Abstract: A new and distinct hybrid plum-apricot plant used as a rootstock that exhibits root-knot nematode resistance, high tolerance to root asphyxia, and compatibility with apricot and plum varieties.
Abstract: A new and distinct (Prunus pumila L.×P. salicina Lindl.)×P. cerasifera Ehrh. plant used as a rootstock for many different varieties that exhibits desirable disease resistance.
Abstract: A new and distinct Prunus laurocerasus plant of unknown parentage is provided. The new plant can be readily distinguished from other plants of the species including the ‘Otto Luyken’ cultivar (non-patented in the United States). A slow to moderate growth habit is displayed to form a compact generally rounded plant with dense foliage. The foliage is dark green in coloration and displays more glossiness on the upper surface than commonly observed for the ‘Otto Luyken’ cultivar. Superior resistance to Coryneum blight has been observed. The new plant is well suited for providing attractive ornamentation in a hedge, foundation planting, or when grown en masse.
June 12, 2012
Publication date:
December 12, 2013
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Fruit with attractive dark red skin color. 2. Fruit with good flavor and eating quality. 3. Regular and productive bearer of medium to large size fruit. 4. Fruit being relatively uniform in size and maturity throughout the tree. 5. Fruit with an average Brix of 22.5°. 6. Tree with vigorous, semi-spreading.
April 25, 2012
Publication date:
October 31, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Productive and regular bearer of medium to large size fruit. 3. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality. 5. Fruit with an average Brix of 22.0° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 6. Fruit maturing in the late maturity season.
April 13, 2012
Publication date:
October 17, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Tree with vigorous, upright growth habit. 2. Regular and productive bearer of medium to large fruit. 3. Fruit with attractive dark red skin and flesh color. 4. Fruit with an average Brix of 17.2° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 5. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 6. Fruit with good handling and shipping qualities.
April 13, 2012
Publication date:
October 17, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific Prunus tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Fruit with attractive red skin and flesh color. 3. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4. Fruit with good handling and storage quality. 5. Heavy and regular production of medium to large size fruit. 6. Fruit with an average Brix of 18.7° and a good balance between acid and sugar.
March 19, 2012
Publication date:
September 19, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 2. Fruit with an attractive red-yellow skin color. 3. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality. 4. Fruit with an average Brix of 18.5° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 5. Heavy and regular bearer of large size fruit. 6. Vigorous, upright tree growth.
February 13, 2012
Publication date:
August 15, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Regular and productive bearer of large size fruit. 2. Fruit with good flavor and eating quality. 3. Fruit maturing in the late maturity season. 4. Fruit with good storage and shipping quality. 5. Vigorous, semi-spreading tree growth.
January 25, 2012
Publication date:
July 25, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a small size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom with an abundant amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the first week of November, with first picking on Nov. 2, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, very deep red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose to slightly oblong in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the late season. The present variety produces a heavy bloom with an abundant amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last half of October, with first picking on Oct. 23, 2011. The fruit is uniformly small to medium in size, a green and red two-tone in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid season. The present variety's abundance of blossoms and moderate pollen production entices strong bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during late July, with first picking on Jul. 25, 2011, and will hang on the tree for at least fifteen more days. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, red over a green background in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, full red in flesh color, very firm and crisp in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree (Prunus species). The following features of the tree and its fruit'are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consists of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Heavy and regular bearer of large size fruit. 3. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4. Fruit with attractive dark red skin color. 5. Fruit with attractive red flesh. 6. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality.
December 12, 2011
Publication date:
June 13, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: The present invention relates to a interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom with a moderate amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the latter half of July, with first picking on Jul. 23, 2011. The fruit is uniformly large in size, blackish red in skin color, clingstone in type, fairly globose in shape, orange to yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and sweet in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a large size, medium vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid season. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during early September, with first picking on Sep. 8, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, full red in skin color, semi-clingstone in type, globose in shape, yellowish white in flesh color, firm in texture, and mildly sweet with a hint of coconut in flavor.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Heavy and regular bearer of fruit. 3. Fruit with very firm flesh. 4. Fruit with excellent eating quality. 5. Fruit with an average Brix of 26° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 6. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality.
