Electric Lamp Or Space Discharge Component Or Device Manufacturing Patents (Class 445)
- Repairing, converting or salvaging (Class 445/2)
- With testing or adjusting (Class 445/3)
- Including use of electric arc or current for removing an undesired particle, i.e., spot knocking (Class 445/5)
- With start up, flashing or aging (Class 445/6)
- Spark plug or spark gap making (Class 445/7)
- Implosion protecting (Class 445/8)
- Generating gas or vapor within an envelope, or coating by vapor, gas, mist or smoke within the envelope (Class 445/9)
- Combined, e.g., with shaping of lamp or device envelope (Class 445/22)
- With assembly or disassembly (Class 445/23)
- Electrode making (Class 445/46)
- Including evacuating, degasifying or getter or fluent material introduction (Class 445/53)
- With coating, e.g., providing protective coating on sensitive area (Class 445/58)
- Including cleaning (Class 445/59)
- Repairing, converting or salvaging means (Class 445/61)
- Having means to operate the device or portion thereof, e.g., to age (Class 445/62)
- Testing or adjusting means (Class 445/63)
- Combined (Class 445/65)
- Assembly means (Class 445/66)
- Including means to establish an electric space discharge (Class 445/72)
- Having evacuation or degasification means or means to introduce gas, vapor, liquid or solid treating agent (Class 445/73)