Analysis And Testing Patents (Class 204/400)
  • Patent number: 6417009
    Abstract: A linker lipid for use in attaching a membrane including a plurality of ionophores to an electrode and providing a space between the membrane and the electrode in which the membrane is either in part or totally made up of the linker lipid. The linker lipid has within the same molecule a hydrophobic region capable of spanning the membrane, an attachment group used to attach the molecule to an electrode surface, a hydrophilic region intermediate the hydrophobic region and the attachment group, and a polar head group region attached to the hydrophobic region at a site remote from the hydrophilic region. The attachment group has a cross sectional area greater than the cross sectional area of the hydrophilic region, and has the structure recited in the specification.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 8, 1999
    Date of Patent: July 9, 2002
    Assignees: Australian Membrane and Biotechnology Institute, The University of Sydney
    Inventors: Burkhard Raguse, Christopher John Burns, Leslie David Field, Damon Donald Ridley
  • Patent number: 6416651
    Abstract: The Applicant's invention comprises an apparatus and method for determining the amount of one or more components in a pulping liquor. At a first electrode, a varying voltage is supplied in a voltage range including the half-wave potential of each component of a liquor to be measured, and accounting for variations in the half-wave potential caused by changing process parameters. At a second electrode, which is roughly ⅓ to ¼ the size of the first electrode, the derivative of current intensity is monitored near the known half-wave potential for the various liquor components. Using curve-fitting means, the derivative of current intensity and selected other process condition data is used to determine concentrations of the various liquor components.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 1999
    Date of Patent: July 9, 2002
    Assignee: Honeywell Measurex
    Inventor: Ord Millar
  • Publication number: 20020084184
    Abstract: The invention relates to a sensor adapted for electrical connection to a power source having an electrical contact means (3). The sensor has a first insulating substrate (1) carrying a first electrode (2) and a second insulating substrate (7) carrying a second electrode (6). The electrodes are disposed to face each other in spaced apart relationship, sandwiching a spacer (4) therebetween. A first cut-out portion extends through the first insulating substrate (1) and a spacer (4) to expose a first contact area (23) on the second insulating substrate (7). This permits the electrical contact means (31) to effect electrical connection with the first contact (23) which in turn is in electrically conductive connection with the second electrode (6). A similar contact arrangement may be disposed on the opposite side of the sensor.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 13, 2001
    Publication date: July 4, 2002
    Inventors: Garry Chambers, Alastair McIndoe Hodges, Thomas William Beck, Ian Andrew Maxwell
  • Patent number: 6413783
    Abstract: An assay apparatus includes a cell with a working electrode and a sonicating device structurally coupled to the cell for sonication the contents of the cell.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 1997
    Date of Patent: July 2, 2002
    Assignee: Meso Scale Technologies, LLC
    Inventors: Jacob N. Wohlstadter, James Wilbur, George Sigal, Mark Martin, Alan Fischer, Larry R. Helms, Ramin Darvari
  • Publication number: 20020079218
    Abstract: An optical reagent format with a precise capillary channel is made by molding a format on a carrier of a precise predetermined thickness. The carrier includes an insert at least a portion of which is molded in the format. Once the format is made, the insert is detached from the carrier and removed from the format leaving a precisely dimensioned capillary channel with an inlet and vent. A reagent may be applied in the capillary channel and the format used to measure the analyte in a fluid such as blood.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 7, 2001
    Publication date: June 27, 2002
    Inventors: Allen J. Brenneman, Frank W. Wogoman
  • Patent number: 6410251
    Abstract: A method for detecting or assaying one constituting member in a specific binding pair, for example, the antigen in an antigen/antibody pair, by utilizing specific binding such as binding between an antigen and an antibody, together with redox reaction for detecting a label, wherein an oxygen micro-electrode with a sensing surface area of 1 mm2 or less is used; and an apparatus to which the method is applicable. According to the method and by using the apparatus, redox reaction for assaying the label can be completed in such a short time as several minutes. Therefore, an inexpensive disposable apparatus for household use can be realized.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 15, 1999
    Date of Patent: June 25, 2002
    Assignee: Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Chuo Kenkyusho
    Inventors: Fumihiko Hoshino, Osamu Asami, Hideo Nakane, Yukio Yamada
  • Publication number: 20020071785
    Abstract: An integrated micropump or a plurality of integrated micropumps are communicated to a plurality of analysis chambers. A plurality of integrated analysis chambers include integrated analysis devices to test a fluid for an analyte. The micropumps continuously or periodically pump the fluid into the analysis chambers and flush the analysis chambers after analysis of the analyte. In one embodiment, the analysis device comprises an integrated LED and an integrated optical detector. The LED and detector are tuned to an optical absorption line of the analyte. The micropumps are composed of nitrides of B, Al, Ga, In, Tl or combinations thereof and fabricated using photoelectrochemical techniques. The analysis chambers, and micropumps including the analysis devices are simultaneously fabricated during which fabrication of the micropumps and the analysis devices are masked from the photoelectrochemical techniques.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 7, 2001
    Publication date: June 13, 2002
