Hybrid variety of Texas X kentucky bluegrass designated ‘HB 129’

- OMS Investments, Inc.

A hybrid variety of Texas bluegrass×Kentucky bluegrass as described, characterized by rapid establishment; a light green, dense turf; a wide leaf blade; aggressive rhizome growth; a reduced level of cotton on the seed; and a medium to high seed yield potential.

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Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a new and distinct hybrid variety of Poa arachnifera Torr.×Poa pratensis L. that has been designated as ‘HB 129’ bluegrass.

Description of Related Art

A Poa arachnifera×Poa pratensis hybrid designated ‘Reveille’ has been disclosed in PVP Certificate No. 9800337.


‘HB 129’ bluegrass is the result of a plant selected from the progeny of Texas bluegrass (Poa arachnifera Torr.) female plant 10-10 (seed parent), with cv. ‘Geronimo’ Kentucky bluegrass (pollen parent)(Poa pratensis L.) cross for perfect flowers, apomixis and turfgrass performance characteristics in the F1 generation.

Texas bluegrass female plant 10—10 is an unpatented, unreleased plant selected and maintained for its tiller density, turf quality and the lack of male reproductive organs. The cv. ‘Geronimo’ is an unpatented, released Kentucky bluegrass of European origin from Mommersteeg International, Vlijmen, the Netherlands.

As a result of this breeding, a distinct variety was produced and asexually propagated by rhizomes, tillers and disseminules. The highly apomictic seed of ‘HB 129’ bluegrass was produced first at Gervais, Oreg. This seed was used to plant turf performance evaluation trials and later, seed production fields.

The seed of ‘HB 129’ has been found to be stable. Asexual production of ‘HB 129’ initially was performed at Gervais, Oreg. by propagules (tillers and rhizomes) and by disseminules (modified caryopses produced by apomixis), and has consistently produced progeny plants indistinguishable from the first generation asexual reproductions of the instant plant. The apomixis level of ‘HB129’ is approximately 95.0%. The apomixis level was determined by examining field planting of ‘HB 129’ in two years of rating for apomictic origin and from disseminules harvested over four growing seasons from field grown plants in Oregon.

‘HB 129’ has a number of highly desirable characteristics, including a high level of seedling vigor and rapid stand establishment; high sod strength; and provides a relatively high level of competition with Poa annua in the seedling year when compared to Kentucky bluegrass varieties. ‘HB 129’ has an upright leafy turf type, and a light green color which can be maintained throughout the entire growing season. ‘HB 129’ demonstrates good fall color and good winter color under mild winter conditions.

‘HB 129’ is an overall good turfgrass performer under reduced management conditions evidenced by good scores for quality under these conditions. ‘HB 129’ has little or no cotton (webbing) on the caryopsis. ‘HB 129’ has a medium to high seed yield potential in the Kentucky bluegrass seed production region of the northwestern United States and has shown the potential for economic seed production not seen in other Poa arachnifera×Poa pratensis hybrids.

In comparison with the Reveille hybrid, ‘HB 129’ has demonstrated relatively rapid germination and emergence in both fall and spring sowings. ‘HB 129’ has shown greatly reduced seed cotton as compared with ‘Reveille’. It is believed that the presence of the cotton on the Reveille seed results in poor seed recovery of the hybrid and causes ‘Reveille’ to be available predominantly as a vegetatively reproduced product from rhizome and tiller materials.

Texas bluegrass is a vigorous sod-forming perennial native in the Southeastern and Southern Plains States. Plants grow up to 3 feet on strong soil, with numerous leaves 6 to 12 inches long and 0.025 inch wide. The grass grows throughout the winter producing abundant, nutritious pasture which is highly palatable. This is a valuable species where native, but seeding is difficult. The species is dioecious, with male and female plants. It produces only limited quantities of seed which is covered with woolly hairs that are difficult to remove. Consequently, establishment of stands for agricultural use is limited. Accordingly, Texas bluegrass exhibits similar problems to those encountered with Reveille which are overcome by the present ‘HB 129’ hybrid.