December 12, 2011
Publication date:
June 13, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom, but is pollen deficient and should have pollinators grafted in the center of the tree to entice good bee activity for sufficient pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the latter part of August, with first picking on Aug. 29, 2011. The fruit is uniformly large in size, dark purplish red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, full red in flesh color, firm in texture, and very good in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a moderately heavy bloom, but is pollen deficient and should have pollinators grafted in the center of the tree to entice good bee activity for sufficient pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during mid August, with first picking on Aug. 19, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium to large in size, deep red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, nearly full red in flesh color, firm and crisp in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a heavy bloom with a moderate amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the first part of November, with first picking on Nov. 2, 2011. The fruit is uniformly small to medium in size, a green and red two-tone in skin color, clingstone in type, globose with a small apex hump in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm and crisp in texture, and outstandingly sweet in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a heavy bloom with an abundant amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last half of July, with first picking on Jul. 23, 2011, and can hang on the tree for up to thirty days. The fruit is uniformly large in size, dark red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, dark red in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom with an abundance of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last half of October, with first picking on Oct. 23, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, very dark red to purple in skin color, semi-clingstone in type, globose to oblate in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a large size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid season. The present variety's abundance of blossoms and pollen entices strong bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during mid September, with first picking on Sep. 18, 2011, and will hang on the tree for about fifteen more days. The fruit is uniformly large in size, red mottled over a yellow background in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, yellowish orange to red in flesh color, firm and crisp in texture, and very good in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a very good bloom with an average amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last part of August, with first picking on Aug. 29, 2011, and will hang on the tree an additional twenty-five days. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, full red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose to oblate in shape, red to pink in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1) Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2) Heavy and regular bearer of large size fruit. 3) Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4) Fruit with an attractive dark red skin color. 5) Fruit with good handling and shipping quality. 6) Fruit with an average Brix of 20.0° and a good balance between acid and sugar.
December 1, 2011
Date of Patent:
June 18, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a large size, medium vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid season. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during early September, with first picking on Sep. 8, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, full red in skin color, semi-clingstone in type, globose in shape, yellowish white in flesh color, firm in texture, and mildly sweet with a hint of coconut in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid season. The present variety's abundance of blossoms and moderate pollen production entices strong bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during late July, with first picking on Jul. 25, 2011, and will hang on the tree for at least fifteen more days. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, red over a green background in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, full red in flesh color, very firm and crisp in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a large size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid season. The present variety's abundance of blossoms and pollen entices strong bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during mid September, with first picking on Sep. 18, 2011, and will hang on the tree for about fifteen more days. The fruit is uniformly large in size, red mottled over a yellow background in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, yellowish orange to red in flesh color, firm and crisp in texture, and very good in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a heavy bloom with an abundant amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last half of July, with first picking on Jul. 23, 2011, and can hang on the tree for up to thirty days. The fruit is uniformly large in size, dark red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, dark red in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a heavy bloom with a moderate amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the first part of November, with first picking on Nov. 2, 2011. The fruit is uniformly small to medium in size, a green and red two-tone in skin color, clingstone in type, globose with a small apex hump in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm and crisp in texture, and outstandingly sweet in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom, but is pollen deficient and should have pollinators grafted in the center of the tree to entice good bee activity for sufficient pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the latter part of August, with first picking on Aug. 29, 2011. The fruit is uniformly large in size, dark purplish red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, full red in flesh color, firm in texture, and very good in flavor.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1) A regular and productive bearer of large freestone fruit. 2) Fruit having an attractive orange skin and flesh color. 3) Fruit having firm flesh with good storage and shelf life. 4) Fruit having good flavor and eating quality. 5) Vigorous, upright tree growth.
January 24, 2011
Date of Patent:
July 2, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the early season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom with an abundance of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during late June, with the first picking on Jun. 27, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium to large in size, very dark red in skin color, clingstone in type, oblate in shape, full red in flesh color, firm in texture, and very good in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a very good bloom with an average amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last part of August, with first picking on Aug. 29, 2011, and will hang on the tree an additional twenty-five days. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, full red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose to oblate in shape, red to pink in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Heavy and regular bearer of fruit. 3. Fruit with very firm flesh. 4. Fruit with excellent eating quality. 5. Fruit with an average Brix of 26° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 6. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality.