    Inventors: Robert A. Beach, Robert P. Strittmatter, Thomas C. McGill
  • Publication number: 20020063067
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a high through-put system for determining and/or monitoring electrophysiological properties of ion channels of ion channel-containing membranes, typically lipid membrane-containing structures such as cells. In particular, the invention provides a substrate which provides means for automatically positioning cells at measuring sites using electroosmotic flow in canals formed on or in the substrate. The electroosmotic flow is generated and controlled by electroosmotic flow pumps integrated on the substrate or positioned in relation thereto. Thereby, cells can be positioned in favorable measurement configuration at a plurality of sites for performing testing and measurements. Also, the invention relates to a main electric circuit for performing testing and measurements on a plurality of cells in parallel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 2, 2001
    Publication date: May 30, 2002
    Inventors: Morten Bech, Jorgen Due, Lars Thomsen, Jonatan Kutchinsky, Rafael Taboryski, Bent Erling Nielsen, John Shaw, John Dodgson
  • Patent number: 6395158
    Abstract: A sensor for measuring pH of a solution includes a housing with an exterior surface for exposure to the solution. A measuring glass electrode within a tubular circuit ground electrode extends through the exterior surface. A reference glass electrode is received in a neutral pH solution in the housing and is coupled by a salt bridge to the exterior surface. An electric circuit within the housing has a first preamplifier connected by a first conductor to the measuring glass electrode and has a second preamplifier connected by a second conductor to the reference glass electrode. The first and second conductors have substantially equal lengths so that ambient electrical noise equally affects signals from the electrodes. The electrical cable that carries output signals from the electric circuit passes through a ferrite sleeve which inhibits high frequency electric noise that is induced in the cable from reaching the electric circuit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 2000
    Date of Patent: May 28, 2002
    Assignee: GLI International
    Inventors: Karl L. King, Joseph A. Millhouse
  • Patent number: 6391173
    Abstract: An electrochemical corrosion potential sensor includes a ceramic tip insulating member, and a sensor tip joined to the ceramic tip insulating member, the sensor tip comprising an alloy. Further, a coating is provided on an outer surface of the sensor tip, the coating including a noble metal, and a conductor electrically connected to said sensor tip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 1999
    Date of Patent: May 21, 2002
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Young-Jin Kim, Prodyot Roy
  • Patent number: 6379513
    Abstract: The invention relates to a sensor adapted for electrical connection to a power source having an electrical contact means (3). The sensor has a first insulating substrate (1) carrying a first electrode (2) and a second insulating substrate (7) carrying a second electrode (6). The electrodes are disposed to face each other in spaced apart relationship, sandwiching a spacer (4) therebetween. A first cut-out portion extends through the first insulating substrate (1) and a spacer (4) to expose a first contact area (23) on the second insulating substrate (7). This permits the electrical contact means (31) to effect electrical connection with the first contact (23) which in turn is in electrically conductive connection with the second electrode (6). A similar contact arrangement may be disposed on the opposite side of the sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 20, 1999
    Date of Patent: April 30, 2002
    Assignee: USF Filtration and Separations Group Inc.
    Inventors: Garry Chambers, Alastair McIndoe Hodges, Thomas William Beck, Ian Andrew Maxwell
  • Patent number: 6372105
    Abstract: A method of producing a silver halide photographic emulsion in which a silver ion concentration in precipitation of a silver halide emulsion in a precipitation bath is controlled, wherein a precipitation bath in which stirring is conducted rapidly and uniformly, and crystal formation and crystal growth are uniformly performed is used, the method comprises the steps of: in a start period of precipitation, quantitavely adding a silver nitrate solution and a halogen salt solution at a constant ratio flow rate; when an EAg value reaches a designated EAg value region in the vicinity of a preset target EAg value, starting a control of an adding rate of the halogen salt solution by using a controller which has an operation period equal to or shorter than 1 sec.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1996
    Date of Patent: April 16, 2002
    Assignee: Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Hirokazu Saito, Sugihiko Tada
  • Patent number: 6370213
    Abstract: An ECP sensor includes a tubular ceramic probe having a closed tip at one end packed with a metal and metal oxide powder. A metal support tube receives an opposite end of the probe, and is joined thereto by a braze joint therewith. An electrical conductor extends through the support tube and probe, and has an end buried in the powder for electrical contact therewith. A ceramic band bridges the probe and tube at the joint for sealing thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 1999
    Date of Patent: April 9, 2002
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Young Jin Kim, Eric Moran, Donald Allan Hale
  • Patent number: 6368795
    Abstract: Systems and methods for detecting molecular binding events and other environmental effects using the unique dielectric properties of the bound molecular structure or structures are presented. A molecular binding layer is coupled along the surface of a signal path. A test signal is propagated along the signal path, whereby the test signal couples to the molecular binding layer, and in response, exhibits a signal response.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 1, 1999
    Date of Patent: April 9, 2002
    Assignee: Signature BioScience, Inc.