In comparison with a number of Kentucky bluegrass varieties ‘HB 129’ has an average to above-average seed size with a lower number of seeds per pound. The width of vegetative leaves of unmowed mature plants of ‘HB 129’ are of medium to wide, with longer ligules and with more hairs on the upper margin of the ligule, fewer hairs on the collar margin and dorsal side of the leaf sheath than Kentucky bluegrasses. The culm is longer with a relatively long panicle when compared to Kentucky bluegrass varieties. Anther color is 100% purple distinguishing ‘HB 129’ from most Kentucky bluegrasses.


FIG. 1 is an ‘HB 129’ panicle;

FIG. 2 is an ‘HB 129’ seed; and

FIG. 3 is an ‘HB 129’ plant shortly after completing anthesis.


‘HB 129’ Texas bluegrass×Kentucky bluegrass (Poa arachnifera L.×Poa pratensis L.) hybrid is perennial with creeping rhizomes forming a dense turf. When plants overwinter in the field and grow undisturbed by clipping, culms are semi-erect averaging 64.8 cm in length. The vegetative leaf averages 4.5 mm in width. The flag leaf averages 6.65 cm in length, 3.55 mm in width, has a sheath length of 14.3 cm. The flag leaf averages more hairs on the ligule than other varieties. The panicle averages 10.8 cm in length. The lowest whorl of the panicle averages 4.4 branches.

For the vegetative leaf, the number of hairs is average for the leaf sheath margin, above average for the dorsal side of the leaf blade, above average for the upper margin of the ligule, and below average for the collar margin compared to other varieties. ‘HB 129’ differs from the Kentucky bluegrass varieties in regard to such morphological characteristics as seed length and width, culm length, and hairs on the collar margins of the vegetative leaf, on the upper surface of the vegetative leaf, on the ligule of the flag leaf and anther color.

‘HB 129’ produces inflorescences relatively early compared with Kentucky bluegrasses.

Since environmental conditions such as soil and climate may influence morphological characteristics to some extent, comparisons of ‘HB 129’ were made with Kentucky bluegrass varieties under like conditions and the comparisons are set forth in Tables 1-10, as follows.

TABLE 1 Comparison of heading date, seed yield, and plant height of ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties for years 1 & 2. Heading Date Seed Yield Plant Height Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Variety (Julian) (g/10 ft row) (cm) ‘HB 129’ 114.4 108.6 47.3 27.1 64.2 65.4 Midnight 126.3 136.3 33.4 12.0 54.2 45.5 America 125.3 122.8 29.2 20.4 40.1 43.3 Ram I 120.0 120.9 22.5 25.5 47.2 48.8 Julia 111.8 118.3 36.6 20.8 63.6 60.8 Baron 118.1 116.0 58.4 36.9 51.8 52.7 Adelphia 126.3 115.9 10.2 17.9 53.8 59.2 Nugget 121.1 114.5 4.7 4.3 34.3 30.1 Langara 118.1 114.3 31.9 34.8 46.2 56.0 Touchdown 105.4 107.3 55.9 13.0 57.6 58.7 LSD (0.05) 3.0 4.66 0.6 17.03 5.7 5.633

TABLE 2 Comparison of flag leaf position, length and width and flag leaf sheath length of ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties for years 1 & 2. Sheath Length Width Length (mm) (mm) (cm) Position Year Year Year Year Year Variety Year 1 1 Year 1 2 1 2 ‘HB 129’ 1.4 60 73 3.8 3.3 13.2 15.4 Moon- 2.2 50 108 2.5 3.5 9.6 11.6 shadow America 2.0 59 75 2.6 3.0 10.0 11.6 Baron 2.0 63 69 4.0 3.5 11.1 13.4 Langara 2.0 57 81 3.0 3.0 10.5 14.1 Midnight 2.0 74 86 3.4 3.2 10.7 11.4 Touchdown 1.6 60 81 3.5 3.6 12.9 16.4 Adelphia 1.5 53 79 3.3 3.2 10.7 13.4 Ram I 1.5 42 58 3.0 2.7 10.5 12.3 Julia 1.5 71 84 3.1 3.0 11.7 14.1 Nugget 1.4 29 41 2.2 2.1 7.4 9.0 LSD (0.05) 0.31 12.2 9.9 0.56 0.99 1.32 1.16 1 = Appressed 2 = Open Angle

