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Compound tools Patents (Class 7)
Compound Tools Patents (Class 7)
Automobile repair or maintenance (Class 7/100)
Watchmaking or repair (Class 7/101)
Shoemaking or leather working (Class 7/102)
Carpet installation, finishing, or trimming (Class 7/103)
Specialized to mining or miner's use, e.g., miner's candlestick (Class 7/104)
House painting, paper hanging, or glazing (Class 7/105)
Fishing (Class 7/106)
Electrical connection forming or wire preparation (Class 7/107)
With screwdriver (Class 7/108)
For stove, range, or furnace use (Class 7/109)
Cooking, baking, or kitchen food preparation (Class 7/110)
Rolling pin, combined or convertible (Class 7/111)
With culinary fork (Class 7/112)
With knife or cutter means (Class 7/113)
Weeding, gardening, or light agricultural or earthworking use (Class 7/114)
Pitch fork (Class 7/115)
Spade or shovel (Class 7/116)
Specialized to wire fence installation or repair (Class 7/117)
Pocketknife type (Class 7/118)
With gauge or other measuring means, e.g., ruler, level, etc. (Class 7/119)
With abrasive sharpening means (Class 7/120)
Thimble and thread cutter (Class 7/121)
Shingle gauge on hatchet, hand axe, or hammer (Class 7/122)
With button hook or shoe horn (Class 7/123)
Mutilating eraser combined with burnisher (Class 7/124)
Plier type (Class 7/125)
With receptacle opener or closure remover (Class 7/126)
With tool or plier handle (Class 7/127)
With cutter (Class 7/132)
With hammer (Class 7/137)
Wrench (Class 7/138)
Adjustable, e.g., monkey wrench, pipe wrench, etc. (Class 7/139)
Hammer (Class 7/143)
With cutter (Class 7/144)
Fixed form (Class 7/146)
Handsaw (Class 7/148)
Hacksaw frame type (Class 7/149)
With gauge or other measuring means, e.g., ruler, level, etc. (Class 7/150)
Receptacle opener or closure remover (Class 7/151)
Can opener cutter (Class 7/152)
Corkscrew (Class 7/155)
With cutter (Class 7/156)
Pipe or tube end former and/or cutter (Class 7/157)
Cutter combined with other tool or tools (Class 7/158)
Brush hook and axe (Class 7/159)
Desk use tool, e.g., letter opener, pencil sharpener, etc. (Class 7/160)
With hook (Class 7/161)
With means specialized to manicure use (Class 7/162)
With gauge or other measuring means, e.g., ruler, level, etc. (Class 7/163)
With gauge or other measuring means, e.g., ruler, level, etc. (Class 7/164)
With screwdriver (Class 7/165)
Crowbar or prybar (Class 7/166)
Holders or handles (Class 7/167)
For pivoted tools (Class 7/168)
Integral (Class 7/169)
Miscellaneous (Class 7/170)
Cross-Reference Art Collections
Resilient pivot (Class 7/900)
Magnetic feature (Class 7/901)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 7/FOR000)