By Particle Light Scattering Patents (Class 356/337)
  • Publication number: 20110223586
    Abstract: A particle characterization system including a flow source to produce a stream of particles; a source of light or other energy directed at the stream of particles to cause fluorescence or scattered light to be emitted from the particles; a detector of the fluorescent or scattered light including three or more light receivers in a non-planar arrangement to detect the light emitted by the particles; and a computer which receives information from the light detector regarding light emitted by a particle in response to the source of light or other energy, the computer programmed to determine a characteristic of the particle based on the light collected from the particle.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 11, 2010
    Publication date: September 15, 2011
    Inventor: David KARABINUS
  • Patent number: 8018592
    Abstract: A compact optical system for a particle analyzer and particle analyzer using same are provided. The optical system for a particle analyzer of the present invention comprises a light source, an irradiation optical system for irradiating particles passing through a flow cell with light from the light source, a photodetector for receiving the scattered light from the particles, a light shielding member for blocking the direct light from the light source from impinging the photodetector, and a detecting lens for directing the scattered light toward the photodetector, wherein the irradiation optical system forms a first focus that focuses the light from the light source on the particle passing through the flow cell, and forms a second focus that focuses the light from the light source at a position between the detecting lens and photodetector, and disposes the light shielding member at the position of the second focus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 9, 2010
    Date of Patent: September 13, 2011
    Assignee: Sysmex Corporation
    Inventor: Seiichiro Tabata
  • Publication number: 20110216318
    Abstract: There is provided a particle number measurement method capable of accurately measuring the number of particles generated by a specific factor. When the number of particles is measured by irradiating laser beam 25 into a main exhaust line 16 via a glass window 24, receiving lights (L1 and L2) scattered from particles (P1 and P2) crossing with the laser beam 25 by a photodetector 21, and calculating the number of particles based on the received scattered light, static particles P2 are considered as contaminants attached to the glass window 24 and the number of static particles P2 is subtracted from the measured number of particles within the main exhaust line 16.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 28, 2011
    Publication date: September 8, 2011
    Inventor: Hiroshi Nagaike
  • Patent number: 8014569
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for noninvasively and quantitatively determining spatially resolved absorption and reduced scattering coefficients over a wide field-of-view of a food object, including fruit or produce, uses spatial-frequency-domain imaging (SFDI). A single modulated imaging platform is employed. It includes a broadband light source, a digital micromirror optically coupled to the light source to control a modulated light pattern directed onto the food object at a plurality of selected spatial frequencies, a multispectral camera for taking a spectral image of a reflected modulated light pattern from the food object, a spectrally variable filter optically coupled between the food object and the multispectral camera to select a discrete number of wavelengths for image capture, and a computer coupled to the digital micromirror, camera and variable filter to enable acquisition of the reflected modulated light pattern at the selected spatial frequencies.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 29, 2007
    Date of Patent: September 6, 2011
    Assignee: The Regents of the University of California
    Inventors: Anthony J. Durkin, David Cuccia, Frederic Bevilacqua, Bruce J. Tromberg
  • Patent number: 8013995
    Abstract: A method for determining size and composition of a particulate matter in a fume flow produced by a combustion process. A polarized laser light beam is projected through the fume flow and the scattered light from the fume flow is gathered in a sideward scattering direction and in at least one forward scattering direction. For each of these scattering directions, the gathered light is separated into two polarized light components on the planes parallel and orthogonal to the scattering direction, the light intensity of each of the polarized light components is measured and a scattered light polarization ratio is calculated as a function of the measured light intensities of the polarized light components. The size of the particulate matter and the unburnt carbon percentage in the particulate matter are determined as a function of the calculated scattered light polarization ratios.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 30, 2010
    Date of Patent: September 6, 2011
    Assignee: General Impianti S.r.l.