    Inventor: John Hefti
  • Patent number: 6358752
    Abstract: A test device and method for detecting or quantifying an analyte in a test sample employs an interdigitated electrode array and electroactive marker-encapsulating liposomes for signal generation and detection. The test device includes a contact portion on a first absorbent material, a capture portion either on the first absorbent material, or on a second absorbent material in fluid flow contact with the first absorbent material. The capture portion has a binding material specific for a portion of the analyte bound thereto. The device further includes an electrode array including first and second conductors each having a plurality of fingers, wherein the fingers of the conductors are interdigitated. The electrode array is positioned to induce redox cycling of an electroactive marker released either in or beyond the capture portion, depending upon whether direct (proportional) or indirect (inversely proportional) detection or measurement is desired.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 20, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 19, 2002
    Assignees: Cornell Research Foundation, Inc., Innovative Biotechnologies International, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard Allen Durst, Richard A. Montagna, Antje J. Bäumner, Sui Ti A. Siebert, Geoffrey S. Rule
  • Patent number: 6355150
    Abstract: An analyzer for continuously measuring the H2S content of a gas stream which utilizes a drying module for drying the gas, a compressor for compressing the gas, a means for diluting the compressed sample and an electrical chemical sensor. The invention is also a device for regulating the flow rate of air to a H2S oxidation system which utilizes the analyzer to control the ratio of air to H2S stream entering the process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 3, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 12, 2002
    Assignee: Elf Exploration Production
    Inventors: Sabine Savin-Poncet, Andre Pepy, Pierre Becourt
  • Publication number: 20020025580
    Abstract: Membranes incorporating surfactants of a synthetic polymer rendered permeable by the surfactant. The membranes are blood compatible and may be used in biosensors and also for dialysis. The preferred polymer is PVC.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 29, 1998
    Publication date: February 28, 2002
  • Patent number: 6350367
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to a stable, non-hazardous solution for calibrating oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) measurement cells. The redox standard calibration solution of the present invention consists essentially of an aqueous solution containing the triiodide/iodide redox couple. In a preferred embodiment, the solution of the present invention consists essentially of an aqueous solution containing up to about 0.01 moles per liter of iodine (I2) and at least about 1 mole per liter of potassium iodide. In a most preferred embodiment, the solution of the present invention consists of an aqueous solution of 4 molar potassium iodide (KI) and 0.0067 molar iodine (I2).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 23, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 26, 2002
    Assignee: Orion Research, Inc.
