Dynamic Information Storage Or Retrieval Patents (Class 369)
- Including radiation storage or retrieval (Class 369/53.11)
- Of transducer assembly mechanism (Class 369/53.38)
- Of record carrier (Class 369/53.41)
- Having abnormality condition indicating (Class 369/53.42)
- Of relative motion producing mechanism (Class 369/53.43)
- Of storage or retrieval information signal (Class 369/53.44)
- Initialization or start-up mode or changing system mode (Class 369/53.45)
- Binary signal processing for controlling recording light characteristic (Class 369/59.11)
- Selecting from a plurality of binary processing types (Class 369/59.13)
- Changing a system mode (Class 369/59.14)
- Binary signal gain processing (Class 369/59.15)
- Binary signal level detecting using a reference signal (Class 369/59.17)
- Binary signal detecting using a clock signal (Class 369/59.19)
- Binary signal phase processing (Class 369/59.2)
- Including sampling or A/D converting (Class 369/59.21)
- Having specific code or form generation or regeneration processing (Class 369/59.23)
- Format arrangement processing for auxiliary information (Class 369/59.25)
- Binary signal processing of sectioned information (Class 369/59.26)
- Binary signal multiplexing or demultiplexing (Class 369/59.27)
- With mechanism to place disc on a turntable (Class 369/75.21)
- With electrical information signal processing (Class 369/76)
- Slotted for edgewise insertion of storage disc (Class 369/77.11)
- With lid-mounted transducer assembly carrier (Class 369/78)
- With closure-operated interlock or braking actuator (Class 369/79)
- Particular acoustical structure (e.g., baffle) (Class 369/80)
- Simulated spatial effect (e.g., pseudo-stereo) (Class 369/87)
- With transformation or intentional distortion of information signal (e.g., preemphasis) (Class 369/88)
- Quadraphonic (Class 369/89)
- Having distinct electrical channels (Class 369/91)
- Including distinct storage tracks on record medium (Class 369/92)
- Having layered storage medium (Class 369/94)
- Common time base (i.e., simultaneous) (Class 369/95)
- Continuous consecutive storage or retrieval of interrupted track for single signal (e.g., automatic reversal) (Class 369/96)
- Indexing to discrete signal tracks (e.g., consecutive, by chance) (Class 369/98)
- Radiation beam modification of or by storage medium (Class 369/100)
- Electrical modification or sensing of storage medium (e.g., capacitive, resistive, electrostatic charge) (Class 369/126)
- Mechanical modification or sensing of storage medium (Class 369/127)
- Including signal modification (Class 369/174)
- Having stationary storage medium (Class 369/177)
- Access of multiple storage elements (e.g., record changer) (Class 369/178.01)
- Additional motion of storage element support to effect tracking (Class 369/213)
- Having power driven transducer assembly (Class 369/215.1)
- Mechanism responsive to control structure on storage medium sensed by transducer assembly support (e.g., trip device) (Class 369/231)
- Mechanism condition or storage medium responsive control (Class 369/233)
- Specified detail of transducer assembly support structure (Class 369/244.1)
- Specific detail of storage medium support or motion production (Class 369/258.1)
- Combined with diverse art structure (Class 369/273)
- Composite (e.g., package with preview record) (Class 369/274)
- Optical track structure (e.g., phase or diffracting structure, etc.) (Class 369/275.1)
- Electrical track structure (Class 369/276)
- Special groove (e.g., particular groove shape) (Class 369/277)
- Specific disc profile (Class 369/280)
- Specified center hole or locating structure (Class 369/282)
- Layered (e.g., permanent protective layer) (Class 369/283)
- Flexible (Class 369/287)
- Specified material (Class 369/288)
- Adjuncts or adapters (Class 369/289.1)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Foreign Patent Art Collections
- With mechanism to place disc on a turntable (369/75.2) (Class 369/FOR140)
- Slotted for edgewise insertion of storage disc (369/77.1) (Class 369/FOR141)
- Having power driven transducer assembly (369/215) (Class 369/FOR145)
- Specific detail of transducer assembly support structure (e.g., tone arm) (369/244) (Class 369/FOR147)
- Specific detail of storage medium support or motion production (369/258) (Class 369/FOR150)