    Inventors: Patrizio Massoli, Raffaela Calabria, Roberto Morlacchi, Rosario Quirino Iannone
  • Patent number: 8008089
    Abstract: A system for checking measurement results is provided with a urine qualitative analyzer for measuring the specific gravity of a urine, urinary particle analyzer for measuring urine conductivity, and a computer. The urine specific gravity measured by the urine qualitative analyzer, and the urine conductivity measured by the urinary particle analyzer are respectively transmitted to the computer. The correlative relationship between urine specific gravity and urine conductivity is stored in the memory of the computer, and the computer determines whether or not the received urine specific gravity and conductivity match the correlative relationship, and this determination result is output.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2011
    Assignee: Sysmex Corporation
    Inventors: Masakazu Fukuda, Yutaka Ikeda, Hiromi Onomichi
  • Publication number: 20110204256
    Abstract: A cross sectional imaging system performs high-resolution, high-speed partial imaging of cells. Such a system may provide much of the information available from full imaging cytometry, but can be performed much more quickly, in part because the data analysis is greatly reduced in comparison with full image cytometry. The system includes a light source and a lens that focuses light from the light source onto a small spot in a scanning location. A transport mechanism causes relative motion between a cell in the scanning location and the spot. A sensor generates a signal indicating the intensity of light emanating from the cell as a result of illumination by the light source. The system repeatedly takes readings of the light intensity signal and characterizes the light intensity along a substantially linear path across the cell.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 19, 2010
    Publication date: August 25, 2011
    Applicant: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Paul Patt
  • Patent number: 7999926
    Abstract: A method and device for determining anemometric parameters of an aircraft. The device (1) comprises four laser anemometers (A1, A2, A3, A4) that are mounted in pairs (CA, CB) symmetrically on the aircraft and means (4, 5) for determining the angle of sideslip and the angle of incidence of the aircraft, using measurements taken by these laser anemometers (A1, A2, A3, A4).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 20, 2009
    Date of Patent: August 16, 2011
    Assignee: Airbus Operations (SAS)
    Inventors: Jean-Damien Perrie, Guillaume Preaux
  • Patent number: 8000001
    Abstract: The invention comprises a polymeric microarray support (1) for an optical assay arrangement (2) comprising optical means (3, 4, 6) for detection of light emitted from the support. The microarray support is provided with microfeatures comprising a surface enlarging pattern (5), i.e. grooves having a selected depth (8). The depth is selected such that the sum of the depth and of the variations in the thickness (7) of the support substantially corresponds to the depth of focus of the optical means.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 16, 2011
    Assignee: Amic AB
    Inventors: Tomas Lindström, Ove Öhman
  • Publication number: 20110181880
    Abstract: Components suitable for use in an evaporative light scattering detector and other devices are disclosed. Methods of making and using components suitable for use in an evaporative light scattering detector and other devices are also disclosed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 27, 2007
    Publication date: July 28, 2011
    Inventors: Raaidah B. Saari-Nordhaus, Washington Mendoza, Michael Wicnienski, Alexandra Kuch, James Anderson
  • Patent number: 7982869
    Abstract: Apparatus for performing Raman analysis may include a laser source module, a beam delivery and signal collection module, a spectrum analysis module, and a digital signal processing module. The laser source module delivers a laser beam to the beam delivery and signal collection module. The beam delivery and signal collection module delivers the laser source beam to a sample, collects Raman scattered light scattered from the sample, and delivers the collected Raman scattered light to the spectrum analysis module. The spectrum analysis module demultiplexes the Raman scattered light into discrete Raman bands of interest, detects the presence of signal energy in each of the Raman bands, and produces a digital signal that is representative of the signal energy present in each of the Raman bands. The digital signal processing module is adapted to perform a Raman analysis of the sample.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 24, 2007
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2011
    Assignee: PD-LD Inc.