    Inventor: Steven J. West
  • Publication number: 20020020624
    Abstract: An electrode electrolyte system is provided that is capable of operating in slope sensors in a wide range of temperatures. The eletrolytic system is characterized by a stable conductivity at high temperature and by low toxicity. The slope sensor can be installed in a system containing an Nal solution in propylene carbonate, combined with platinum electrodes.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 10, 2001
    Publication date: February 21, 2002
    Inventors: Patrick Altmeier, Andreas Konrad
  • Patent number: 6348319
    Abstract: The present invention provides a biosensor for use in detecting the presence of an enzyme or enzymes in a sample. The biosensor comprises a membrane and means for determining the impedance of the membrane. The membrane includes ionophores therein to which are attached linkers. The linkers are cleavable by the enzyme or enzymes to be detected, with the cleavage of the linker causing a change in the ability of ions to pass through the membrane via the ionophores.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 10, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 19, 2002
    Assignees: Australian Membrane and Biotechnology Research Institute, University of Sydney
    Inventors: Vijoleta Lucija Bronislava Braach-Maksvytis, Bruce Andrew Cornell, David Geoffrey Thomson, Burkhard Raguse
  • Publication number: 20020017459
    Abstract: A pretreatment method for element analysis of metal samples removes contaminants on the surface of the metal sample by sputtering while at least one electrode for sputtering is cooled. A pretreatment apparatus for element analysis of metal samples for performing the method includes a cathode for holding the metal sample, anodes arranged to counter the cathode for sputtering, and a pretreatment chamber to store the cathode, anodes and metal sample under an inert gas atmosphere. The apparatus includes a cooling device for cooling at least one of the electrodes. The cathode and the anodes may be interchanged in the apparatus.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 29, 2001
    Publication date: February 14, 2002
    Applicant: Kawasaki Steel Corporation
    Inventors: Hisao Yasuhara, Makoto Shimura, Kenji Abiko, Hideo Iwai, Takashi Niida
  • Patent number: 6344133
    Abstract: A process for operating an electrochemical measuring cell (1) is described, with which it is possible to carry out gas concentration measurements already shortly after switching on the measuring cell (1). The process includes the steps that potential voltage pulses are applied to the measuring cell (1) in a state of readiness of the measuring cell (1), in which the potential voltage is switched off. A system and device are also described.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2002
    Assignee: Dräger Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
    Inventors: Philip Michael Formica, Ingo Kaneblei
  • Patent number: 6344333
    Abstract: The present invention relates to an apparatus to perform reagent-free assays, which apparatus utilizes an all solid probe having an enzyme label that acts on a substrate by obtaining electrons directly from the electrode by bioelectrocatalysis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 1998
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2002
    Assignee: Synectig Corporation
    Inventor: Andrei L. Gindilis
  • Patent number: 6342346
    Abstract: Electrode membrane combinations for use in biosensors to detect analytes in a sample and methods for making and storing same are disclosed. In one aspect, a method is provided for producing a first layer electrode membrane comprising: (1) Forming a solution containing Linker Lipid A, the disulfide of mercaptoacetic acid (MAAD) or similar molecule, linker Gramicidin B, membrane spanning lipid C (MSL-C) and membrane spanning lipid D (MSL-D) or other suitable linker molecules and other ion channel combinations; (2) Contacting an electrode containing a clean gold surface with the solution, the disulfide containing components in the solution thus adsorbing onto the gold surface of the electrode; (3) Rinsing the electrode with a suitable organic solvent; and (4) Removing the excess organic solvent used for rinsing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 4, 1999
    Date of Patent: January 29, 2002
    Assignee: Australian Membrane and Biotechnology Research Institute
    Inventors: Burkhard Raguse, Ronald John Pace, Lionel George King, Vijoleta Lucija Braach-Maksvytis, Bruce Cornell
  • Patent number: 6340418
    Abstract: An electrochemical sensor for insertion into slag for determining the activity of a metal oxide in the slag is disclosed. The sensor includes a reference electrode comprising a mixture of a metal alloy and a metal oxide, the metal alloy and the metal oxide each being exposed on a surface of the reference electrode. The sensor also includes at least one oxide electrode comprising a mixture of a metal alloy and a metal oxide different from the mixture of the reference electrode, the metal alloy and the metal oxide of the oxide electrode each being exposed on a surface of the oxide electrode. The sensor further includes a refractory housing holding the reference electrode and each oxide electrode. The reference electrode and each oxide electrode extend from the refractory housing such that the surface of the reference electrode and the surface of the oxide electrode are each in direct contact with the slag when the sensor is inserted into the slag.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 2000
    Date of Patent: January 22, 2002
    Inventor: Ethem T. Turkdogan
  • Patent number: 6338960
    Abstract: Histamine may be quantitatively measured by performing the following steps. First, an oocyte that expresses histamine receptors is held in a recess formed at the bottom of a vessel. Then, first and second electrodes are inserted into the oocyte. Subsequently, the membrane potential of the oocyte is measured by using the first electrode to stabilize this membrane potential at a predetermined level by driving a current through the second electrode using circuitry for clamping the membrane potential of the oocyte. A sample is then infused into a fine reacting tube having an antigen immobilized on its inner surface together with some buffer solution to promote a histamine releasing reaction. The solution containing histamines that is released in the fine reacting tube is transferred to the vessel to make contact with the oocyte in the vessel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 2001
    Date of Patent: January 15, 2002
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tomoko Takeshita, Jun Otomo
  • Patent number: 6338968
    Abstract: Systems and methods are presented for detecting molecular binding events and other environmental effects using the unique dielectric properties of the bound molecular structure or structures. A molecular binding region is coupled along the surface of a signal path. A test signal is propagated along the signal path, whereby the test signal couples to the molecular binding region, and in response, exhibits a signal response.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1999
    Date of Patent: January 15, 2002
    Assignee: Signature BioScience, Inc.
