Single Metal Produced Patents (Class 205/367)
- And elemental alkali or alkaline earth metal, magnesium, beryllium, or nonmetal element other than halogen produced (Class 205/373)
- Utilizing specified current distributing means or method other than wire connecting means (Class 205/374)
- Utilizing specified distance between cathode and anode (Class 205/375)
- Agitating or moving electrolyte or bath during synthesis (Class 205/376)
- Utilizing membrane or diaphragm between electrodes (Class 205/377)
- Utilizing spacer between electrodes (Class 205/378)
- Utilizing nonmetal cell lining other than inorganic carbon or graphite (Class 205/379)
- Utilizing specified electrode other than consumable electrode (e.g., cylindrical, tapered, etc.) (Class 205/380)
- Utilizing coated or treating electrode connecting or positioning means (e.g., coating, cooling, etc.) (Class 205/388)
- Specific replenishing, replacing, or feeding of consumable electrode material (Class 205/389)
- Involving specific process startup other than mere turn on (Class 205/390)
- Collecting or controlling fumes or gases produced during synthesis (Class 205/391)
- Utilizing specific method or means to feed or replenish electrolyte or bath material (Class 205/392)
- Purifying or treating electrolyte or bath prior to or after synthesis (Class 205/393)
- Bath contains fluorine or bromine containing compound other than cryolite (Na3ALF6) (Class 205/394)
- Utilizing specified process step to maintain bath temperature (Class 205/396)