    Inventors: Vladimir Sinisa Ban, Boris Leonidovich Volodin, Neal R. Stoker
  • Patent number: 7982862
    Abstract: The invention is a line of sight wind detection system that has a laser with an output that is directed at a target. The system also has a receiver with a Hartmann aperture array receiving a reflected beam impinging on the Hartmann aperture array. A multiple pixel sensor senses a number of spots of light from the Hartmann aperture array. An analyzer receives an output from the multiple pixel sensor and determines an effective wind speed along a line of sight using a position of the spots. The system takes advantage of the fact that the wind along the line of sight will result in a shift in the angle of the wave front of the reflected beam. This shift in the angle of the wave front contains all the information of the cumulative effect on a projectile fired at the target.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 26, 2008
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2011
    Inventors: Brandon Hite, John Taylor
  • Patent number: 7982875
    Abstract: A sample cell for making light scattering measurements, incorporating an exterior surface acting as both a lateral and vertical lens, is described. This unique structure permits greatly improved measurement of the light scattered by molecules and particles suspended in a fluid contained therein or flowing therethrough while illuminated by a fine light beam incident thereon. The resultant lensed structure of the cell, when integrated into a scattered light photometer and combined with suitable apertures before each scattered light collecting detector, reduces significantly stray light from entering each such detector.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 15, 2009
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2011
    Assignee: Wyatt Technology Corporation
    Inventor: Steven P. Trainoff
  • Publication number: 20110157586
    Abstract: In one general aspect, a multi-sample liquid scattering measurement apparatus is disclosed. It includes a coherent light source having an optical output axis, with sample cells that each include a volume that intersects with the optical output axis. Detectors are each positioned to detect scattered light resulting from an interaction between light from the coherent light source and one of the cells. Light scattering analysis logic is responsive to the detectors and operative to determine a property of a liquid sample in each of the sample cells based on the detected scattered light.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 17, 2010
    Publication date: June 30, 2011
    Inventor: Fraser McNeil-Watson
  • Publication number: 20110159476
    Abstract: The invention provides methods and apparatus for characterizing complex polymeric mixture of interest. Candidate solutions are eliminated from a solution space using one or more experimental measurements of a polymeric mixture of interest. The elimination step can be repeated one or more times using different experimental measurements produced by various chemical and physical protocols, so that the remaining candidate solutions converge to describe the actual polymeric mixture under investigation. Once the composition of the complex polymeric mixture has been characterized, the information thus generated can be used to facilitate, for example, the manufacture of a bio-equivalent of the complex polymeric mixture.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 3, 2010
    Publication date: June 30, 2011
  • Patent number: 7969560
    Abstract: An apparatus that can measure both haze and clarity on a web moving at conventional manufacturing speeds. The apparatus uses an integrating sphere and a novel mirror arrangement. With this arrangement, the invention can utilize a calibration curve created using known samples over the range of measurement desired to convert in real time, and the response of two photo detectors that measure the wide and low angle scattering signals, to deduce the desired optical property values. This approach significantly increases the speed and response of sensor and enables either on-line single point or full web scanning for uniformity measurement and control.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 1, 2008
    Date of Patent: June 28, 2011
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: Gregory D. Kostuch, David L. Hofeldt
  • Publication number: 20110141454
    Abstract: A system and method for sampling constituents in air including counting particles in the air to be sampled; collecting samples of accumulated particles; measuring UV response of a sample of accumulated particles only if the particle count exceeds a predetermined threshold; measuring IR response of that sample; and indicating a threat alarm if the IR response matches that of a target within a predetermined threshold.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 22, 2009
    Publication date: June 16, 2011
    Inventors: Patrick F. Henning, Aniruddha S. Weling, Suneet Chadha, Jay D. Eversole
  • Publication number: 20110134426
    Abstract: A flow cytometer includes a capillary having a sample channel; at least one vibration producing transducer coupled to the capillary, the at least one vibration producing transducer being configured to produce an acoustic signal inducing acoustic radiation pressure within the sample channel to acoustically concentrate particles flowing within a fluid sample stream in the sample channel; and an interrogation source having a violet laser and a blue laser, the violet and blue lasers being configured to interact with at least some of the acoustically concentrated particles to produce an output signal.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 29, 2010
    Publication date: June 9, 2011
    Inventors: Gregory Kaduchak, Michael Dennis Ward, Jolene Ann Bradford, Andrew Thomas George Parker
  • Patent number: 7956998