TABLE 3 Comparison of panicle color, habit, branch attitude, branches in lowest whorl, length and collar height for ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties, year #1. Panicle Characteristics Branch Variety Color Habit Attitude ‘HB 129’ 2.0 1.9 2.9 Touchdown 2.0 1.9 2.4 Baron 1.9 1.9 2.7 Midnight 1.9 1.0 1.7 Nugget 1.8 1.8 3.0 Ram I 1.6 2.0 3.0 Adelphia 1.4 2.0 1.4 Langara 1.3 1.0 2.7 Julia 1.3 1.0 1.0 Moonshadow 1.2 1.1 2.1 America 1.1 2.0 2.4 LSD (0.05)  0.23  0.24  0.24 1 - not red 1 - nodding 1 - drooping 2 - red 2 - upright 2 - horizontal 3 - ascending Panicle Characteristics Number of Branches in Variety Lowest Whorl Length (cm) Collar Height ‘HB 129’ 4.40 10.6 1.0 Touchdown 3.82 10.4 Baron 4.72 10.6 1.0 Midnight 4.58 10.6 1.0 Nugget 2.80 6.3 1.1 Ram I 3.73 7.7 1.0 Adelphia 4.01 10.2 1.1 Langara 3.78 9.7 1.0 Julia 4.52 11.4 1.0 Moonshadow 4.49 9.4 1.0 America 4.07 8.8 1.0 LSD (0.05) 0.52 1.07  0.05 1 - open 2 - closed

TABLE 4 Comparison of panicle color, habit, branch attitude, branches in lowest whorl, length, and collar height for ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties, year 2. Branch Variety Color Habit Attitude ‘HB 129’ 2.0 1.1 1.0 Baron 2.0 1.7 1.1 Touchdown 2.0 1.0 1.2 Nugget 1.9 1.0 1.5 Midnight 1.8 1.9 1.2 Julia 1.2 1.3 1.1 Langara 1.1 1.0 1.0 Adelphia 1.1 1.1 1.3 Moonshadow 1.0 1.1 1.0 America 1.0 2.0 1.0 Ram I 1.0 1.6 1.0 LSD (0.05)   0.2993   0.2553   0.3610 1 = not red 1 = nodding 1 = drooping 2 = red 2 = upright 2 = horizontal 3 = ascending Number of Branches in Panicle Length Variety Lowest Whorl (cm) Collar Height ‘HB 129’ 4.4 11.0 1.0 Baron 4.8 10.2 1.1 Touchdown 3.9 12.5 1.0 Nugget 3.2 7.0 1.0 Midnight 4.4 9.9 1.8 Julia 4.2 11.4 1.2 Langara 4.3 12.6 1.2 Adelphia 4.2 12.3 1.6 Moonshadow 4.3 9.8 1.3 America 4.0 9.7 1.9 Ram I 4.3 8.5 1.0 LSD (0.05) 0.3899 1.578   0.3610 1 = open 2 = closed

TABLE 5 Comparison of panicle shape of rachis for ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties for years 1 & 2. Panicle Shape Variety Year 1 Year 2 ‘HB 129’ 1.8 1.9 Nugget 2.0 1.3 Adelphia 1.9 1.7 Ram I 1.9 1.8 Moonshadow 1.4 1.9 Baron 1.2 1.9 America 1.2 1.7 Langara 1.1 1.8 Touchdown 1.1 1.5 Midnight 1.1 1.7 Julia 1.0 2.0 LSD (0.05) 0.117 0.255 1 = straight 1 = no bend 2 = bend 2 = bend

TABLE 6 Comparison of anther color of ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties, year 2. Anther Color Categories (% of all anthers examined) Variety Purple Yellow Brown ‘HB 129’ 100 0 0 Adelphia 67 33 0 America 46 54 0 Baron 16 84 0 Julia 26 74 0 Langara 65 35 0 Midnight 98 2 0 Nugget 70 30 0 Moonshadow 9 91 0 Ram I 100 0 0 Touchdown 11 89 0

TABLE 7 Leaf sheath morphological traits of Kentucky bluegrass accessions measured 2002-2003 from the PVP nursery and greenhouse measurements at the research facility of Pickseed West, Inc. Oregon. Hairs on Both Bluegrass Hairs on Sides Under Accessions Keel Surface Collar ‘HB 129’ 2 1 1 = 8% 2 = 92% America 2 1 2 Mercury 1 - absent 1 - absent 1 - absent 2 - present 2 - present 2 - present Bluegrass Base of Surface Roughness Accessions Sheath Color To Touch ‘HB 129’ 1 1 America 1 1 Mercury 1 - green 1 - smooth 2 - red 2 - rough

