thin film of a colloidal medium, comprising a monochromatic light source, a convergent optical system focusing the source onto the thin film to be analyzed comprising a dioptric element with one of the faces thereof constituting a first wall defining the thin film, at least one photosensitive detector producing a signal representing light scattered or backscattered by the thin film and means for processing the signal. A second wall of the device has a plane surface at the end of a rod.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 24, 2010
    Date of Patent: February 18, 2014
    Assignees: IFP Energies Nouvelles, Cordouan Technologies
    Inventors: Didier Frot, David Jacob
  • Patent number: 8638435
    Abstract: The disclosure relates to bioassays, as well as related devices and methods for detecting targets. The targets may be molecules and/or biological products that a user is interested in analyzing to determine information such as their presence and/or concentration in a sample.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 27, 2011
    Date of Patent: January 28, 2014
    Assignee: Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc.
    Inventors: Louis H. Strong, Clark M. Edson, Senerath Palamakumbura, Daniel B. Hall, Gyula Varadi
  • Patent number: 8637803
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for measuring optical forces acting on a trapped particle. In one implementation the apparatus and method are adaptable for use in the optical train of an optical microscope that is configured to trap, with a single light beam, a particle suspended in a suspension medium between an entry cover and an exit cover of a chamber positioned on or within the microscope. The apparatus and method involves the use of a single collection lens system having a numerical aperture designed to be greater than or equal to an index of refraction index of the suspension medium intended to suspend the particle in the chamber which is placeable at or near the exit cover of the chamber of the microscope.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 14, 2010
    Date of Patent: January 28, 2014
    Inventors: Mario Montes Usategui, Arnau Farré Flaquer
  • Patent number: 8634067
    Abstract: Apparatus including a broadband illumination source and a confocal optical system. The confocal optical system is configured and arranged to receive a portion of light projected onto an object by the broadband illumination source. The apparatus can include an illumination source, a confocal optical system, and at least one detector configured and arranged to receive angularly separated light corresponding to a confocal volume. There is also provided a light scattering spectroscopic device including a broadband illumination source, a two-dimensional detector, and a spectral separation device configured and arranged to receive scattered light from an object and to direct at least a portion of the scattered light onto the two-dimensional detector. The method and apparatus can combine confocal microscopy techniques with light scattering spectroscopy techniques to create a confocal light scattering spectroscopy (CLSS) system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 11, 2005
    Date of Patent: January 21, 2014
    Assignee: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Inc.
    Inventors: Lev T. Perelman, Juan G. Alvarez, Mark D. Modell
  • Patent number: 8634075
    Abstract: The invention encompasses analyzers and analyzer systems that include a single molecule analyzer, methods of using the analyzer and analyzer systems to analyze samples, either for single molecules or for molecular complexes. The single molecule uses electromagnetic radiation that is translated through the sample to detect the presence or absence of a single molecule. The single molecule analyzer provided herein is useful for diagnostics because the analyzer detects single molecules with zero carryover between samples.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 9, 2013
    Date of Patent: January 21, 2014
    Assignee: Singulex, Inc.