    Inventor: John Hefti
  • Publication number: 20020003087
    Abstract: As embodied and broadly described herein, the invention provides an electrode test strip. The electrochemical electrode test strip comprises an insulating base plate, a electrode system on the base plate, a spacer which partially covers the electrode system and a channel trench with a constant width is formed thereof, a reactive film, and a cover on the spacer with an first opening thereof. Wherein the electrode system comprises at least a working electrode and a reference electrode, and the working electrode and the reference electrode is isolated. The reactive film contains at least on active species that can have a specific redox reaction with the analyte. The first opening exposes the channel trench, and two second openings are located at the two ends of the channel trench.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 31, 2001
    Publication date: January 10, 2002
    Inventor: Lee Chih-hui
  • Patent number: 6337178
    Abstract: Histamine may be quantitatively measured by performing the following steps. First, an oocyte that expresses histamine receptors is held in a recess formed at the bottom of a vessel. Then, first and second electrodes are inserted into the oocyte. Subsequently, the membrane potential of the oocyte is measured by using the first electrode to stabilize this membrane potential at a predetermined level by driving a current through the second electrode using circuitry for clamping the membrane potential of the oocyte. A sample is then infused into a fine reacting tube having an antigen immobilized on its inner surface together with some buffer solution to promote a histamine releasing reaction. The solution containing histamines that is released in the fine reacting tube is transferred to the vessel to make contact with the oocyte in the vessel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 2001
    Date of Patent: January 8, 2002
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tomoko Takeshita, Jun Otomo
  • Patent number: 6335201
    Abstract: The activity of intracellular chemical reactions of molecules is measured by the use of fluorescently labeled substrate molecules that undergo a change in electrophoretic mobility upon chemical reaction such as that catalyzed by an enzyme. Specificity is achieved by using labeled substrate molecules that can be acted upon only by specific enzymes. Thus the activity of a specific enzyme or class of enzymes can be determined. Measurements are made with the intracellular presence of such substrate molecules, at some time of interest, typically after exposure of the cell to a stimulus that activates a particular enzymatic pathway. To ensure accuracy, measurements must be made in a timely manner so as to minimize chemical reactions occurring subsequent to the time of interest. Fast controllable laser lysis is used to obtain the contents of a single cell into which reporter substrate molecules have been introduced.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 21, 1999
    Date of Patent: January 1, 2002
    Assignee: The Regents of the University of California
    Inventors: Nancy L. Allbritton, Christopher E. Sims, Michael W. Berns, Gavin D. Meredith, Tatiana B. Krasieva, Bruce J. Tromberg
  • Publication number: 20010051337
    Abstract: The invention is a method for the formation and analysis of novel miniature deposition domains. These deposition domains are placed on a surface to form a molecular array. The molecular array is scanned with an AFM to analyze molecular recognition events and the effect of introduced agents on defined molecular interactions. This approach can be carried out in a high throughput format, allowing rapid screening of thousands of molecular species in a solid state array. The procedures described here have the added benefit of allowing the measurement of changes in molecular binding events resulting from changes in the analysis environment or introduction of additional effector molecules to the assay system. The processes described herein are extremely useful in the search for compounds such as new drugs for treatment of undesirable physiological conditions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 18, 2000
    Publication date: December 13, 2001
    Inventors: Eric Henderson, Curtis Mosher, Michael P. Lynch
  • Patent number: 6329154
    Abstract: Histamine may be quantitatively measured by performing the following steps. First, an oocyte that expresses histamine receptors is held in a recess formed at the bottom of a vessel. Then, first and second electrodes are inserted into the oocyte. Subsequently, the membrane potential of the oocyte is measured by using the first electrode to stabilize this membrane potential at a predetermined level by driving a current through the second electrode using circuitry for clamping the membrane potential of the oocyte. A sample is then infused into a fine reacting tube having an antigen immobilized on its inner surface together with some buffer solution to promote a histamine releasing reaction. The solution containing histamines that is released in the fine reacting tube is transferred to the vessel to make contact with the oocyte in the vessel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2001
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tomoko Takeshita, Jun Otomo
  • Patent number: 6329194
    Abstract: Histamine may be quantitatively measured by performing the following steps. First, an oocyte that expresses histamine receptors is held in a recess formed at the bottom of a vessel. Then, first and second electrodes are inserted into the oocyte. Subsequently, the membrane potential of the oocyte is measured by using the first electrode to stabilize this membrane potential at a predetermined level by driving a current through the second electrode using circuitry for clamping the membrane potential of the oocyte. A sample is then infused into a fine reacting tube having an antigen immobilized on its inner surface together with some buffer solution to promote a histamine releasing reaction. The solution containing histamines that is released in the fine reacting tube is transferred to the vessel to make contact with the oocyte in the vessel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2001