    Abstract: A method for polarmetric analysis of scattering media. A first step involves directing stimulus from a linearly polarized stimulus source at a sample. A second step involves directing the stimulus coming from the sample through a collimating system into a polarization segregation unit which causes the stimulus to be segregated into a linearly polarized unscattered component and a depolarized scattered component. A third step involves quantification of scattering processes through computationally comparing the unscattered component and the scattered component.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 2008
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2011
    Inventor: James Plant
  • Publication number: 20110102792
    Abstract: An analyzer comprises: a sample stream forming section for forming a sample stream including particles; a light source; an optical fiber bundle formed by a plurality of optical fibers, into which light from the light source enters, and which emits light onto the sample stream; and an imaging device for imaging a particle in the irradiated sample stream.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 28, 2010
    Publication date: May 5, 2011
    Inventor: Masatsugu Ozasa
  • Patent number: 7936457
    Abstract: A chromatographic system that includes a light source and an imaging and analysis system for detecting particle size and analyzing other characteristics of particles in the effluent of a filtration column while filtration is ongoing. The effluent is directed into a guiding tube having a flow axis. Coherent light from the light source is shone into the guiding tube along the flow axis, thereby illuminating particles in the effluent within the guiding tube. An imaging device is used to capture images of the portion of the light scattered by the particles. The image signals are analyzed and used to provide information regarding particle size and other characteristics of the particles in the effluent scattering the light.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 3, 2008
    Date of Patent: May 3, 2011
    Assignee: The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College
    Inventor: Jie Yang
  • Publication number: 20110090500
    Abstract: A flow cytometer assembly includes a fluid controller configured to form a hydrodynamically focused flow stream including an outer sheath fluid and an inner core fluid. A coherent light source is configured to illuminate a particle in the inner core fluid. A detector is configured to detect a spatially coherent distribution of elastically scattered light from the particle excited by the coherent light source. An analyzing module configured to extract a three-dimensional morphology parameter of the particle from a spatially coherent distribution of the elastically scattered light.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 11, 2009
    Publication date: April 21, 2011
    Inventors: Xin-Hua Hu, Kenneth M. Jacobs, Jun O. Lu
  • Patent number: 7929136
    Abstract: An object of the present invention is to provide a mist measuring apparatus in which visual confirmation performance is enhanced, and high-accuracy detection is enabled. In the mist measuring apparatus including a housing, and a light source that is provided in this housing and emits light to a misty cutting fluid, the housing is provided around an ejection part of the misty cutting fluid, the light emitted from the light source is a visible ray, and the housing is provided with an observation part for observing scattered light from the misty cutting fluid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2007
    Date of Patent: April 19, 2011
    Assignee: Horkos Corporation
    Inventors: Tadashi Makiyama, Takuya Kawamoto, Yasuo Yamane, Katsuhiko Sekiya
  • Patent number: 7916294
    Abstract: A system for determining a solubility of a substance comprises a holder to hold a sample comprising an amount of the substance and an amount of the solvent system. The system further comprises a temperature conditioner to alter a temperature of the sample, an optical measurement device to measure an optical parameter of the sample and a control device to control at least the temperature conditioner and the optical measurement device. The control device may be programmed to alter the temperature of the sample by the temperature conditioner, measure the optical parameter of the sample by the optical measurement device, and determine the solubility of the substance from a change of the optical parameter of the sample as a function of the temperature.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 21, 2006
    Date of Patent: March 29, 2011
    Assignee: Avantium International B.V.
    Inventors: Emilio René Bodenstaff, Danny Dirk Pieter Willem Stam, Benjamin McKay, Mimoun Lamkadmi
  • Patent number: 7911594
    Abstract: Chromatographic separations are often characterized by multiple detectors through which the sample flows serially. As the sample flows between detectors, it becomes progressively diluted due to mixing and diffusion. This phenomenon is traditionally called interdetector “band broadening” and often results in significant distortion of the sample's derived physical properties such as molar mass. This method to characterize the broadening present in a chromatographic system, and an algorithm whereby the narrow peaks of the upstream detector are numerically broadened so they can be compared to the broadened peaks of the downstream detector, is described. Although the technique results in some loss of resolution, its stability and generality allow it a broad range of application. Examples are presented for data collected by dRI, MALS, UV, and viscometric detectors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 18, 2008
    Date of Patent: March 22, 2011
    Assignee: Wyatt Technology Corporation
    Inventor: Steven P. Trainoff
  • Patent number: 7911610