    Inventor: Richard Livingston
  • Publication number: 20140016132
    Abstract: Systems and methods are described for measuring a tissue parameter such as % StO2 in a tissue sample. One such method includes receiving first and second scattered light intensity signals at unique locations on a selected region of tissue from light injected into the region of tissue from a light source to identify a measured light attenuation data value. An electronic data store can be accessed that includes simulated light attenuation data determined from a mathematical tissue model at discrete points over a range of two or more tissue parameters, where the simulated light attenuation data are a function of one or more temperature-dependent light source spectra. The tissue parameter in the tissue sample can be determined by selecting a closest match between the measured light attenuation data and the simulated light attenuation data. An electronic signal representative of the determined tissue parameter can be sent to an output register.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 25, 2012
    Publication date: January 16, 2014
    Inventor: Roger Schmitz
  • Patent number: 8625099
    Abstract: A particle concentration measuring device includes: a measurement region formation part which has a wall (10) of substantially ring-form and through an inner opening of which gas relatively flows orthogonally; a light curtain forming unit (12A, 12B) forming a planar light curtain (FL) in the inner opening: a particle detecting unit (15) receiving scattered light from particles passing through the light curtain (FL) to detect the particles; and a calculating unit (22) calculating particle concentration based on the total number of the particles detected by the particle detecting unit (15) in a volume of an airflow passing through the light curtain (FL) in a unit time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 2011
    Date of Patent: January 7, 2014
    Assignee: Shin Nippon Air Technologies Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Kazuhiko Sakamoto, Hiroshi Kawakita, Hiroyuki Okami, Yusuke Iso, Ryuta Okamoto
  • Publication number: 20130342837
    Abstract: The present disclosure relates to the field characterization of particles in a sample solution. More specifically, the present disclosure relates to a flow cell and a method for characterizing particles by means of collected non-Gaussian temporal signals. The present flow cell and method rely on an excitation fiber with a channel. The excitation fiber has a core for transporting an excitation light generated by a light source, and defines a channel through a portion of its core. The channel of the excitation fiber directs a flow of the sample solution. The excitation fiber, the channel and collection fibers characteristics are selected, proportioned and positioned to generate collected light with a non-Gaussian temporal intensity profile.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 16, 2013
    Publication date: December 26, 2013
    Applicant: Handyem inc.
    Inventors: Alain Chandonnet, Michel Fortin, Dany Nolet
  • Patent number: 8614792
    Abstract: In one general aspect, a method of measuring characteristics of particles in a liquid sample disclosed. The method includes supporting the liquid sample by surface tension and illuminating the supported liquid sample along an illumination axis with spatially coherent light so as to cause the coherent light to be scattered across a scattering zone. At least a portion of the scattered light is detected along a first predetermined scattering detection axis after it is scattered by the particles in the supported liquid sample. The illumination axis and the detection axis are oriented at an angle with respect to each other that allows substantially all of the light scattered at that angle across the scattering zone to be detected.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 4, 2010
    Date of Patent: December 24, 2013
    Assignee: Malvern Instruments, Ltd.
    Inventor: Jason Cecil William Corbett
  • Publication number: 20130329216
    Abstract: The present invention discloses a method for determining the presence of a drug or drug mixture in a liquid medium such as a beverage.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 6, 2011
    Publication date: December 12, 2013
    Inventors: Fernando Patolsky, Michael Ioffe, Eli Flaxer
  • Publication number: 20130321809
    Abstract: A solid body for adjusting, calibrating and/or function checking of a turbidity sensor, which works with electromagnetic waves, especially light, of at least a first wavelength, and wherein the solid body is transparent at least for the light of the first wavelength, characterized in that at least a first region is provided in the solid body, where at least incident light of the first wavelength is scattered. The scattered light is a measure for turbidity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 29, 2013
    Publication date: December 5, 2013
    Inventors: Andreas Muller, Matthias Grossmann, Thilo Kratschmer
  • Publication number: 20130316395
    Abstract: An optical particle detecting device includes a light source that emits light, an optical fiber that carries the emitted light, an emission-side condensing lens that condenses the light emitted from an end portion of the optical fiber, and a jet mechanism that causes an airstream including a particle to cut across the beam condensed by the emission-side condensing lens.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 24, 2013
    Publication date: November 28, 2013
    Applicant: Azbil Corporation
    Inventor: Seiichiro KINUGASA
  • Patent number: 8582094
    Abstract: Systems and methods for inspecting a specimen are provided. One system includes an illumination subsystem configured to direct light to the specimen at an oblique angle of incidence. The light is polarized in a plane that is substantially parallel to the plane of incidence. The system also includes a detection subsystem configured to detect light scattered from the specimen. The detected light is polarized in a plane that is substantially parallel to the plane of scattering. In addition, the system includes a processor configured to detect defects on the specimen using signals generated by the detection subsystem. In one embodiment, such a system may be configured to detect defects having a size that is less than half of a wavelength of the light directed to the specimen.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 20, 2005
    Date of Patent: November 12, 2013
    Assignee: KLA-Tencor Technologies Corp.