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Tomoko Takeshita, Jun Otomo
  • Patent number: 6326213
    Abstract: A fluorescent fiber-optic biosensor system using ultrasonic concentration of particles and cells for the detection of Salmonella typhimurium. A biosensor test chamber serves as an ultrasonic standing-wave cell that allows microspheres or cells to be concentrated in parallel layers or in a column along the axis of the cell. A fiber probe along the axis delivers laser excitation to fluorescent-labeled antibodies of Salmonella and collects the fluorescent signal. The Salmonella-antibody complexes are moved acoustically to the axis of the cell, increasing the fluorescent signal. Alternatively, the Salmonella-labelled antibody complexes attach to unlabeled antibodies that have been immobilized on the surface of polystyrene microspheres. This entire structure can be manipulated acoustically and the increase in the fluorescent signal, which can be an order of magnitude, indicates the presence of Salmonella.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 9, 1998
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: The Boards of Govenors for Higher Education, State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations
    Inventors: Stephen V. Letcher, A. Garth Rand, Chonghua Zhou
  • Patent number: 6325917
    Abstract: A method for estimating the concentration of a reduced (or oxidised) form of a redox species in a liquid comprises contacting an area of a first electrode (2) with a sample (5) of the liquid, contacting the sample (5) with a second electrode (2) spaced apart from the first (2), applying a potential between the electrodes while the electrodes are sufficiently closely spaced that reaction products formed at each electrode diffuse to the other electrode while the potential is applied, measuring or estimating a value indicative of the change in current as a function of time and a value indicative of the steady state current, and determining from said volume, said current as a function of time, and said steady state current the concentration of reduced (or oxidised) form of the species in the liquid sample.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 11, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: USF Filtration and Separations Group, Inc.
    Inventors: Ian Andrew Maxwell, Thomas William Beck, Alastair McIndoe Hodges
  • Patent number: 6326215
    Abstract: Disclosed is a sensor for sensing the presence of an analyte component without relying on redox mediators. This sensor includes (a) a plurality of conductive polymer strands each having at least a first end and a second end and each aligned in a substantially common orientation; (b) a plurality of molecular recognition headgroups having an affinity for the analyte component and being attached to the first ends of the conductive polymer strands; and (c) an electrode substrate attached to the conductive polymer strands at the second ends. The electrode substrate is capable of reporting to an electronic circuit reception of mobile charge carriers (electrons or holes) from the conductive polymer strands. The electrode substrate may be a photovoltaic diode. Also disclosed is method of forming a sensor capable of sensing the presence of an analyte component. This method includes (a) contacting a sensor substrate (e.g.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 30, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: KeenSense, Inc.
    Inventor: Randy E. Keen
  • Patent number: 6326160
    Abstract: The invention relates generally to methods, systems, and devices for measuring the concentration of target analytes present in a biological system using a series of measurements obtained from a monitoring system and a Mixtures of Experts (MOE) algorithm. In one embodiment, the present invention describes a method for measuring blood glucose in a subject.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: Cygnus, Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy C. Dunn, Yalia Jayalakshmi, Ronald T. Kurnik, Matthew J. Lesho, Jonathan James Oliver, Russell O. Potts, Janet A. Tamada, Steven Richard Waterhouse, Charles W. Wei
  • Patent number: 6325973
    Abstract: An apparatus for performing a binding assay for an analyte of interest in a sample based upon measurement of clectrochemiluminescence at an electrode surface comprising: (a) a cell defining a sample; (b) an electrode adjacent a portion of the sample containing volume; (c) a voltage control device for impressing electrochemical energy upon the electrode sufficient to generate luminescence; (d) means for magnetically collecting particles along the electrode surface; and (e) a light detection device for measuring the luminescence.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 19, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: IGEN International, Inc.
    Inventors: John K. Leland, Haresh P. Shah, John H. Kenten, Jack E. Goodman, George E. Lowke, Yuzaburo Namba, Gary F. Blackburn, Richard J. Massey
  • Patent number: 6325904
    Abstract: An array of electrodes at the atomic or nano scale (nanoelectrodes) is built on a chip. The spatial distribution, height, width and electrochemical composition of the nanoelectrodes is varied, such that protein-specific electronic receptors are built directly on the chip with the nanoelectrodes without the use of any specific binding agents or molecules. Because of their size, a very large number of different receptors can be built as arrays on a single chip. The chip can be used to detect, characterize and quantify single molecules in solution such as individual proteins, complex protein mixtures, DNA or other molecules.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: Protiveris, Inc.