TABLE 8 Leaf blade morphological traits of Kentucky bluegrass accessions measured 2002-2003 from the PVP nursery and greenhouse measurements at the research facility of Pickseed West, Inc. Oregon. Bluegrass Margin Hairs Upper Luster Lower Accessions Hairs Side Side ‘HB 129’ 2 2 = 82% 1 1 = 18% America 2 1 1 Mercury 1 - absent 1 - absent 1 - shiny 2 - present 2 - sparse 2 - dull 3 - dense Bluegrass Luster Upper Hairs on Lower Accessions Side Side Blade Width ‘HB 129’ 2 1 5 America 2 1 2 Mercury 1 - shiny 1 - absent 1 - very fine 2 - dull 2 - sparse 2 - fine 3 - dense 3 - medium 4 - broad 5 - very broad

TABLE 9 Lemma morphological traits and seed phenol reaction of Kentucky bluegrass accessions measured 2002-2003 from the PVP nursery and greenhouse measurements at the research facility of Pickseed West, Inc. Oregon. Lemma Bluegrass Marginal Intermediate Accessions Keel Nerves Nerves ‘HB 129’ 1 - 55% 1 - 30% 1 - 15% 2 - 45% 2 - 70% 2 - 85% America Mercury 1 - 90% 2 2 2 - 10% 1 - glabrous 1 - Yes 1 - distinct 2 - slight 2 - No 2 - obscure pubescence 3 - pubescent Bluegrass Lemma Accessions Basal Webbing Seed Phenol Reaction ‘HB 129’ 1 - 90% 1 - 10% 2 - 10% 2 - 90% America Mercury 2 1 - 5%  2 - 95% 1 - absent 1 - none 2 - scant 2 - beige 3 - copious 3 - brown 4 - black after 4 hrs 5 - black after 24 hrs

TABLE 10 Plant spread, hairs on ligule and leaf sheath glaucosity of Kentucky bluegrass accessions measured 2002-2003 from the PVP nursery and greenhouse measurements at the research facility of Pickseed West, Inc. Oregon. Amount of Spread in Bluegrass 1 year via Rhizomes Leaf Sheath Accessions (cm) Hairs on Ligule Glaucosity ‘HB 129’ 64 1 - 53% 2 2 - 47% America Mercury 49 1 1 - 17% 2 - 83% 1 - absent 1 - absent 2 - short 2 - present 3 - long

The seed of ‘HB 129’ was conditioned by removing most of the extraneous materials that may have been harvested with the seed, such as small pieces of plant stems and leaves, soil particles, seed of other plants and the like. This conditioned seed of ‘HB 129’ averages 2.75 mm in length, and 0.97 mm in width. ‘HB 129’ has about 840,700 seeds per pound.

Comparisons of ‘HB 129’ with other Kentucky bluegrass varieties in terms of seed length, seed width and 1000 seed weight are shown in Table 11 as follows:

TABLE 11 Comparison of seed length, seed width and 1000 seed weight of ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties and a hybrid for years 1 & 2. Seed length Seed Width 1000 seed weight (mm) (mm) (g) Variety Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 ‘HB 129’ 2.75 0.97 0.657 0.423 Touchdown 3.00 0.92 0.753 0.417 Baron 2.87 0.97 0.690 0.467 Ram I 3.20 0.91 0.647 0.437 Midnight 3.03 0.81 0.637 0.403 Julia 2.82 0.82 0.630 0.507 Langara 2.77 0.80 0.573 0.463 Adelphia 2.90 0.83 0.560 0.340 Moonshadow 2.57 0.87 0.553 0.330 Nugget 3.22 0.90 0.543 0.200 America 2.63 0.83 0.470 0.383 LSD (0.05) 0.4 0.067 0.09 0.074

‘HB 129’ has demonstrated relatively rapid germination and emergence compared to other hybrids including Reveille in both fall and spring sowings (Table 12). ‘HB 129’ has shown greatly reduced seed cotton compared to Reveille. It is thought that the presence of the cotton on seed has led to poor seed recovery, and the availability of Reveille predominantly as a vegetatively reproduced product from rhizome and tiller materials.