    Abstract: The present invention relates to an optical measuring device which includes container for storing a sample, and an electrode pair for generating an electric field distribution upon impression of a voltage by an electrical power supply, thereby generating or extinguishing diffraction grating formed by a density modulation of particles within the sample. The particles within the sample are evaluated based upon a temporal change of an intensity of a diffracted light beam obtained by irradiating a light beam upon the diffraction grating formed by the density modulation of the particles. The electrodes constituting the electrode pair are configured to have a comb-like electrode teeth that are parallel with each other and are arranged such that the electrode teeth of one electrode are inserted between the electrode teeth of the other electrode. From such configuration, an optical measuring device of a high sensitivity and excellent S/N ratio can be obtained.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 2006
    Date of Patent: March 22, 2011
    Assignee: Shimadzu Corporation
    Inventors: Naoji Moriya, Yuzo Nagumo, Yukihisa Wada, Naofumi Sakauchi, Fujio Inoue, Masahiro Takebe, Kenji Takubo, Shinichiro Totoki
  • Patent number: 7906450
    Abstract: The invention provides an electrode comprising an electrically conductive material having a surface capable of producing surface enhanced Raman scattering of incident light from a complex adsorbed at the surface of the electrode, the complex including the electrically conductive material combined with a second material that is substantially reducible and not substantially oxidizable. The surface of the electrode can be microroughened. The invention also includes a method for making various embodiments of the electrode, and a method of generating electricity using the electrode. In accordance with a further aspect of the invention, a fuel cell is provided including the electrode of the invention.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 15, 2011
    Assignee: Fordham University
    Inventor: John J. McMahon
  • Publication number: 20110058157
    Abstract: A method of helping particle detection and a method of particle detection include an adsorption/infiltration step where an organic gas is brought into contact with organic particles to cause an organic gas component to be adsorbed and infiltrate to the organic particles; a foaming step where a heated gas is brought into contact with the organic particles contacted with the organic gas to foam/expand the organic particles; and an organic-particle detection step where the foamed/expanded organic particles are irradiated with light and light scattered by the organic particles is received to detect the organic particles. Further, the methods include an oxidation step where inorganic particles and the organic particles are oxidized to decompose the organic particles and expand the inorganic particles; and an inorganic particle detection step where the expanded inorganic particles are irradiated with light and light scattered by the inorganic particles is received to detect the inorganic particles.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 20, 2009
    Publication date: March 10, 2011
    Applicant: Tokyo Electron Limited
    Inventors: Shigeru Kawamura, Teruyuki Hayashl
  • Patent number: 7903240
    Abstract: An optical sensing system and method are disclosed. The optical sensing system includes one or more bus waveguides. A first bus waveguide includes an input port that is in optical communication with a light source. The system further includes a microresonator optically coupled to the bus waveguides and an optical scattering center configured for alteration of a strength of optical coupling between the optical scattering center and the microresonator. In addition, the system includes a detector in optical communication one of the bus waveguides or the microresonator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 1, 2006
    Date of Patent: March 8, 2011
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: Terry L. Smith, Yasha Yi, Barry J. Koch
  • Patent number: 7894059
    Abstract: The present invention provides a particle measuring system which is provided in a processing system 40 which generates an atmosphere obtained by exhausting air or a gas in a processing chamber 48 by a vacuum pump 98 and applies a process concerning semiconductor manufacture to a wafer W in the atmosphere, attached to an exhaust pipe 90 which connects an exhaust opening 86 of the processing chamber 48 with the vacuum pump 98, and measures the number of the particles in the exhaust gas, and a measuring method thereof, the system and method providing a processing system and a cleaning method which terminate etching process by determining an end point based on the number of the particles in the exhaust gas and perform cleaning of unnecessary films.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 2007
    Date of Patent: February 22, 2011
    Assignee: Tokyo Electron Limited
    Inventors: Hayashi Otsuki, Tsukasa Matsuda, Kyoko Ikeda
  • Patent number: 7894060
    Abstract: A modular dust measuring device (10) is set forth for the determination of a foreign body concentration in a gas having at least one optical sensor head (14) which has a light transmitter (16) and a light receiver (22) and having a central unit (12) which has an evaluation unit (30) and a scavenging air unit (32), wherein the evaluation unit (32) is made to determine the foreign body concentration with the help of a scattered light intensity or transmitted light intensity recorded by the light receiver (22) and the scavenging air unit (32) can supply the sensor head (14) with scavenging air to avoid or eliminate impurities or deposits.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 7, 2009
    Date of Patent: February 22, 2011
    Assignee: Sick Engineering GmbH
    Inventor: Uwe Melcher
  • Patent number: 7889328
    Abstract: Systems and methods are provided for detecting turbulent air located between a light source and an observer based upon the scintillation of light produced by the light source. An optical sensor associated with the observer is configured to receive the light and to produce an indication of the light. A processor is configured to quantify scintillation in the light and to identify turbulent air between the light source and the optical sensor based upon the scintillation. A feedback device provides a notification when turbulent air is identified. Light sources and optical sensors may be located on airborne platforms or on the ground, and information may be transferred between multiple observers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 30, 2007
