Speed-controlled Patents (Class 303/121)
- Traction failure (Class 303/122.01)
- Antilock failure with warning (Class 303/122.02)
- Failure related to brake condition (e.g., wear, sensor or switch operation) with indicator (Class 303/122.03)
- Electric system failure (no warning) (Class 303/122.04)
- ABS failure detected via time period of sensed wheel lock or wheel speed signal (Class 303/122.06)
- Time signal error (no warning) (Class 303/122.07)
- Active circuit testing (Class 303/122.08)
- Pressure failure (Class 303/122.09)
- With yaw control (Class 303/140)
- With engine torque power take-off (PTO) control (Class 303/141)
- Motor control (Class 303/142)
- With four wheel drive or all wheel drive (Class 303/143)
- Intersecting traction and skid occurrence (Class 303/144)
- Odd condition (e.g., fuel supply cut-off, modulating valve) (Class 303/145)
- Wheel deceleration to find velocity error (Class 303/178)
- Rotary and linear inertia (Class 303/179)
- Rotary inertia (Class 303/180)
- Linear inertia or accelerometer (includes pendulum type) (Class 303/181)
- Accelerometer versus wheel rotation sensor (Class 303/182)
- Specific acceleration or deceleration determined electronically (Class 303/183)
- Acceleration-deceleration versus timing (Class 303/184)
- Sensing deceleration then acceleration (Class 303/185)
- With traction control (Class 303/113.2)
- Including a stroke sensor (Class 303/113.4)
- With system apportioning control (Class 303/113.5)
- Including hydraulic power booster (Class 303/114.1)
- Including pneumatic power booster (Class 303/114.3)
- System controlled by expansible chamber type modulator (Class 303/115.1)
- Including pump with system solenoid valve (Class 303/116.1)
- Vehicle wheel operated pump (Class 303/116.3)
- System pump structure detail (Class 303/116.4)
- Spool valve (Class 303/117.1)
- Pneumatic (relay or motorman) type (Class 303/118.1)
- System controlled by solenoid valve (Class 303/119.1)