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Data processing: structural design, modeling, simulation, and emulation Patents (Class 703)
Data Processing: Structural Design, Modeling, Simulation, And Emulation Patents (Class 703)
Structural design (Class 703/1)
Modeling by mathematical expression (Class 703/2)
Electrical analog simulator (Class 703/3)
Of electrical device or system (Class 703/4)
Of physical phenomenon (e.g., heat, wave, geophysics) (Class 703/5)
Simulating nonelectrical device or system (Class 703/6)
Mechanical (Class 703/7)
Fluid (Class 703/9)
Biological or biochemical (Class 703/11)
Chemical (Class 703/12)
Simulating electronic device or electrical system (Class 703/13)
Circuit simulation (Class 703/14)
Event-driven (Class 703/17)
Power system (Class 703/18)
Timing (Class 703/19)
Target device (Class 703/20)
Computer or peripheral device (Class 703/21)
Software program (i.e., performance prediction) (Class 703/22)
Emulation (Class 703/23)
Of peripheral device (Class 703/24)
Of instruction (Class 703/26)
Compatibility emulation (Class 703/27)
In-circuit emulator (i.e., ICE) (Class 703/28)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Class-related foreign documents (Class 703/FOR000)
Structural design (364/512) (Class 703/FOR512)
Design and analysis (364/488) (Class 703/FOR488)
Simulator (364/801) (Class 703/FOR801)
Of electrical phenomenon, device, or system (364/802) (Class 703/FOR802)
Of physical phenomenon (e.g., nuclear, heat, wave, geophysics) (364/806) (Class 703/FOR806)
Simulation (364/578) (Class 703/FOR578)
Of vehicle, part thereof, or traffic (364/805) (Class 703/FOR805)
Of phenomenon, device, or system (364/803) (Class 703/FOR803)
Well (364/804) (Class 703/FOR804)
Compatibility, simulation, or emulation of system components (395/500) (Class 703/FOR500)