    Date of Patent: February 15, 2011
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventor: Brian Tillotson
  • Publication number: 20110026024
    Abstract: Disclosed is an innovative method for detecting metal ions based on selective plasmonic resonance energy transfer between metal-ligand complexes and a single nanoplasmonic particle as a probe. The selective plasmonic resonance energy transfer occurs if a resonance frequency matching condition between the single nanoplasmonic particle and the metal-ligand complexes is satisfied.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 30, 2009
    Publication date: February 3, 2011
    Applicants: Industry-University Cooperation Foundation Sogang University, University of California, Berkeley
    Inventors: Taewook Kang, Luke P. Lee, Yeonho Choi, Younggeun Park
  • Patent number: 7880879
    Abstract: An optical measuring device is provided. The optical measuring device irradiates a sample flowing in a channel with light, and detecting light emitted from the sample, wherein the light is applied while scanned at least from one side wall to another side wall of the channel in a direction of width of the channel, and scattered light at a preset threshold value or higher is detected as scattered light from edge parts in the direction of width of the channel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 7, 2009
    Date of Patent: February 1, 2011
    Assignee: Sony Corporation
    Inventors: Motohiro Furuki, Shingo Imanishi, Masataka Shinoda
  • Publication number: 20110021370
    Abstract: The present invention relates to the identification of novel oral cancer and periodontal disease biomarkers. Further, the present invention provides novel methods of diagnosing and for providing a prognosis for oral cancer and periodontal disease. The present invention additionally provides novel methods of distinguishing between oral cancer and periodontal disease. Finally, kits are provided that find use in the practice of the methods of the invention.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 27, 2008
    Publication date: January 27, 2011
    Applicant: The Regents of the University of California
    Inventors: Shen Hu, David T.W. Wong
  • Publication number: 20110001969
    Abstract: There is provided a dynamic light-scattering measuring apparatus including: a Mach-Zehnder interferometer; and a low-coherence light source. Further, there is provided a method for measuring light-scattering intensity of particles in a medium, including the steps of: providing a Mach-Zehnder interferometer; and measuring light-scattering intensity from light emitted from a low-coherence light source, in accordance with a dynamic light-scattering intensity measuring process.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 1, 2010
    Publication date: January 6, 2011
    Applicant: FUJIFILM Corporation
    Inventors: Katsuhiro ISHII, Sohichiro NAKAMURA, Yuki SATO
  • Publication number: 20100328662
    Abstract: A method for increasing the throughput, or the precision, or both the precision and the throughput, of a flow cytometer, or of a hematology analyzer employing a flow cytometer, by utilizing the technique of laser rastering. Laser rastering involves sweeping a laser beam across a flowing sample stream in a hematology analyzer. An apparatus suitable for carrying out the method of this invention comprises an optical module comprising a source of light, a scanning device, a lens or system of lenses, a flow cell, detectors, and filters; and an electronic module comprising preamplifiers, analog signal conditioning elements, analog-to-digital converters, field-programmable gate arrays, digital signal processing elements, and data storage elements.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 13, 2010
    Publication date: December 30, 2010
    Inventors: Giacomo Vacca, Norman R. Goldblatt, Michael W. Yee
  • Publication number: 20100315638
    Abstract: According to example configurations herein, a fluid sample flow including particulate matter passes through a conduit. One or more optical sensors monitor optical energy scattering off of the particulate matter in the fluid sample flow as it passes through the conduit. A magnitude of the optical energy sensed by the one or more optical sensors varies depending on particulate matter present in the fluid sample flow. An analyzer monitors the magnitude of the optical energy sensed by the one or more optical sensors and detects changes in the optical energy. A change in the optical energy can indicate a change in the particulate matter present in the fluid sample flow. In response to detecting the change in the optical energy, the analyzer initiates one or more functions such as recalibration, purging, execution of diagnostics, etc.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 10, 2010
    Publication date: December 16, 2010
    Inventors: Kevin J. Goohs, Pedro Lilienfeld, Dieter Kita, John G. Hiss
  • Publication number: 20100315629
    Abstract: Disclosed are apparatus, kits, methods, and systems that include a radiation source configured to direct radiation to a sample; a detector configured to measure radiation from the sample; an electronic processor configured to determine infotmation about the sample based on the measured radiation; a housing enclosing the source, the detector, and the electronic processor, the housing having a hand-held form factor; an arm configured to maintain a separation between the sample and the housing, the arm including a first end configured to connect to the housing and a second end configured to contact the sample; and a layer positioned on the second end of the arm, the layer being configured to contact the sample and to transmit at least a portion of the radiation from the sample to the detector.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 15, 2010