December 12, 2011
Date of Patent:
July 9, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the late season. The present variety produces a heavy bloom with an abundant amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last half of October, with first picking on Oct. 23, 2011. The fruit is uniformly small to medium in size, a green and red two-tone in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to a interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom with a moderate amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the latter half of July, with first picking on Jul. 23, 2011. The fruit is uniformly large in size, blackish red in skin color, clingstone in type, fairly globose in shape, orange to yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and sweet in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom with an abundance of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the last half of October, with first picking on Oct. 23, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, very dark red to purple in skin color, semi-clingstone in type, globose to oblate in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a medium size, vigorous, hardy, and productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a moderately heavy bloom, but is pollen deficient and should have pollinators grafted in the center of the tree to entice good bee activity for sufficient pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during mid August, with first picking on Aug. 19, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium to large in size, deep red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose in shape, nearly full red in flesh color, firm and crisp in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: A new cultivar of Prunus, ‘Purple Pride’, characterized by its foliage that is deep burgundy in color with new leaves emerging bright dark red and foliage coloration that is retained from spring through fall, its foliage that appears clean and disease free, its stems that can be readily trained into a single trunk, its white flowers that are conspicuous against its burgundy foliage, its consistent abundant crop of red fruit with a pleasing taste, its drought resistance, and is usefulness when planted in wildlife food plots in the south as the burgundy foliage allows land managers to easily recognize ‘Purple Pride’ plants in a brushland and avoid them during mowing regimes.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree (Prunus species). The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consists of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Heavy and regular bearer of large size fruit. 3. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4. Fruit with attractive dark red skin color. 5. Fruit with attractive red flesh. 6. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality.
December 12, 2011
Date of Patent:
July 30, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: The present invention relates to an interspecific tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a small size, moderately vigorous, hardy, and very productive tree. Being self-unfruitful, the present variety requires cross pollination from an apricot, interspecific, or plum that blooms during the mid to late season. The present variety produces a very heavy bloom with an abundant amount of pollen to entice good bee activity to facilitate pollination. The fruit matures under the ecological conditions described during the first week of November, with first picking on Nov. 2, 2011. The fruit is uniformly medium in size, very deep red in skin color, clingstone in type, globose to slightly oblong in shape, yellow in flesh color, firm in texture, and excellent in flavor.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1) Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2) Heavy and regular bearer of medium size fruit. 3) Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4) Fruit with good handling and shipping quality. 5) Fruit with an average Brix of 17.8° with a good balance between acid and sugar.
December 12, 2011
Date of Patent:
August 6, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Regular and productive bearer of large size fruit. 2. Fruit with good flavor and eating quality. 3. Fruit maturing in the late maturity season. 4. Fruit with good storage and shipping quality. 5. Vigorous, semi-spreading tree growth.
January 25, 2012
Date of Patent:
September 3, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct plum hybrid plant used as a rootstock that exhibits low vigor, good productivity, and is highly compatible with peach and nectarine varieties.
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Heavy and regular bearer of fruit. 3. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4. Fruit with attractive red skin color. 5. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality.
April 18, 2011
Date of Patent:
September 17, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 2. Fruit with an attractive red-yellow skin color. 3. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality. 4. Fruit with an average Brix of 18.5° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 5. Heavy and regular bearer of large size fruit. 6. Vigorous, upright tree growth.
February 13, 2012
Date of Patent:
October 15, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific Prunus tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Fruit with attractive red skin and flesh color. 3. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4. Fruit with good handling and storage quality. 5. Heavy and regular production of medium to large size fruit. 6. Fruit with an average Brix of 18.7° and a good balance between acid and sugar.
March 19, 2012
Date of Patent:
November 26, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Vigorous, upright tree growth. 2. Productive and regular bearer of medium to large size fruit. 3. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 4. Fruit with good handling and shipping quality. 5. Fruit with an average Brix of 22.0° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 6. Fruit maturing in the late maturity season.
April 13, 2012
Date of Patent:
November 26, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Tree with vigorous, upright growth habit. 2. Regular and productive bearer of medium to large fruit. 3. Fruit with attractive dark red skin and flesh color. 4. Fruit with an average Brix of 17.2° and a good balance between acid and sugar. 5. Fruit with very good flavor and eating quality. 6. Fruit with good handling and shipping qualities.
April 13, 2012
Date of Patent:
December 3, 2013
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger
Abstract: A new and distinct variety of interspecific tree. The following features of the tree and its fruit are characterized with the tree budded on ‘Nemaguard’ Rootstock (non-patented), grown on Handford sandy loam soil with Storie Index rating 95, in USDA Hardiness Zone 9, near Modesto, Calif., with standard commercial fruit growing practices, such as pruning, thinning, spraying, irrigation and fertilization. Its novelty consist of the following combination of desirable features: 1. Fruit with attractive dark red skin color. 2. Fruit with good flavor and eating quality. 3. Regular and productive bearer of medium to large size fruit. 4. Fruit being relatively uniform in size and maturity throughout the tree. 5. Fruit with an average Brix of 22.5°. 6. Tree with vigorous, semi-spreading.
April 25, 2012
Date of Patent:
January 7, 2014
Gary Neil Zaiger, Leith Marie Gardner, Grant Gene Zaiger