    Inventor: John P. Peeters
  • Publication number: 20010045355
    Abstract: A system for conducting a plurality of different medical diagnostic tests comprises a hand-held portable self contained instrument for engaging a disposable test cell containing a fluid to be tested. The instrument performs a diagnostic test selected from the plurality of tests upon the fluid within the test cell, the test being selected by the instrument based upon identification information obtained from the test cell. A disposable, single use test cell is provided for receiving fluid to be diagnostically tested. The test cell includes identification information indicative of a particular test to be performed upon the fluid, the test cell being sized and shaped for engagement by the instrument.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 5, 2001
    Publication date: November 29, 2001
    Applicant: Clinical Analysis Corporation
    Inventors: Chad Stephen Gephart, H. William Loesch, Charles Francis McBrairty, Edward James McBrairty, Michael J. Rello, Thomas Kite Sharpless, Donald Wayne Shive
  • Patent number: 6322676
    Abstract: Magnetic composites exhibit distinct flux properties due to gradient interfaces. The composites can be used to improve fuel cells and effect transport and separation of different species of materials. A variety of devices can be made utilizing the composites including a separator, a cell, an electrode for channeling flux of magnetic species, an electrode for effecting electrolysis of magnetic species, a system for channeling electrolyte species, a system for separating particles with different magnetic susceptibilities. Some composites can be used to make a dual sensor for distinguishing between two species of materials and a flux switch to regulate the flow of a redox species and a flux switch to regulate the flow of a chemical species. Some composites can control chemical species transport and distribution.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 25, 1998
    Date of Patent: November 27, 2001
    Assignee: University of Iowa Research Foundation
    Inventors: Johna Leddy, Sudath Amarasinghe
  • Patent number: 6319705
    Abstract: A microchip device for electrophoresis includes not only a microchip having a separation flow route for separating a sample electrophoretically and an electrical power source for applying a migration potential difference along the separation flow route but also a grating for dispersing light received from each position within a specified range along the separation flow route in a direction perpendicular to the separation flow route, a two-dimensional light-receiving device such as charge-coupled devices for receiving dispersed light from the grating at light-receiving positions which are two-dimensionally distributed parallel to and and perpendicular to the separation flow route, and a data processor for receiving measured values obtained repeatedly by said two-dimensional light-receiving means and carrying out multi-point averaging on the measured values for each of the light-receiving positions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 4, 2000
    Date of Patent: November 20, 2001
    Assignee: Shimadzu Corporation
    Inventor: Hiroshi Tanaka
  • Patent number: 6319374
    Abstract: A measuring electrode system having a measuring body 2 (22) replaceably provided on a rotatable shaft (21). The rotating shaft is provided with a spring loaded contact pin (25, 26). When the measuring body is attached to the shaft the electrodes (16, 18) running through the measuring body will be brought in electrical connection with the contact pins.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 2000
    Date of Patent: November 20, 2001
    Assignee: CLL Connectors & Cables AB
    Inventor: Magnus Nordling
  • Patent number: 6319375
    Abstract: An apparatus for identifying an unknown reactive gas in a carrier gas, utilizing a sensor with a diffusion limited inlet. The apparatus includes a manifold of predetermined volume having an inlet and outlet, an inlet valve in the manifold inlet, an outlet valve in the manifold outlet, a gas detector in communication with the manifold, a diffusion barrier disposed between the manifold and the gas detector for limiting diffusion of gas from the manifold into the gas detector, means for opening and closing the inlet and outlet valves, means for detecting an output signal from the gas detector, means for determining a coefficient of diffusion for the reactive gas from the output signal, and means for identifying and quantifying the reactive gas from the determined coefficient of diffusion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 2000
    Date of Patent: November 20, 2001
    Assignee: Industrial Sceintific Corporation
    Inventor: P. Richard Warburton
  • Patent number: 6315954
    Abstract: An apparatus for generating high purity acid or base in an aqueous stream for use in analysis. For generating a base, the aqueous stream is directed through a cation exchange bed having first strongly acidic and second weakly acidic portions. An electrical potential is applied to the bed. Cations on the bed electromigrate into the aqueous stream while hydroxide ions are electrolytically generated to form a base-containing eluent. Analytes to be detected and the generated eluent flow through a detector.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1999
    Date of Patent: November 13, 2001
    Assignee: Dionex Corporation
    Inventors: Hamish Small, Nebojsa Avdalovic, Yan Liu
  • Publication number: 20010027926