    Inventors: David Shortt, Stephen Biellak, Christian Wolters
  • Patent number: 8576400
    Abstract: Herein are disclosed optoelectronic methods and devices for detecting the presence of an analyte. Such methods and devices may comprise at least one sensing element that is responsive to the presence of an analyte of interest and that may be interrogated optically by the use of at least one light source and at least one light detector.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 2010
    Date of Patent: November 5, 2013
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: John C. Hulteen, Kiran S. Kanukurthy, Neal A. Rakow, Andrzej F. Rybacha, Richard L. Rylander, Arthur Scheffler, Zeljko Zupanc
  • Patent number: 8570512
    Abstract: Methods, storage mediums, and systems for correlating pulses generated from multiple interrogation regions in a flow cytometer to particular particles flowing through the flow cytometer are provided. Embodiments of the methods, storage mediums, and systems include configurations for calibrating a flow cytometer using a calibration particle having a unique signature to determine a time-of-flight for particles flowing through the flow cytometer. Based on the calculated time-of-flight and relative positions of interrogation regions corresponding to collectors of the flow cytometer, the methods, storage mediums, and systems may further include configurations for associating other signal pulses to particles of one or more different particle sets.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 2012
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2013
    Assignee: Luminex Corporation
    Inventor: Adam Richard Schilffarth
  • Patent number: 8570500
    Abstract: Systems and methods for regarding a cytometry system are disclosed. The system can include a plurality lasers which are spatially separated from each other. Each laser can be assigned to a single detector. The single detector can process multiple events from each laser by digital switching of signal processing circuitry. Additional detectors can be assigned to receive light in a similar manner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 20, 2010
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2013
    Assignee: Stratedigm, Inc.
    Inventors: Shervin Javadi, Arjuna Karunaratne
  • Patent number: 8571295
    Abstract: Provided are methods for determining and analyzing photometric and morphometric features of small objects, such as cells to, for example, identify different cell states. In particularly, methods are provided for identifying apoptotic cells, and for distinguishing between cells undergoing apoptosis versus necrosis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 2013
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2013
    Assignee: Amnis Corporation
    Inventors: Thaddeus C. George, David A. Basiji, Brian E. Hall, William E. Ortyn, Michael J. Seo, Philip J. Morrissey, Cathleen A. Zimmerman
  • Patent number: 8571294
    Abstract: Provided are methods for determining and analyzing photometric and morphometric features of small objects, such as cells to, for example, identify different cell states. In particularly, methods are provided for identifying apoptotic cells, and for distinguishing between cells undergoing apoptosis versus necrosis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 2011
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2013
    Assignee: Amnis Corporation
    Inventors: Thaddeus C. George, David A. Basiji, Brian E. Hall, William E. Ortyn, Michael E. Seo, Phillip J. Morrissey, Cathleen A. Zimmerman
  • Patent number: 8559006
    Abstract: A particulate detector (10) comprises a radiation source (12) arranged to emit radiation in at least first and second predetermined wavebands towards a sampling region (18) suspected of containing particulates, and a detection element (14), shielded from the radiation source (12), and arranged to detect radiation from the sampling region (18) at least first and second instances. The radiation source (12) is such that the emissions in the wavebands temporarily overlap. The detector is such that, at the instances at which the radiation is detected, the relative contributions from the emissions in each predetermined waveband are distinguishable, thereby allowing characteristics of the particulates to be determined. The radiation source (12) may comprise a light emitting diode (24).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 2009
    Date of Patent: October 15, 2013
    Assignee: Thorn Security Limited
    Inventors: Stephen John Penney, John E. A. Shaw, Paul J. Taylor, Steven Ian Bennett
  • Patent number: 8559007
    Abstract: A method of evaluating a property of a physiological fluid suspension comprises measuring a value of the property of a liquid portion of the physiological fluid suspension via light scattering, and comparing the measured value with a reference value to evaluate the property of the liquid portion of the physiological fluid suspension.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 2012
    Date of Patent: October 15, 2013
    Assignee: Aggredyne, Inc.
    Inventors: Sivaprasad Sukavaneshvar, Edward R. Teitel, Syed F. Mohammad