    Publication date: December 16, 2010
    Inventors: Kevin J. Knopp, Robert L. Green, Brendon D. Tower, Christopher D. Brown, Gregory H. Vander Rhodes
  • Publication number: 20100315637
    Abstract: A sample cell for making light scattering measurements, incorporating an exterior surface acting as both a lateral and vertical lens, is described. This unique structure permits greatly improved measurement of the light scattered by molecules and particles suspended in a fluid contained therein or flowing therethrough while illuminated by a fine light beam incident thereon. The resultant lensed structure of the cell, when integrated into a scattered light photometer and combined with suitable apertures before each scattered light collecting detector, reduces significantly stray light from entering each such detector.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 15, 2009
    Publication date: December 16, 2010
    Applicant: Wyatt Technology Corporation
    Inventor: Steven P. Trainoff
  • Publication number: 20100302540
    Abstract: Method and device for determining a foam density of foam in beverage containers utilizing the Tyndall effect, and having a focused light bundle emitted into the foam by means of a light source, where the light bundle is refracted in the foam and a scattered ray becomes visible on a surface of the foam. Via a measurement of the contour of such a light spot, conclusions on the foam density can be drawn. For this, one or several lasers can be integrated into existing filling level measuring means which are coupled to the already existing measuring means.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 25, 2010
    Publication date: December 2, 2010
    Applicant: KRONES AG
    Inventor: Stefan Piana
  • Patent number: 7842247
    Abstract: A sample holder holds various sizes of capillaries or cuvettes for use in dynamic light scattering (DLS) or quasi-elastic light scattering (QELS), such as in DLS of fluid samples such as platelet solutions, whole blood, colloids or the like. The sample holder has a base with a stationary backing member and a sliding, rail-mounted clamping member that is magnetically biased toward the backing member. The sample holder has Peltier-type thermoelectric heating/cooling elements that extend the full height of the clamping and backing members to optimize heat transfer efficiency. The sample holder further includes horizontal slots that enable collection of scattered light from various angles around the device. Finned heat sinks are mounted above and below the horizontal slots on the outwardly facing surfaces of the backing and clamping members to stabilize the temperature of the fluid sample in the sample holder without interfering with incident or scattered light.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 19, 2005
    Date of Patent: November 30, 2010
    Assignee: Canadian Blood Services
    Inventors: Elisabeth Maurer, Georg Maurer, Keddie Brown
  • Publication number: 20100290032
    Abstract: Method and system for measuring/depicting and determining/identifying one or more objects of different types of plastics, different types of fabrics or clothing, different types of glass, different types of food/groceries, different types of cardboard/paper/wooden products and/or different types of metals or similar materials. The method includes considering the reflected, scattered and/or transmitted light from the laser through the material, and determining the type of material from this.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 2, 2008
    Publication date: November 18, 2010
    Inventor: Renato Bugge
  • Patent number: 7821636
    Abstract: Aerosol and hydrosol particle detection systems without knowledge of a location and velocity of a particle passing through a volume of space, are less efficient than if knowledge of the particle location is known. An embodiment of a particle position detection system capable of determining an exact location of a particle in a fluid stream is discussed. The detection system may employ a patterned illuminating beam, such that once a particle passes through the patterned illuminating beam, a light scattering is produced. The light scattering defines a temporal profile that contains measurement information indicative of an exact particle location. However, knowledge of the exact particle location has several advantages. These advantages include correction of systematic particle measurement errors due to variability of the particle position within the sample volume, targeting of particles based on position, capture of particles based on position, reduced system energy consumption and reduced system complexity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 2007
    Date of Patent: October 26, 2010
    Assignee: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Inventors: Thomas H. Jeys, Antonio Sanchez-Rubio, Ronald H. Hoffeld, Jonathan Z. Lin, Nicholas M. F. Judson, George S. Haldeman, Vincenzo Daneu
  • Publication number: 20100265503
    Abstract: There is provided an optical device including: a passive core layer in which is formed an optical circuit having a refractive index n2; an active core layer covering at least a portion of the optical circuit, exhibiting an electro-optical effect, and having a refractive index of n1 higher than n2; a lower clad layer over which the passive core layer is formed and having a refractive index n3 lower than n2; an upper clad layer covering the active and passive core layers and having a refractive index n5 lower than n1; a lower electrode disposed below the lower clad layer; and an upper electrode disposed on the upper clad layer, in which the entrance and exit portions of the active core layer are tapered, respectively.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 12, 2009
    Publication date: October 21, 2010
    Applicant: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.