    Abstract: An ultraviolet light measuring chip and a sensor are provided simple in structure, easy to handle and of high precise measurement. The chip comprises a first reaction chamber for detection of total received light and a second reaction chamber for detection of ultraviolet-cut received light. The first and second chambers contain or hold therein counter and reference electrodes immersed in coexistent electrolyte solution containing quinone, organic solvent and electrolyte the solution being also contained the chambers. The first chamber has a total light transmission window and a first working electrode immersed in the electrolyte solution. The second chamber has an ultraviolet-cut light transmission window and a second working electrode immersed in the electrolyte solution. The sensor is adapted to sweep voltages of the first and second working electrodes to the respective reference electrodes, detect respective currents and calculate out an amount of ultraviolet light from difference of the detected currents.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 30, 2001
    Publication date: October 11, 2001
    Inventors: Kazuyoshi Mori, Takeshi Nishida, Hideaki Hashimoto
  • Patent number: 6300141
    Abstract: A diagnostic card device for use in detecting or quantitating an analyte present in a liquid sample, comprising a card substrate having a sample introduction region, a biosensor, and a sample-flow pathway communicating between the sample-introduction region and the biosensor, circuitry for generating an analyte-dependent electrical signal from the biosensor; and a signal-responsive element for recording such signal. In one embodiment, the biosensor includes a detection surface with surface-bound molecules of a first charged, coil-forming peptide capable of interacting with a second, oppositely charged coil-forming peptide to form a stable &agr;-helical coiled-coil heterodimer, where the binding of the second peptide to the first peptide, to form such heterodimer, is effective to measurably alter a signal generated by the biosensor. The sample-flow pathway contains diffusibly bound conjugate of the second coil-forming peptide and the analyte (or an analyte analog) and immobilized analyte-binding agent.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 2000
    Date of Patent: October 9, 2001
    Assignee: Helix BioPharma Corporation
    Inventors: Donald Segal, Heman Chao, Wah Y. Wong, Jerry McElroy
  • Patent number: 6294062
    Abstract: A method and device for detection and quantification of biologically significant analytes in a liquid sample is described. The method includes contacting a volume of a liquid sample with predetermined amounts of at least a first and second redox reversible species having redox potentials differing by at least 50 millivolts. At least one of the redox reversible species comprises a liquid sample diffusible conjugate of a ligand analog of an analyte in the liquid sample and a redox reversible label. A predetermined amount of at least one specific binding partner for each analyte to be measured is combined with the sample and current flow is measured at first and second anodic and cathodic potentials and correlated with current flows for known concentrations of the respective diffusible redox reversible species. Diagnostic devices and kits, including such devices and the specified specific binding partner(s) and redox reversible species are also described.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 28, 1999
    Date of Patent: September 25, 2001
    Assignee: Roche Diagnostics Corporation
    Inventors: Harvey B. Buck, Jr., Zhi David Deng, Eric R. Diebold
  • Patent number: 6294133
    Abstract: A detector assembly for detecting a plurality of different properties at the same location at the same time is provided by integrating onto a single semiconductor substrate a first detector unit for measuring a first property and a second detector unit for measuring a second property. The first and second detector units can share, for example, a common element, such as a sensor device that can provide electrical output signals representative of, respectively, the first property and the second property. The common element can include a diaphragm with a pyroelectric element to provide a measurement of temperature and pressure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 12, 1999
    Date of Patent: September 25, 2001
    Assignee: Horiba, Ltd.
    Inventors: Kazuaki Sawada, Katsuhiko Tomita, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi, Hiroki Tanabe, Susumu Mimura, Toshihiko Uno
  • Patent number: 6291155
    Abstract: Electrode membrane combinations for use in biosensors to detect analytes in a sample and methods for making and storing same are disclosed. In one aspect, a method is provided for producing a first layer electrode membrane comprising: (1) Forming a solution containing Linker Lipid A, the disulfide of mercaptoacetic acid (MAAD) or similar molecule, linker Gramicidin B, membrane spanning lipid C (MSL-C) and membrane spanning lipid D (MSL-D) or other suitable linker molecules and other ion channel combinations; (2) Contacting an electrode containing a clean gold surface with the solution, the disulfide containing components in the solution thus adsorbing onto the gold surface of the electrode; (3) Rinsing the electrode with a suitable organic solvent; and (4) Removing the excess organic solvent used for rinsing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 4, 1999
    Date of Patent: September 18, 2001
    Assignee: Australian Membrane and Biotechnology Research Institute
    Inventors: Burkhard Raguse, Ronald John Pace, Lionel George King, Vijoleta Lucija Braach-Maksvytis, Bruce Cornell