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Roll or roller Patents (Class 492)
Roll Or Roller Patents (Class 492)
Metal deforming roll (Class 492/1)
Antideflection means (Class 492/2)
Specific composition (Class 492/3)
With inflatable chamber (Class 492/4)
Antideflection means (Class 492/5)
With antideflection means (Class 492/6)
Rotatable relative to supporting shaft (Class 492/7)
With magnetic means, per se (Class 492/8)
With measuring, testing, or indicating means (Class 492/9)
Including signal or control means (Class 492/10)
Including gauge (Class 492/11)
With impellor; e.g., fan, pump (Class 492/12)
With handle (Class 492/13)
Rolling pin or pastry roller (Class 492/14)
Combined; e.g., with driving gear, with vibrating means (Class 492/15)
Rotatable relative to supporting shaft (Class 492/16)
Coating treatment or applicator (Class 492/17)
Paper treatment (Class 492/20)
With internal wedging expander (Class 492/21)
With sheet edge holder (Class 492/22)
Wringer (Class 492/23)
Coating treatment or applicator (Class 492/24)
Skin or paper treating (Class 492/26)
Tapered or beveled (Class 492/27)
With specific roller exterior surface structure (Class 492/28)
Pile or nap surface (Class 492/29)
Surface projections, indentations, or slits (Class 492/30)
Circumferential sectors or segments (Class 492/38)
Spaced plural annulars along common shaft (Class 492/39)
Axially stacked annular members (Class 492/40)
Cloth or fabric member (Class 492/41)
With leaf or coil spring member (Class 492/42)
With spiral member (Class 492/43)
With helical member (Class 492/44)
With internal anchor for annular member (Class 492/45)
With heating, cooling, or heat transfer means (Class 492/46)
With end ring or reinforcement (Class 492/47)
Roll cover, per se (Class 492/48)
Concentric layered annulus (Class 492/49)
Fiber or wire reinforced (Class 492/50)
Mat or fabric internal layer (Class 492/51)
Specific composition (Class 492/53)
Single annular member, per se (Class 492/57)
Specific metallic composition (Class 492/58)
Specific nonmetallic composition (Class 492/59)
Miscellaneous (Class 492/60)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 492/FOR000)