TABLE 12 Germination rating comparison for ‘HB 129’ to hybrid bluegrasses and Kentucky bluegrasses planted in turfgrass plots at Cleveland, Texas. Germination Rating Seeded Nov. 11, 1999 Seeded Feb. 28, 2000 Treatment Plant type 15 days after seeding 8 days after seeding ‘HB 129’ Tx × Ky 2.7 1.7 Ascot Ky 2.7 2.7 Abbey Ky 1.7 2.0 Coventry Ky 1.7 1.3 Reveille Tx × Ky 0.0 0.0 LSD (0.05) 0.90 0.74 Tx × Ky - Texas × Kentucky bluegrass hybrid Ky - Kentucky bluegrass 0 - no germinated seed visible 9 - all seed germinated and visible

TABLE 13 Comparison of ‘HB 129’ to other hybrid bluegrasses for cotton on seed. Seed cotton rating Treatment 1 - no or little cotton, 2 - scant cotton, 3 - copious cotton ‘HB 129’ 1 Reveille 3

‘HB 129’ has performed well throughout the U.S. as exhibited by good turf quality ratings under reduced management inputs in comparison with other Kentucky bluegrass varieties and other Texas×Kentucky bluegrass hybrids. In addition, it has a light green color with good turf density which can be maintained throughout the growing season providing a rapid development of sod strength, and a medium to high seed yielding capacity.

TABLE 14 Comparison of ‘HB 129’ with Texas bluegrass and Kentucky bluegrasses. Flag Flag Flag Leaf Plant Longest Panicle Leaf Leaf Sheath Height Rhizome Length Length Width Length Variety (cm) (cm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) ‘HB 129’ 41.5 49.0 25.6 25.6 4.0 74.3 Unique 17.3 40.0 34.7 14.2 1.2 48.5 Abbey 37.0 44.0 62.8 21.1 3.5 76.3 Texas 80.0 53.3 126.9  97.2 6.4 146.9  bluegrass Midnight 21.8 36.6 Touchdown 39.8 50.0 27.4 27.4 3.6 66.5 Limousine 29.8 40.8 18.9 18.9 3.2 52.5 LSD (0.05) 14.0 9.8 22.2 15.0 0.5 25.8

‘HB 129’ bluegrass has been shown to provide excellent fall establishment rate, winter density and good seedling vigor (Table 15). Spring establishment rate is similar to other bluegrasses. ‘HB 129’ bluegrass has been shown to possess a rapid development of sod strength as compared to other bluegrasses (Table 15, sod stretch). ‘HB 129’ bluegrass has been shown to compete well with Poa annua (Table 15). ‘HB 129’ bluegrass has been shown to produce a relatively high number of seedheads under mowing as compared to other bluegrasses.

