With An Insulated Gate (epo) Patents (Class 257/E21.409)
E Subclasses
- With source or drain region formed by Schottky barrier or conductor-insulator-semiconductor structure (EPO) (Class 257/E21.425)
- With single crystalline channel formed on the silicon substrate after insulating device isolation (EPO) (Class 257/E21.426)
- With asymmetry in channel direction, e.g., high-voltage lateral transistor with channel containing layer, e.g., p-base (EPO) (Class 257/E21.427)
- With a recessed gate, e.g., lateral U-MOS (EPO) (Class 257/E21.428)
- With source and drain recessed by etching or recessed and refi lled (EPO) (Class 257/E21.431)
- With source and drain contacts formation strictly before final gate formation, e.g., contact first technology (EPO) (Class 257/E21.432)
- Where the source and drain or source and drain extensions are self-aligned to sides of gate (EPO) (Class 257/E21.433)