Chemical Reactor Patents (Class 422/129)
- With liquid present (Class 422/140)
- Plural reaction beds (Class 422/141)
- Including specific wind box or particulate matter support grid (Class 422/143)
- Including means to strip reaction mass from, or to regenerate, the particulate matter (including fluidized bed regenerators, per se) (Class 422/144)
- And means providing flow of particulate matter into or out of reaction chamber (Class 422/145)
- With heat exchange means affecting reaction chamber or reactants located therein (Class 422/146)
- And means mechanically separating and removing particulate bed material from fluid effluent (Class 422/147)
- With means injecting quench stream into reaction chamber downstream of reaction site (Class 422/151)
- With particulate product collecting surface and means mechanically removing product therefrom (Class 422/152)
- With plural sequential reaction zones or chambers (Class 422/156)
- Vapor phase reaction type (Class 422/158)
- Including means providing sequential purification stages (Class 422/169)
- With heat exchanger for reaction chamber or reactants located therein (Class 422/173)
- Including waste gas flow distributor upstream of reaction site and within reaction chamber modifying velocity profile of gas (Class 422/176)
- Including solid, extended surface, fluid contact reaction means; e.g., inert Raschig rings, particulate absorbent, particulate or monolithic catalyst, etc. (Class 422/177)
- Including means injecting combustion fuel into reaction chamber in direct contact with waste gas (Class 422/182)
- Including plural parallel reaction stages with each stage in the form of a plate (Class 422/601)
- Plate-type laminated reactor (Class 422/602)
- Microscale reactor (Class 422/603)
- With gas contact means for degassing or agitating (e.g., sparging, etc.) (Class 422/604)
- With draft tube (Class 422/605)
- With multiphase mixing means (Class 422/606)
- With distributor or collection tray (Class 422/607)
- With separation or purification means (e.g., rectification, evaporation, ion exchanger, extraction, settler, absorption, recrystallization, etc.) (Class 422/608)
- Combined with contact material regenerating means (e.g., regenerating catalyst, etc.) (Class 422/619)
- Combined with recycling means (e.g., recycling products, reactants, etc.) (Class 422/620)
- Including a boiler (Class 422/623)
- Including a mechanical means for transportation of material (e.g., conveyor, turntable, truck, etc.) (Class 422/624)
- Including reformer reactor (Class 422/625)
- Discrete sequential reaction stages (Class 422/630)
- Including plural parallel reaction stages with each stage in the form of a reaction tube (Class 422/650)
- Electrical type (Class 422/199)
- Indirect heat-exchange tube within reaction chamber with a nonreactant heat-exchange fluid passing therethrough (Class 422/200)
- Heat-exchange jacket surrounding reaction chamber (Class 422/202)
- Regenerative heat sink (Class 422/206)
- Means injecting internal quench stream into reaction stream downstream of reaction stage (Class 422/207)
- Apparatus operates at positive pressure (Class 422/208)
- With means removing and recovering product from extended surface contact material (Class 422/212)
- Particulate contact material type and means providing flow of particulate material into or out of reaction chamber with reactants or products (Class 422/213)
- Compact bed of particulate, fluid contact material and means providing gravity flow of material within bed (Class 422/216)
- And means upstream of extended surface, fluid contact means removing particulate impurities from reactant stream (Class 422/217)
- Fixed annularly shaped bed of contact material and means directing reactant therethrough substantially perpendicular to longitudinal axis of bed (Class 422/218)
- And means loading contact material into, or unloading contact material from, reactor or means providing internal contact material reservoir (Class 422/219)
- And reactant flow distributor upstream of contact means and within reaction chamber modifying velocity profile of reactant flow (Class 422/220)
- Fixed contact bed type with resilient or differential thermal expansion compensating bed support means (Class 422/221)
- Unitary (i.e., nonparticulate) contact bed, (e.g., monolithic catalyst bed, etc.) (Class 422/222)
- With contact material regenerating means, per se, or combined with reactor (Class 422/223)