TABLE 15 Differences between ‘HB 129’ and other Entries Detected in the 2001 and 2002 Progress Reports of the 2000 National Kentucky Bluegrass Evaluation Program for Kentucky Bluegrass. Establishment Rating Seedhead Winter % Rating Density UT NJ WA Locations 12 1 1 5 1 Genotype/Cultivar Year ‘HB 129’ 2001 2001 2001 2002 2001 1B7-308 o 99AN-53 o o A96-427 o o o A96-451 o o o A96-739 o o A96-742 A97-1330 o o A97-1409 o o A97-1432 o o o A97-1715 o o A97-857 o A98-1028 o o A98-139 o A98-183 o o A98-365 o o o A98-407 o o o o A98-881 o Abbey x o Allure o x o o Alpine x Apollo o o Arcadia Arrow o o Ascot o o o o AVALANCHE x Award x Awesome x B3-171 o o o B3-185 o o o B4-128A o B5-144 o o o B5-43 o o o B5-45 o o BAR Pp 0468 o o o BAR Pp 0471 o o o BAR Pp 0566 o o o o BAR Pp 0573 o o o o Bariris o Baritone o o Baron o o o Baronette o o Baronic o o Barrister x o Bartitia o o Barzan o o Bedazzled o o Beyond Blacksburg II o Blackstone x Blue Knight o o Blue Ridge o o o Bluemax o o o Bluestone o x Bodacious o o o o Boomerang o o Bordeaux o o Boutique o o Brilliant o o Brooklawn o o o Cabernet o Champagne Champlain o Chateau o o o Chelsea o o Chicago II Coventry o CVB-20631 o o o o DLF 76-9032 o x o DLF 76-9034 o o DLF 76-9036 o o DLF 76-9037 o o Eagleton x Envicta o o Everest o x EverGlade o x o Excursion o Fairfax o o Freedom II Ginney x Glenmont o GO-9LM9 x x Goldrush o o Goldstar x o H92-203 o o H92-558 o x o Hallmark HV 140 o o HV-238 o Impact J-1513 x J-1838 o x J-2561 o x J-2885 o J-2890 x Jefferson o Jewel o x o Julia o o Julius o o o Kenblue x x Lakeshore o o Langara x Liberator o Lily o Limerick o o Limousine o Mallard o o o Markham o Marquis o o Mercury o o Midnight o Midnight II x o Misty o o Monte Carlo o o o Moon Shadow o Moonlight NA-K992 o o o North Star o o o o NuDensity x NuGlade x Odyssey x Perfection Pick 417 o Pick 453 o Pp H 6366 o Pp H 6370 o Pp H 7832 o o Pp H 7907 o o o o Pp H 7929 o o o o Princeton 105 o o Pro Seeds - 453 o PST-108-79 o o PST-161 o PST-1804 PST-222 o o o PST-604 o o PST-B3-170 o o o PST-B4-246 o o PST-B5-125 o o PST-H5-35 o PST-H6-150 o o o PST-York Harbor 4 o Quantum Leap o Rambo o Raven o o Rita o o Royale o o o Royce o o Rugby II o Serene Shamrock Showcase o o o SI A96-386 o o o Sonoma o SR 2284 o SRX 2114 o o SRX 2394 o SRX 26351 o SRX 27921 o o SRX QG245 o o Total Eclipse o Tsunami x Unique o Unknown x o Voyager II o o Washington x x o Wellington x Wildwood x Poa annua Sod % Stretching May Nov. Lbs. Seeding NJ NJ NE NE Vigor Locations 1 1 1 1 18 Genotype/Cultivar Year ‘HB 129’ 2002 2002 2001 2002 2001 1B7-308 o o o 99AN-53 o o o A96-427 o o o A96-451 o o A96-739 o o o A96-742 o x o A97-1330 o x o A97-1409 o o o A97-1432 o x o o A97-1715 o x o A97-857 o o o A98-1028 o o o A98-139 o x o A98-183 o x o o o A98-365 o x o o A98-407 o o o A98-881 o o o Abbey o o x Allure o o Alpine o Apollo o x o Arcadia o Arrow o o Ascot o o o AVALANCHE o Award o o Awesome o o B3-171 o x o o o B3-185 o x o B4-128A o o o B5-144 o o B5-43 o o o B5-45 o x o o o BAR Pp 0468 o x o o BAR Pp 0471 o x o o BAR Pp 0566 o o o BAR Pp 0573 o x o o Bariris o o Baritone o o o o Baron o x o Baronette o o Baronic o o Barrister o o o Bartitia o o Barzan o o o Bedazzled o Beyond o Blacksburg II o o o Blackstone o x Blue Knight o Blue Ridge o o o Bluemax o o o Bluestone o o Bodacious o x o o Boomerang o o o Bordeaux o o Boutique o o o Brilliant o x o o Brooklawn o Cabernet o o Champagne o Champlain o o Chateau o o o Chelsea o o o o Chicago II o o Coventry o CVB-20631 o x o o o DLF 76-9032 o x o o DLF 76-9034 o o o o DLF 76-9036 o DLF 76-9037 o x Eagleton o Envicta o Everest o o EverGlade o o o o Excursion o o Fairfax o Freedom II o o o Ginney o Glenmont o x o GO-9LM9 o o o x Goldrush o Goldstar o x o o H92-203 o x o o H92-558 o o o Hallmark o HV 140 o x o o HV-238 o o Impact o o J-1513 o o J-1838 o o o J-2561 o o o o J-2885 o o o J-2890 o o Jefferson o Jewel o o Julia o o o Julius o o o Kenblue o x Lakeshore o o o Langara o Liberator o x o Lily o o Limerick o o Limousine Mallard o Markham o o o Marquis o o Mercury o x o o Midnight o x o Midnight II o o Misty o Monte Carlo o o o Moon Shadow o o o Moonlight o NA-K992 o o o o North Star o NuDensity o o NuGlade o Odyssey o o Perfection o o Pick 417 o o Pick 453 o o Pp H 6366 o o Pp H 6370 Pp H 7832 o o Pp H 7907 o o o Pp H 7929 o o o Princeton 105 o o Pro Seeds - 453 o o PST-108-79 o o PST-161 o o o PST-1804 o PST-222 o o o PST-604 o o o PST-B3-170 o x o o o PST-B4-246 o o o PST-B5-125 o o o PST-H5-35 o o o o PST-H6-150 o o o PST-York Harbor 4 o x o o Quantum Leap o o o o Rambo o o Raven o o Rita o o Royale o o o o Royce o o Rugby II o x o o Serene o o Shamrock o Showcase o o o SI A96-386 o x o o Sonoma o o o o SR 2284 o o o SRX 2114 o SRX 2394 o o SRX 26351 o o SRX 27921 o o o SRX QG245 o o Total Eclipse o o Tsunami o o Unique o o o Unknown o x o Voyager II o o o Washington o x o x Wellington o Wildwood o o o o Denotes significantly lesser or poorer performance than ‘HB 129’ (‘HB 129’) based on LSD Values x Denotes significantly greater or better performance than ‘HB 129’ (‘HB 129’) based on LSD Values Denotes similar or comparable performance to ‘HB 129’ (‘HB 129’) based on LSD Values

