Combined With Container, Enclosure, Or Support For Material To Be Heated Patents (Class 219/385)
- Combined with additional material support (Class 219/392)
- Oven performs plural diverse functions (Class 219/393)
- With plural ovens (Class 219/394)
- With plurality of separate heating units (Class 219/395)
- With heat energy transfer, distribution, or accumulator means (Class 219/399)
- With steam generating means (Class 219/401)
- With casing or support for heating unit or units (Class 219/402)
- With resistance heating means surrounding heating area (Class 219/406)
- With resistance heating unit or units fixed enclosed by or located within heating area (Class 219/408)
- With heating unit structure or composition (Class 219/409)
- With current or voltage control or regulating means (Class 219/412)
- With switch or other external circuit completing means (Class 219/414)
- Melting pot (Class 219/421)
- With plural separate heating units (Class 219/422)
- With protection means for heating unit or switch (Class 219/423)
- With resistance heating element surrounding or embedded within walls of container (Class 219/424)
- With current or voltage control means (Class 219/425)
- With significant heating unit structure or composition (Class 219/426)
- With heat storage or transfer means (Class 219/430)
- With pressure generating or maintaining means (Class 219/431)
- Vessel separable from stand (Class 219/432)
- With heating unit unitary with or attached to the stand (Class 219/433)
- With external electrical circuit connection or disconnection means (Class 219/435)
- With heating unit attaching or support means (Class 219/436)
- Material is an electronic semiconductor device (Class 219/444.1)
- With indicator (Class 219/445.1)
- Having sensor (Class 219/446.1)
- Heating by convection (Class 219/449.1)
- For direct contact with food (e.g., grill, griddle, etc.) (Class 219/450.1)
- Having support for a heating unit (Class 219/451.1)
- Having direct manually actuated electrical switch (Class 219/457.1)
- Having electrical connection (Class 219/458.1)
- Heating element gapped from underside of the exposed horizontal support surface (e.g., ceramic plate, radiation-type, etc.) (Class 219/460.1)
- Formed by tubularly shaped heating unit (Class 219/463.1)
- Heating element contacting planar underside of the exposed horizontal planar support surface (e.g., sheet metal, etc.) (Class 219/465.1)
- Heating element is embedded in the exposed horizontal planar support surface (Class 219/468.1)
- Heating element is in a groove formed on underside of the exposed horizontal planar support surface (e.g., cast metal plate, etc.) (Class 219/468.2)