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Abrasive tool making process, material, or composition Patents (Class 51)
Abrasive Tool Making Process, Material, Or Composition Patents (Class 51)
Bag or filled cloth (Class 51/294)
Impregnating or coating an abrasive tool (Class 51/295)
Pore forming (Class 51/296)
Laminating (Class 51/297)
With synthetic resin (Class 51/298)
With rubber or reaction product thereof (Class 51/299)
With natural resin or reaction product thereof (Class 51/300)
With protein or reaction product thereof (Class 51/301)
With carbohydrate or reaction product thereof (Class 51/302)
Cellulose or derivative thereof (Class 51/303)
With fats, fatty oils or fatty oil acids and salts thereof (Class 51/304)
With ester-type wax, bituminous material, or tarry residue (Class 51/305)
With hydrocarbon (Class 51/306)
With inorganic material (Class 51/307)
Clay, silica, or silicate (Class 51/308)
Metal or metal oxide (Class 51/309)
Miscellaneous (Class 51/293)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 51/FOR000)