With regard to a comparative analysis conducted for purposes of determining color of ‘HB 129’ plants relative to Kentucky bluegrass varieties and a hybrid bluegrass, readings were taken of the vegetative color of ‘HB 129’ on actively growing plants with adequate nutrient and water availability. Color readings showed that ‘HB 129’ leaves had a light green color without blue-green. This was dissimilar to the Kentucky bluegrasses with the exception of Touchdown (Table 16).

TABLE 16 Comparison of ratings for growth habit, leaf color and leaf blade width for ‘HB 129’ and other Kentucky bluegrass varieties, year 2. Leaf Color Variety Growth Habit Green ‘HB 129’ 2.0 1.0 Langara 3.0 3.1 Julia 2.1 1.6 Adelphia 2.0 2.4 Touchdown 1.9 1.0 America 1.9 2.8 Midnight 1.3 3.1 Baron 1.3 1.2 Ram I 1.2 2.0 Nugget 1.1 2.5 LSD (0.05)   0.4201   0.3899 1 - Prostrate 1 - Light Green 2 - Semi-Prostrate 2 - Medium Green 3 - Erect 3 - Mod Dark Green 4 - Very Dark Green Leaf Color Variety Blue Green Blade Width ‘HB 129’ 1.0 4.5 Langara 1.9 3.6 Julia 1.4 3.2 Adelphia 1.8 4.0 Touchdown 1.0 4.9 America 2.3 3.1 Midnight 1.5 2.7 Baron 1.4 4.8 Ram I 1.0 3.9 Nugget 1.7 2.8 LSD (0.05)   0.5288   0.5025 1 - Not Blue Green 1 - Very Fine 2 - Mod Blue Green 2 - Fine 3 - Blue-Green 3 - Medium 4 - Strong Blue-Green 4 - Broad 5 - Very Broad

Further comparative testing of ‘HB 129’ plants relative to Kentucky bluegrass, Texas bluegrass and hybrid varieties was conducted and the results of this testing are set forth in the following Table 17 and Table 18:

TABLE 17 Comparison of morphological traits of flowering tillers of plants allowed to over winter in the field and brought into a controlled greenhouse environment (60-75° F.) in late winter and allowed to grow undisturbed during the winter of 2004-2005 at The Scotts Company facility at Gervais, Oregon. Flag Leaf Flag Leaf Ligule Hairs Flag Leaf Anthesis Ligule 0 = none Thickness (days to Variety Length mm 9 = Many (mm) flowering) ‘HB 129’ 1.3 5.8 0.0149 138 Reveille 2.3 0.9 0.0207 141 Geronimo 1.7 7.1 0.0164 140 Ascot 2.0 5.6 0.0166 141 Midnight 0.8 3.9 0.0145 148 Buckingham 2.4 8.1 0.0190 142 Texas Bluegrass 1.7 0.1 0.0262 140 (TX 51-90) Texas Bluegrass 2.7 0.1 0.0199 (TX 39-88) Texas Bluegrass 2.0 0.5 0.0231 140 (TX 49-90) Kelly 2.1 6.3 0.0163 143 LSD (P = .05) 0.663 1.93 0.003324 4.854

As shown in the tabulated results (Table 17), ‘HB 129’ has a shorter flag leaf ligule, more hairs on the flag leaf ligule and has a thinner flag leaf than Reveille hybrid Kentucky bluegrass and Texas bluegrass.

