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Distillation: processes, separatory Patents (Class 203)
Distillation: Processes, Separatory Patents (Class 203)
With measuring, testing or inspecting (Class 203/1)
Of temperature or pressure (Class 203/2)
Of concentration (Class 203/3)
Including purging of the system (Class 203/4)
Separating isotopes or tautomers (Class 203/5)
Addition of material to distilland to inhibit or prevent reaction or to stabilize (Class 203/6)
For scale inhibiting or corrosion preventing (Class 203/7)
For inhibiting or preventing a polymerization reaction (Class 203/8)
Water purification only (Class 203/10)
Under pressure or vacuum (Class 203/11)
Distilling to separate or remove only water (Class 203/12)
From nitric acid (Class 203/13)
From organic compound (Class 203/14)
Including defoaming or inhibiting foam (Class 203/20)
And recovering heat by indirect heat exchange (Class 203/21)
Utilizing recovered heat for heating feed (Class 203/22)
Utilizing recovered heat for heating the distillation zone (Class 203/25)
Utilizing recovered heat in subsequent step in process (Class 203/27)
With chemical reaction (Class 203/28)
Including step of adding catalyst or reacting material (Class 203/29)
With disparate physical separation (Class 203/39)
Of entrained particles from a vapor or gas (Class 203/40)
Utilizing solid sorbent (Class 203/41)
Utilizing liquid sorption of component from gas or vapor (Class 203/42)
Utilizing liquid-liquid extracting of distillation product (Class 203/43)
Utilizing removing solid from liquid (Class 203/47)
Convective distillation with normally gaseous medium, e.g., air (Class 203/49)
Adding material to distilland except water or steam per se (Class 203/50)
At least two materials (Class 203/51)
Organic compound (Class 203/57)
Plural distillations performed on same material (Class 203/71)
One a filming distillation (Class 203/72)
One a distillation under positive pressure or vacuum (Class 203/73)
Distillation of initial distillate (Class 203/81)
And returning distillation product to a previous distillation zone (Class 203/84)
Including the addition of water or steam (Class 203/85)
Distillation in apparatus or element of specific material (Class 203/86)
With fractional condensation of vapor outside still (Class 203/87)
Flash vaporization of distilland (Class 203/88)
Filming of distilland for vaporization (Class 203/89)
Spraying of distilland into vaporization zone (Class 203/90)
Vaporization zone under positive pressure or vacuum (Class 203/91)
Including the addition of water or steam (Class 203/92)
And returning product of distillation step to distillation zone (Class 203/94)
Including addition of water or steam (Class 203/95)
To distillation column (Class 203/96)
And returning product of distillation step to distillation zone (Class 203/97)
And returning product of distillation step to distillation zone (Class 203/98)
Miscellaneous separatory (Class 203/99)
Cross-Reference Art Collections
Particular type of heating (Class 203/100)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 203/FOR000)
Solar still (Class 203/DIG1)
Laboratory distillation (Class 203/DIG2)
Acrylonitrile (Class 203/DIG3)
Heat pump (Class 203/DIG4)
Human waste (Class 203/DIG5)
Reactor-distillation (Class 203/DIG6)
Start up or shut down (Class 203/DIG7)
Waste heat (Class 203/DIG8)
Plural feed (Class 203/DIG9)
Vinyl acetate (Class 203/DIG10)
Batch distillation (Class 203/DIG11)
Spirits (Class 203/DIG13)
Ejector-eductor (Class 203/DIG14)
Combination (Class 203/DIG16)
Saline water conversion (Class 203/DIG17)
Control (Class 203/DIG18)
Sidestream (Class 203/DIG19)
Power plant (Class 203/DIG20)
Acrylic acid or ester (Class 203/DIG21)
Accessories (Class 203/DIG22)
Methanol (Class 203/DIG23)
Mobile, marine distiller (Class 203/DIG24)
Non-distilling bottoms treatment (Class 203/DIG25)