    Inventors: Roshan THAPLIYA, Shigetoshi NAKAMURA, Takashi KIKUCHI, Kazuhiro HAYASHI
  • Patent number: 7812950
    Abstract: A method for measuring the direction and velocity of a target in a measurement volume in a laser Doppler velocimetry system includes selecting a discrete number of grating positions for an electrically switchable grating, placing the electrically switchable grating in a light path of a laser source. The laser source outputs a laser beam along the light path. The method further includes switching the electrically switchable grating sequentially through the discrete number of grating positions at a grating frequency to generate diffracted light beams from the laser, directing the diffracted light beams through a lens, focusing the diffracted light beams on a measurement volume, passing a target through the measurement volume in a target direction at a target velocity and receiving scattered light in a detector and calculating the power spectrum of light intensity fluctuations. The power spectrum includes a maximum peak.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 2008
    Date of Patent: October 12, 2010
    Assignee: California Polytechnic State University Corporation
    Inventor: John P. Sharpe
  • Publication number: 20100253776
    Abstract: An apparatus for removing reflected light is provided, which is used for a measuring device that emits a sheet-like beam of light onto suspended particles and measures light scattered from the suspended particles. The apparatus includes a light introduction unit, a light reflective unit, a light sealing unit and a light absorption member. The light introduction unit has a first aperture, a second aperture, and a passage through which the light travels from the first aperture to the second aperture. The light reflective unit disposed opposite to the second aperture allows the light having traveled through the second aperture to reflect toward a predetermined direction so as to prevent the light from returning into the second aperture. The light sealing unit in which the light reflective unit is disposed has an inner wall to confine the light reflected from the light reflective unit.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 31, 2010
    Publication date: October 7, 2010
    Inventors: Hirotsugu EGUCHI, Mitsuhiko MATSUMOTO
  • Patent number: 7804594
    Abstract: A method for increasing the throughput, or the precision, or both the precision and the throughput, of a flow cytometer, or of a hematology analyzer employing a flow cytometer, by utilizing the technique of laser rastering. Laser rastering involves sweeping a laser beam across a flowing sample stream in a hematology analyzer. An apparatus suitable for carrying out the method of this invention comprises an optical module comprising a source of light, a scanning device, a lens or system of lenses, a flow cell, detectors, and filters; and an electronic module comprising preamplifiers, analog signal conditioning elements, analog-to-digital converters, field-programmable gate arrays, digital signal processing elements, and data storage elements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 2, 2007
    Date of Patent: September 28, 2010
    Assignee: Abbott Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventors: Giacomo Vacca, Norman R. Goldblatt, Michael W. Yee
  • Publication number: 20100240092
    Abstract: Provided is a method of adjusting detection sensitivity in detecting a sample in a channel. A detection method of optically detecting a sample includes: forming a multilayer flow, in which at least one of layers of the multilayer flow contains the sample; introducing light into at least one of layers of the multilayer flow; and detecting a signal generated from the multilayer flow in response to the introduced light, to detect the sample. The sample includes one of a chemical substance, a molecule, a cell, a particle, and a mixture thereof. At least one of fluids included in the multilayer flow has a refractive index different from a refractive index of another one of the fluids.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 24, 2008
    Publication date: September 23, 2010
    Inventor: Eishi Igata
  • Patent number: 7800754
    Abstract: An optical system suited to high sensitivity measurement of small particles as they travel through a point of detection in a flow cell. The system consists of components along two optical axes, preferably but not necessarily, at approximately the Brewster angle to one another. The first axis incorporates a flow cell, high numerical aperture light collection lens, spatial filtering and optical detectors. The second axis incorporates a radiation source (typically a laser or arc-lamp) and beam shaping optics. The two axes are positioned at an angle sufficient to enable collection of small angle light scatter near the edge of the collection lens and to allow collection of medium and large angle light scatter through the centre and opposite side of the collection lens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 23, 2006
    Date of Patent: September 21, 2010
    Assignee: OJK Consulting Limited
    Inventor: Oliver Kenyon