TABLE 18 Comparison of morphological traits of plant infloresence - spikelets, florets, glumes - from panicles harvested from a field nursery in 2005 at The Scotts Company facility at Gervais, Oregon. Spikelet Spikelet Spikelet Spikelet Length Length Width Width 1stWhorl 3rdWhorl 1stWhorl 3rdWhorl Variety (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) ‘HB 129’ 7.6 7.1 4.5 4.0 Reveille 6.1 6.4 4.0 4.2 Geronimo 5.5 6.3 4.2 4.0 Ascot 5.6 5.8 4.4 4.3 Midnight 5.7 6.4 2.7 3.2 Buckingham 6.9 6.9 4.6 4.7 Texas Bluegrass 7.6 7.5 7.3 7.1 TX 51-90 Texas Bluegrass 8.6 8.5 5.9 5.7 TX 39-88 Texas Bluegrass 9.7 9.7 8.2 8.0 TX 49-90 Kelly 6.3 6.1 4.4 4.3 LSD (P = .05) 1.679 1.738 1.875 1.621 Lower Lower Florets/ Florets/ Glume Glume Spikelet Spikelet Length Length 1stWhorl 3rdWhorl 1stWhorl 3rdWhorl Variety (Count) (Count) (mm) (mm) ‘HB 129’ 8.6 7.0 3.1 3.2 Reveille 4.0 4.9 2.9 3.3 Geronimo 5.2 6.0 2.7 3.0 Ascot 3.8 4.3 2.9 2.9 Midnight 4.3 5.8 2.7 2.6 Buckingham 6.7 7.1 3.1 3.0 Texas Bluegrass 8.8 8.5 3.6 3.3 TX 51-90 Texas Bluegrass 8.0 7.9 3.6 3.6 TX 39-88 Texas Bluegrass 8.7 8.6 5.4 5.0 TX 49-90 Kelly 4.3 4.9 2.8 2.9 LSD (P = .05) 1.69 1.81 0.853 0.682 Upper Upper Glume Glume Length Length Plant 1stWhorl 3rdWhorl Height Variety (mm) (mm) (cm) ‘HB 129’ 3.5 3.3 58.3 Reveille 3.3 3.5 51.6 Geronimo 2.9 3.1 56.9 Ascot 3.1 3.1 38.2 Midnight 3.1 3.2 29.7 Buckingham 3.4 3.4 48.2 Texas Bluegrass 4.2 4.2 48.1 TX 51-90 Texas Bluegrass 4.0 4.2 60.4 TX 39-88 Texas Bluegrass 6.0 5.4 56.2 TX 49-90 Kelly 3.0 3.0 38.0 LSD (P = .05) 0.951 0.803 8.807

As shown in the tabulated results (Table 18), the spikelet length in both the 1st and 3rd whorl of the panicle branch ‘HB 129’ is less than in Texas bluegrass but greater than Reveille, Geronimo, Ascot and Midnight.


1. A new and distinct hybrid variety of Texas bluegrass×Kentucky bluegrass plant, as herein illustrated and described and characterized by rapid establishment; a light green, dense turf; a wide leaf blade; aggressive rhizome growth; a reduced level of cotton on the seed; and a medium to high seed yield potential.

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Patent History
Patent number: PP18467
Type: Grant
Filed: Aug 5, 2005
Date of Patent: Jan 29, 2008
Assignee: OMS Investments, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA)
Inventors: John R. Hardison (Corvallis, OR), Jay B. Burr (Salem, OR), James R. Frelich (Salem, OR), George Marquez (Albany, OR)
Primary Examiner: Kent Bell
Assistant Examiner: Annette H Para
Application Number: 11/197,945
Current U.S. Class: Bluegrass (PLT/393)
International Classification: A01H 5/00 (20060101);