Liquid Crystal Cells, Elements And Systems Patents (Class 349)
- Liquid crystal for recording or imaging on photosensitive medium (Class 349/2)
- Projector including liquid crystal cell (s) (Class 349/5)
- Heads-up display (Class 349/11)
- Liquid crystal writing tablet (Class 349/12)
- Liquid crystal eyewear (glasses, goggles, etc.) (Class 349/13)
- Stereoscopic (Class 349/15)
- Liquid crystal window (Class 349/16)
- Computational system employing liquid crystal element (neural network, correlation device, optical computer) (Class 349/17)
- Variable or rotatable retarder used with other retarders to produce filtering effects (Solc, Lyot, Partial) (Class 349/18)
- Thermal excitation (Class 349/20)
- Magnetic or pressure excitation (Class 349/23)
- Optical excitation (Class 349/24)
- Electron beam excitation (Class 349/31)
- Plasma excitation (Class 349/32)
- Electrical excitation of liquid crystal (i.e., particular voltage pulses, AC vs. DC, threshold voltages, etc.) (Class 349/33)
- Lens or prism separate from projection system (i.e., it is not integral part of illumination system) (Class 349/57)
- Holder, support, frame, or housing (Class 349/58)
- Particular illumination (Class 349/61)
- Detector of liquid crystal temperature (Class 349/72)
- Interconnection of plural cells in parallel (e.g., edge to edge) (Class 349/73)
- Interconnection of plural cells in series (Class 349/74)
- Having significant detail of cell structure only (Class 349/84)
- Utilizing change between diverse phases (e.g., cholesteric to nematic) (Class 349/168)
- Utilizing change within liquid crystal phase (e.g., Grandjean to focal conic, etc.) (Class 349/169)
- Utilizing reversal in sign of dielectric anisotropy (Class 349/170)
- Within smectic phase (Class 349/171)
- Within cholesteric phase (Class 349/175)
- Within nematic phase (Class 349/177)
- Passive liquid crystal polarizer (Class 349/194)
- Antidazzle mirror formed from liquid crystal cell (Class 349/195)
- Beam dividing switch formed from liquid crystal cell (Class 349/196)
- Liquid crystal etalon (Class 349/198)
- Liquid crystal sensors (e.g., voltmeters, pressure sensors, temperature sensors) (Class 349/199)
- Liquid crystal lenses other than for eyewear (Class 349/200)
- Liquid crystal diffraction element (Class 349/201)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
- With particular illumination (359/48) (Class 349/FOR100)
- Microencapsulated liquid crystal (359/51) (Class 349/FOR103)
- Plural contiguous cells (359/53) (Class 349/FOR105)
- Having electrodes arranged into rows and columns (359/54) (Class 349/FOR106)
- Having particular nonelectrical detail of cell structure enclosing or adjacent liquid crystal material (359/62) (Class 349/FOR113)
- With specified electrode excitation characteristic of liquid crystal material (359/84) (Class 349/FOR126)
- With detector of liquid crystal temperature (359/86) (Class 349/FOR128)
- Electrode detail (359/87) (Class 349/FOR129)
- Birefringers effect (359/93) (Class 349/FOR131)
- Variable index of refraction (359/94) (Class 349/FOR132)
- Variable diffraction (359/95) (Class 349/FOR133)
- Variable absorption of light due to an additive in the liquid crystal material (359/96) (Class 349/FOR134)
- With specified nonchemical characteristic of liquid crystal material (359/99) (Class 349/FOR137)
- Cell containing liquid crystal of specified composition (359/103) (Class 349/FOR141)