Crop Threshing Or Separating Patents (Class 460)
- With relief valve in rotor section (Class 460/60)
- Flail machine (Class 460/61)
- With adjusting means for threshing cylinder (Class 460/62)
- With prethreshing cylinder (Class 460/63)
- Vertical axle type (Class 460/64)
- Centrifugal (Class 460/65)
- Axial flow through threshing section (Class 460/66)
- With feed means for threshing section (Class 460/70)
- With bar (e.g., rasp bar, inclined blade) (Class 460/71)
- With beater (Class 460/73)
- With accelerator roll (Class 460/74)
- Transverse threshing section (Class 460/75)
- With cutting (Class 460/78)
- Pre-stripper (Class 460/124)
- Declustering (Class 460/125)
- Including picking or plucking (peanuts, hops or similar material) (Class 460/126)
- Pressure roller (e.g., snapping-cucumber) (Class 460/130)
- Shelling pressure roller (e.g., peas, beans, per se) (Class 460/131)
- With adjusting means for roller or cylinder (Class 460/132)
- Including agitator (Class 460/133)
- Stripper or stemmer (Class 460/134)
- With cylinder and concave (for nongrain products) (Class 460/141)
- Drum and beater (Class 460/142)
- Blower assisted (Class 460/143)
- Endless separating conveyer (Class 460/144)
- Shaker or shaking table (for nongrain products) (Class 460/145)